Panther Commando

Chapter 3732: do not worry

When Xiaoya said this, she continued to speak with a dignified expression: "At that time, the two wild boars, the male and the female, were beaten by Xiaohua, and the female wild boar saw Xiaohua lying on the neck of the male wild boar. It's like a whistling train running towards Xiaohua."

"The female wild boar slammed into the male wild boar's head with a 'bang', and the heads of the two wild boars were immediately torn apart and bloodshot! I was terrified at the time, so I quickly covered my eyes, I thought Xiaohua had been caught between two wild boars crashing at high speed."

When Xiaoya was speaking, her face was already pale, and the air in the mountains seemed to freeze. The scene at that time made her feel lingering in fear now! When Wu Xueying and Wen Meng heard this, they both shouted in astonishment: "Oh, is Xiaohua okay?"

Xiaoya took a deep breath and replied: "At that time, the speed and force of the wild boar's impact was too great, even Li Tou couldn't see where Xiaohua was going, everyone only saw a splash of blood, only the leopard's head could clearly see it. I saw Xiaohua jumped out at the moment of impact. At that time, it was like a sudden earthquake in the mountains, and the surrounding steep mountains shook violently. Fortunately, Xiaohua was fine, and Lingling and I were scared to death!"

Yu Jing and others also let out a long breath with pale faces, although they knew that Xiaohua would be fine, otherwise Xiaohua would not have been with them long ago. But they have been brought into the scene at that time, and they really feel extremely nervous!

Wu Xueying hurriedly asked: "Where's the little wild boar? By the way, why did Xiaobai go in such a fierce battle? Why didn't he fight side by side with Xiaohua!" Before she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of Xiaobai. It was during that action that she met Xiaohua, and she quickly said, "By the way, Xiaohua and Xiaobai weren't married yet." Everyone laughed when they heard her question and answer.

Zhang Wa said with a smile: "Yes, yes, the Xiaohua couple is not married yet. You really have no brains, the two old wild boars are finished, can the little wild boar still be alive? At that time, the little wild boar saw the blood flowers of the two big wild boars. It splashed down in the mountains, and it also rushed towards the little flower that had just thrown out. The little flower quickly rushed to the cliff behind, and then at the moment when the little wild boar rushed to the side, it suddenly rushed out to the side. The little wild boar slammed into the hard rock wall and died on the spot!"

Wu Xueying breathed a sigh of relief. She turned her head to look at the mountains in front of her and said with lingering fears: "My mother, if those big wolves in front of you are also like those wild boars, what should we do?"

She lowered her head and glanced at the assault rifle on her lap, and then said in frustration, "This thing we have at hand doesn't work either!" After speaking, she raised her head to look at Wan Lin and Yu Jing, and asked nervously: "Leopard head, Sister Yu, what should we do if those big wolves are as rough-skinned as wild boars?"

Seeing her worried look, Zhang Wa quickly pointed at the bazooka leaning on the side rock and comforted: "Yingying, don't worry, your husband, I am carrying armor-piercing bullets and ****! Leopard's head has already absorbed the last time. Experience, I and Dali and the others both take them to deal with those big guys."

When Yingying heard him calling himself "husband", she raised her foot and kicked Zhang Wa's leg: "Fuck you, whose husband are you?" Zhang Wa hurriedly turned around and moved her legs away, muttering in her mouth. Said: "It's over, it's over, I slapped the donkey's hoof again!" Several people around laughed.

Wan Lin also smiled, he looked at Wu Xueying and explained: "Zhang Wa is right, this time we are different from last time, and now we are prepared. Although Zhang Wa and Dali also carried bazooka last time, they can carry The ammunition is mainly anti-personnel bombs, which are prepared to kill the enemy in a critical moment, and did not consider that we will encounter big wild boars like armored vehicles. In this operation, Li Tou has prepared some armor-piercing bombs and bombs for us, just worried It will be the same as last time.”

Wan Lin said, turned his head to look at the desolate mountains in front of him, and continued with some sighs: "To be honest, I was really worried about encountering those mutated and ferocious animals. At that time, we encountered those three big wild boars in the dry rice bowl. At that time, there were large and small animals in the surrounding mountains that were opened by wild boars, and the temperaments of those three mutant wild boars had become extremely cruel and ferocious, which really made people shudder."

At this time, he had been quietly listening to Wan Lin's warm dreams, and suddenly raised his head to look at Wan Lin and said worriedly: "Leopard head, wolves are gregarious animals, if there is a large-scale mutation in the mountains in front of you. Wolves, our firepower is definitely not enough, what will we do then?" Everyone was stunned when they heard Wen Meng's worry, and their eyes followed Wan Lin.

Indeed, when they were cooking the rice bowl, the three big wild boars had already caused Wan Lin and the brave special forces to be in a hurry. If they encountered a large-scale mutant wolf pack similar to the mutant wild boar, they would be quite dangerous! Even Zhang Wa and the others armed with destructive weapons with mighty firepower may not be able to deal with the wolves that have become extremely ferocious!

Wan Lin was stunned for a moment when he heard Wen Meng's worries, then he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "If this happens, we have no other way to deal with them, then we can only retreat quickly!" Yu Jing, who was on the side, suddenly smiled mysteriously, and she whispered: "You don't have to't there still me!"

Several people looked at her in astonishment when they heard Yu Jing's voice. Among them, Yu Jing had the weakest fighting power, but she said "don't worry" so calmly, which really surprised everyone.

Xiaoya and Lingling blinked their big eyes twice, and they both exclaimed in surprise, "Sister Yu, did you bring that big killer?"

Wan Lin and the others also suddenly realized that Yu Jing must have brought the mysterious miniature laser! A look of surprise appeared in the eyes of several people. Yu Jing nodded with a smile, and she whispered: "Under such a good opportunity, how could I not come here without a micro-laser!"

Wu Xueying happily grabbed Yu Jing's arm and whispered: "Yes, once we find a gem, we will immediately conduct an experiment. If we can find a gem that emits high-energy lasers in this mountain, then you can quickly give it to us. Each of us is equipped with a piece of this big killer! At that time, I will accidentally 'tutu' the enemy within 108,000 miles!"

She said excitedly, then looked around vigilantly, and asked in a somewhat surprised whisper: "Sister Yu, haven't we already captured a gem with energy, why don't you use that micro-laser to try it out? For a moment?"

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