Panther Commando

Chapter 3722: green waves

Wen Meng put the machine gun on the rock on the hillside, and then pressed the gun to her cheek and pulled the bolt. She lowered the muzzle of the gun and aimed at a flickering shadow in the mountains ahead. At this time, Wang Dali and Wen Meng, armed with machine guns and sniper rifles, quickly entered the battlefield.

Wu Xueying and Bao Ya quickly rushed down the side of the hillside. The two held assault rifles with a relatively short effective range, so they could only rush to the foot of the mountain to get close to the enemy fleeing in the distance.

Bao Ya and Wu Xueying rushed to the back of the two half-human thick tree trunks on the hillside below, then raised their guns and pulled the trigger towards the mountains in front of them.

The three strings of bullets flew towards a group of black shadows fleeing from the foot of the mountain. At the moment when the group of boys was lying on the ground in the mountains and turned to fight back, a loud leopard roar suddenly sounded from the side of the mountain, Zhang Wa, Yuwen Feng and Yu Wenyu were lying in a bamboo forest, and the weapons in their hands made a crisp shooting sound at the same time.

The mountains suddenly rained and fell! The bullets shot by the four men on the hillside quickly intertwined with the bullets shot by Zhang Wa and the others in front of the foot of the mountain, forming a dense rain of crossed bullets in the mountains. Several boys who were lying in the grass and strafing towards the hillside behind fell down.

The rest of the boys hurriedly crawled behind the surrounding rocks in panic, and then in the thick grass around the rock, they raised their guns and swept out a few strings of bullets at the bamboo forest where Zhang Wa and the others were in front of them.

Just as the group of boys lay down and raised their guns and pulled the trigger, a faint fire suddenly erupted from the top of a mound more than 20 meters high on the side of Zhang Wa and the others. A boy who had just raised his head, as if he was suddenly smashed **** the head, his raised head plunged into the grass, and the * with a faint blue smoke in his hand also dropped his hand and fell to the grass.

The two boys who were lying around raising their guns and shooting, suddenly found that the arms raised by their companions fell, and then saw a cloud of green smoke rising from the grass. The two boys were shocked, and suddenly realized the * It has fallen to my side! They hurriedly rolled into the thick grass on the side with their assault rifles in their hands.

At this moment, "Boom", a deafening explosion sounded from the grass. The two boys with guns rolling towards the side of the grass screamed, their bodies suddenly turned out from the tall grass with the shock wave of the explosion, and the shrill scream resounded in the empty mountains!

"bang bang bang", "bang bang bang", a burst of machine guns followed from the hillside behind, and a string of machine gun bullets descended from above, ploughing past these two boys, followed by the other boys on the side. Sweep away in the hidden grass.

Amidst the deafening sound of machine guns, a series of crisp gunshots of assault rifles "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" followed, and a leaf of wormwood that was broken by bullets flew from the green grass in the mountains. , One by one, the boys hidden in the grass emerged from the grass with a scream, and then rolled over and fell down in the dense rain of bullets.

The gunshots only rang intermittently for a few minutes, and the noisy mountain suddenly became silent again. Cheng Ru was lying on the back of the sniper rifle on the top of the mound. He slowly moved the muzzle and swept across the mountains where the opponent was, and then stood up with the gun.

Brothers Zhang Wa and Yuwen with assault rifles followed, and Wang Dali, Bao Ya and Wu Xueying also stood on the hillside in front of them. Only Wen Meng was still lying on the back of a rock on the hillside. The gun was aimed at the patches of grass stained with red blood in the mountains below.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Brother Yuwen quickly ran to the front of the mountain. Several people raised their guns and looked into the thick grass. Ten motionless corpses were lying on the surrounding grass. Zhang Wa raised the gun and swept the shadows one by one, and then whispered: "Yuwen, see if these boys are dead, and check their bodies by the way."

The Yuwen brothers, who were raising their guns at a group of shadows, replied in a low voice, then raised their feet and turned over the shadows lying on the ground beside them. They bent over and touched the side of each other's necks, and then quickly searched Once again the other person's pocket.

At this time, Wu Xueying and Bao Ya also ran over from the front hillside. The two excitedly picked up the other's backpack and dumped the contents on the ground. She put the seized money into the plastic bag that held the money on her body. As she loaded it, she exclaimed excitedly: "Get rich, get rich! Hee hee, it's really fun to fight these bastards, and you can still make money!" The Confucian people all laughed when they saw the excited look of this little girl. Zhang Wa fondly stared at this little lover who was several years younger than him, and both eyes became slits with laughter.

At this time, Cheng Ru turned his head to see Zhang Wa's obsessive appearance, raised his foot and kicked his ass, and scolded in a low voice: "Stinky boy, what are you stinky, hurry up and see if they find some unknown body fragments. No?"

Zhang Wa replied a little embarrassedly: "Yes, yes, I've seen this, I'll go take a look." He followed and shouted at Wu Xueying, who was so happy: "Yingying, what are you showing off? Hurry up and check if there are any gems. ?" With that, he ran to the front and squatted down, quickly rummaging through the grass to find the items in the enemy's At this moment, a sound of "susu, susu" suddenly came from the side of the mountain. When it sounded, Zhang Wa and the others quickly stood up from the ground and raised their guns to aim at the mountain where the sound came from. The thick grass on the side of the mountain is swaying violently and rushing in front, and waves of green waves seem to have thousands of troops rushing towards their location from the thick grass.

Zhang Wa and a few people were shocked! One by one, they immediately squatted in the grass and raised their guns to aim at the side mountains. At this moment, there was a sudden "bang bang bang" machine gun sound from the hillside. Wen Meng and Wang Dali, who were closely guarding the hillside, stood up from the hillside. Wang Dali shouted loudly to the mountains below: "Run, come up to the hillside!" Wen Meng's sharp and terrified shout also followed: "Yingying, run quickly, there are big mice everywhere at the foot of the mountain!"

At this moment, among the machine gun bullets swept out by Wang Dali, a large black rat suddenly appeared in the forest on the side. Countless **** rats made a "squeak" sound and went straight to where Chengru and the others were. The mountains in the distance rushed, and the grass in the distance also shook violently.

"My mother!" Wu Xueying exclaimed as she looked at the black rat in the distance, then pulled the trigger and swept out a string of bullets. At this time, Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa shouted loudly: "Quickly withdraw to the hillside!" Several people followed with their guns, turned around, and flew towards the hillside where Wang Dali and Wen Meng were.

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