Panther Commando

Chapter 3720: enemy on the hillside

When Zhang Wa saw Cheng Ru and Wang Dali running out, he pointed at the trees in front of Xiao Hua, who was running, and crouched in the grass and whispered, "Xiao Hua, take me to Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng."

Xiaohua heard the sound and glanced at the Chengru people who were running around, as if she understood that she wanted to surround the enemy. With a flash of blue light in her eyes, she turned around and ran into the forest again. Zhang Wa carried the gun, bent over and ran to the tall wormwood pile on the side, followed by hiding in the grass, and quickly got into the woods in front.

It didn't take long, Wang Dali's machine gun suddenly sounded in the green mountains in the distance, followed by Wu Xueying's assault rifle also sounded from the side hillside, Wen Meng was lying behind the sniper rifle on the side of a rock, the muzzle was aimed quickly. She saw a group of dark shadows on the distant hillside, but she did not pull the trigger, waiting for Xiaohua to send the signal to shoot.

When Wang Dali and Wu Xueying suddenly rang out, the three boys who were rising and falling from the hillside and approaching the foot of the hill fell down on the hillside, followed by several figures on the surrounding hillsides lying in the thick grass.

The sudden sound of machine guns and assault rifles surprised the enemies on the hillside! Just now they thought that there were only the two people in the forest in this mountain, and the two came from the mountain behind where the red and blue light beams shot out from the rainstorm, so they thought they were carrying treasures that could shoot light beams. But they did not expect that there were other companions in the mountains behind, and they were carrying a powerful machine gun.

A group of boys on the hillside hurriedly lay down on the hillside, and then raised their guns and swept out a string of bullets at the location of Lin Zhong, Wang Dali, and Wu Xueying. They immediately judged from the sound of gunfire that there were only two people who came to reinforce, and this group of people immediately let go of their dangling hearts.

They immediately divided into two parts on the hillside, and some of them continued to charge down the hillside. The other five or six people raised their guns and pulled the trigger at the position where Wang Dali and the two were. Five or six assault rifles "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" swept out a dense rain of bullets, covering the other Several people rushed towards the woods under the hillside.

At this moment, the machine guns and assault rifles of "bang bang bang" and "da da da" suddenly sounded again at the foot of the mountain. Covered by the dense wormwood around, he left the originally concealed slope, quietly approached the **** in front, and then he stretched out the muzzle and pulled the trigger.

The machine gun bullets swept out by Wang Dali roared toward the hillside, and Wu Xueying's assault rifle simultaneously pulled the trigger at the five or six black shadows rushing towards the woods below the mountain. In a string of whistling bullets, the two shadows that had already rushed down the hillside shook their bodies, then planted their heads on the hillside, and then rolled down the hillside toward the woods below.

At this time, a series of gunshots followed in the woods. Bao Ya suddenly extended his gun muzzle from a thick tree trunk in the woods and swept out a string of gunshots towards the hillside outside the forest. bullet. A blade of grass that was hit by bullets immediately flew beside the other boys who had rushed down the hillside, and a piece of gravel also splashed on a few rocks.

A few boys hurriedly lay down on the hillside again, and they turned their heads furiously while shooting at the mountains and forests on the side. Just as they were about to scold their companions who were covering the top of the hillside, they suddenly saw dirt and grass flying on the halfway up the mountainside where they were.

At this moment, their companions on the hillside had already been swept down by the machine gun bullets that were swept down the hill, and were firmly pressed on the hillside. They did not dare to stick their heads out from behind the hidden rocks and tree trunks, but blindly followed the sound of the machine guns. Muzzle, shooting randomly at the foot of the mountain.

The boys at the bottom of the hill were shocked when they saw that their companions above were suppressed by the machine gun fire of the other side! They suddenly realized that the other party is not the armed men who came here to hunt for treasures like them, but a group of well-trained special operators who are proficient in mountain combat. Ordinary people simply do not have such fierce combat ability and combat experience!

The armed men with guns on the hillside are indeed mercenaries of foreign mercenary groups hired by overseas scientific research institutions. They all have rich experience in mountain and jungle combat, so the gunshots and accurate bullets fired by Dali several people immediately. In the middle, the identities of Wan Lin and his group were determined.

At that time, the object that showed a vision and crashed into China from outside the sky in the night sky has indeed attracted the attention of many national scientific research institutions and some large overseas companies. They immediately realized that this unknown body must contain many unknown secrets. When this unknown celestial body hits the ground, it will definitely produce some explosive fragments, and these fragments are likely to contain some unknown secrets. These are treasures with extremely high scientific research value. They have indeed produced coveted Heart!

But they also understood that the place where the unknown body fell was in Huaxia, and without Huaxia's permission, they could not enter this area through normal channels, let alone take away any fragments of the unknown body from here. They obtained Huaxia's scientific research license through legal means and entered this area for scientific But it is impossible for Huaxia to let them take anything of value from here.

Therefore, in order to obtain the fragments of this unknown body with extremely high scientific research value, those countries with evil intentions and scientific research institutions of some large companies have secretly entered the mysterious area of ​​China in unscrupulous ways, striving to obtain These precious blast fragments.

They knew that this area was very dangerous, so they hired heavily armed mercenaries from mercenaries all over the world to protect their scientific researchers from smuggling into China. They not only want to conduct scientific research in this area, but also hope to find some fragments of the unknown body, and secretly bring them out of Huaxia to study the mysteries contained in this unknown body. They all know that the huge scientific research results contained in the unknown body can be transformed into commercial value at any time.

At this time, the group of mercenaries on the hillside saw that the situation was not good, and a group of people turned around and fled to the distant hillside. Sent people into this area. But at that time, these mercenaries did not take the warning from a distance seriously.

They thought that this was just a warning sent by the border guards close to this area, and the border guards would definitely not risk sending large-scale troops into this desolate plateau area full of unknown dangers.

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