Panther Commando

Chapter 3728: Two sides of things

Yu Jing replied immediately: "During the process of landing, the celestial body will have violent friction with the atmosphere, and then generate extremely high temperature, so when it is close to the ground, it will incinerate everything around it. This mountain is originally dense. The vegetation will also be burned to ashes on the spot.”

She then raised the telescope and looked at the distant mountains and continued to analyze: "When a celestial body hits this mountain, it will produce a very violent explosion. The equivalent of the explosion must be at least several hundred thousand tons, and a violent explosion will produce The high temperature and the huge shock wave will definitely make the surrounding area a piece of scorched earth. If you look at the mountain in the distance, there are black spots all over the gray rock, which should be the traces left after the explosion."

At this time, Xiaoya was a little surprised and said: "The explosion equivalent of hundreds of thousands? This is many times greater than the power of the bomb that exploded in Hiroshima at the end of World War II!"

Yu Jing replied solemnly: "Yes, at that time, the explosive power of that **** was only equivalent to 20,000 tons of **, but at that time, the center of the explosion had reached a high temperature of 6,000 degrees, which directly caused 60,000 people to die on the spot. "

When Wu Xueying heard Yu Jing's remarks, she exclaimed in surprise: "Only 20,000 tons has caused such a lot of damage! Then this unknown body hit here is equivalent to dozens of kinds of *ah, how much damage will this cause? Ah?"

Yu Jing said: "Yes, this kind of celestial body hitting the earth is indeed a devastating disaster for the life of the earth. Fortunately, this unknown body has landed on this barren plateau, so it is not harmful to us humans. No life injuries were caused."

She continued: "A few years ago, a space rock 15 meters in diameter and weighing 7,000 tons also hit our earth, and the energy released when it hit the earth was equivalent to 500,000 tons* of explosion, causing about 1,500 people were injured. Fortunately, there are few people there, and no large-scale damage has been done. If the space rock falls directly into a city, it can destroy the city on the spot, with great power."

Xiaoya and the others listened to Yu Jing's introduction, and they all exclaimed in unison: "Oh my mother, this is too scary, it's just ruined!" Xiaoya looked at the surrounding mountains with some fear and said : "Thanks to this unknown body falling into the city, otherwise I don't know how much damage it will cause!"

Seeing the fearful appearance of several people, Yu Jing smiled and said, "No. In astronomy, these stars that fly straight to the earth in space are called meteorites, and those that fall on the earth are called meteorites, while those that can fly straight to the earth are called meteorites. The chance of meteorites falling directly to the city is very small. According to astronomers, the earth receives about 50,000 tons of meteorites from space every day. Most of these meteorites are burned in the atmosphere during the landing process, and only some of them are smaller in size. The big ones will fall to the earth,"

She raised her finger to the surrounding mountains and continued to speak: "Our land area only occupies 29 percent of the earth's surface, and the rest is ocean. And this 29 percent land is not completely suitable for Human habitation and activities. Relevant information shows that the area where we humans live and move only accounts for about one-fifth of the land area of ​​the earth. In this way, the probability of meteorites falling on our heads is extremely small, so you don’t have to worry.”

When Wu Xueying heard this, she said with confidence: "It's fine, it's fine, it doesn't hit our heads." Yu Jing smiled at her, and she followed up with her telescope and looked at the mountains in front of her and continued: "Look, Yingying, Judging from the situation in the mountains ahead, the celestial body that fell to the earth is not very big. There is a huge crater in the M country, which is 170 meters deep and 1240 meters in diameter."

Wu Xueying exclaimed: "Such a big meteorite?" Yu Jing turned her head to look at her and said, "This is still big? There is a large crater with a diameter of 300 kilometers in the Antarctic, and a giant crater with a diameter of more than 1,000 kilometers in the Pacific Ocean. What about the crater?"

Several people around looked at Yu Jing in surprise, and Yu Jing followed up: "Such a big meteor fell to the earth, which caused huge changes in the earth's climate and biology at that time, and this also directly led to the evolution of biology on earth."

She turned around and pointed to the green mountains behind her and continued: "Look at this green mountain. In the past, it should have been a typical plateau terrain and vegetation, but now we see a beautiful scenery as green as a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. This is the Dramatic changes due to the descent of this unknown object here."

Speaking of this, Yu Jing looked at the vibrant mountains behind and sighed: "I have studied astrophysics for a period of time in the past, and I have some understanding of the evolution of the universe and the earth. In most people's eyes, it was a catastrophic meteorite landing. In fact, it has also brought the evolution and evolution of the environment and organisms again and again to our ancient earth."

She paused when she said this, then turned to point to the sad mountain in front of her and continued: "This was indeed a disaster at the time, but when we look at it from the perspective of thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years later, this time again and again in It seems to us that the devastating impact may be an opportunity to promote the evolution of this ancient planet. Therefore, we have been saying that everything has two sides, and we must not easily draw conclusions. For those of us who are engaged in research~ even more so.”

Yu Jing spoke in a slow and slow voice, and Xiaoya and the others all looked at Yu Jing's beautiful and wise face with reverence, and their hearts were full of admiration for this big sister-like female scientist. Wu Xueying looked at Yu Jing admiringly and said, "Sister Yu, how do you know so much?"

Yu Jing smiled lightly. She put her arms around the little sister's shoulder and said with a smile: "What's the matter, because this is my line of work. Just like this mission, I'm a burden in the eyes of you special forces. , because I simply can't compare to you specially trained special forces."

Wu Xueying quickly replied: "You are not a burden, you are our guiding light, we will go wherever you point." Several people around laughed, Yu Jing raised her hand and tapped Wu Xueying's helmet lightly and said with a smile: " Smelly girl, her little mouth is as sweet as honey, don't dislike me as a burden."

At this time, Wan Lin said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, you are really not a burden to take this action. In this special area where the situation is unknown, it would be impossible for us to do anything without your guidance."

Yu Jing smiled, looked at him and said, "Okay, just don't take me as a burden! I'm coming out with you this time, I'm really afraid of causing trouble for you."

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