Panther Commando

Chapter 3747: shadow under the rock

Yu Wenfeng was panting under a dark gray rock next to him. He heard Bao Ya's admiration, looked up at the big leopard who was galloping among the rocks in front of him, and said with a wry smile: "Is it still great? Take it away!" The fierce big leopard rushed past him just now, its fierce appearance and fierce murderous aura, and now he is still a little stunned.

Zhang Wa and Bao Ya heard Yu Wenfeng's bitter laughter, and they both remembered the scene of this leopard rushing by with murderous intent just now, and both of them shook their heads unconsciously.

Zhang Wa stared at the big leopard who was roaring away, and said with some fear: "This big guy is really scary, it seems to be invulnerable. I just saw that it has been hit by dense bullets and explosive fragments, why? It's still the same now? This guy is running too fast. Just now I felt the wind blowing out to the side. This big guy has already run past us. If Xiaohua hadn't changed its running direction in time, I'm afraid it It has already knocked us to the ground. Grandma, if it really knocked us down in the mountains, this weight will definitely crush us into dried persimmons, so scary!"

Bao Ya grinned and said, "Hehe, if Xiaohua hadn't stopped it, the three of us would have been a little bit hung up just now! But this guy is really likable, I've never seen such a mighty big leopard! "He said, raised his gun and looked forward, then scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, why did this big guy rush over like crazy when he heard the gunshots? And he jumped directly at us, the few of us can be Don't mess with it."

Yu Wenfeng turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin and the others who were stooping and running behind him. He then leaned on the rock and raised his gun to aim forward. He whispered in surprise, "Yes, this big one How could the leopard become so furious when it heard the sound of the gunfire? And it almost attacked us. It was with the leopard head just now, wasn't it very honest at the time."

When Zhang Wa heard Yu Wenfeng's question, he also turned his head and glanced at Wan Lin and the others who were running behind with guns. He turned around and said, "This leopard has just been subdued by Xiaohua and Xiaobai, it only knows leopards. Tou and Xiaoya. The three boys who were killed just now shot at it and threw it again. It must have been stimulated, so it does not like those of us who hold guns!" Said, He also leaned over the gun and aimed forward.

The undulating mountains in front were darkened, and the gunshots from the mountains ahead became more violent. Among the gunshots of "Da Da Da", explosions of "Boom", "Boom" and "Boom" continued to sound. There were hurried and fierce wolf howls one after another, and shrill screams were also heard from time to time in the explosion.

At this moment, the big ferocious leopard had already carried Xiaohua to the front of a steep rock wall. It twisted like a madman and rushed to the side of the mountain behind the rock wall. Xiaohua's four powerful long legs were already standing. On the top of the big leopard's head, there was a faint flash of blue light. His two eyes were staring at the mountains in front of him, and his whole body was already curled up, as if he wanted to jump out of the big leopard's broad back at any time.

Zhang Wa raised his gun and glanced at the back of the leopard in front of him. He then raised his head and said to Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng, who were lying on both sides of him: "The gunshot came from behind the steep rock wall in front of the side. It should be a distance from We have a distance of four or five kilometers here, let's go to the mountains ahead to take a look."

The three of them were about to get up when a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Zhang Wa from the mountains behind. Wan Lin had appeared silently behind him at this moment. He knelt down on one knee behind a rock and set up on the rock. The sniper rifle was aimed at the mountains ahead.

Zhang Wa hurriedly turned her head and reported to Wan Lin, "The sound of gunshots and wolf howls came from the side of the cliff two kilometers away from the left front, and the Chengru team was already in place on that cliff." Wan Lin immediately moved the muzzle to the left when he heard the sound. Aim ahead.

Pieces of dark gray rocks are scattered all over the mountains, and a steep black rock wall seems to have been drilled out of the rock, standing straight in the mountains two kilometers away in front of the side, like a screen in front of Wan Lin. , just blocking his vision.

At this time, Cheng Ru, with Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu, had already run to the rocks under the cliff, and was lying on the corner of the cliff, raising his gun and aiming at the side mountains.

Wan Lin saw that Cheng Ru and several others had already taken their places in the mountains in front. He was about to raise his gun and stood up, "Ow...", a deafening leopard roar suddenly came from the side of the cliff in front, and the echoing gunshots Suddenly became intense!

Wan Lin frowned, grabbed the gun with his left hand and stood up. But at this moment, there was a burst of gunshots in the mountains not far ahead! He slammed down between the rocks again and quickly looked towards the mountain on the right, and his right hand pulled the bolt of the sniper rifle with a "clatter".

Zhang Wa and the others changed their expressions, and immediately raised their guns and aimed at the rock-covered mountains ahead to the right. Several people did not expect to suddenly hear gunshots in the mountains in front of them.

At this time, five figures were emerging from behind a huge black rock thousands of meters in front of them, and several grass-green figures in camouflage uniforms clearly appeared in the sights of Wan Lin and the others. At this time, the five figures that suddenly emerged from behind the rock were flying towards the side of the mountain, while raising their guns and sweeping out intermittent flames.

Obviously, these people must have gone to reinforce their companions in the mountains in front of the left. Accurate to Cheng Ru, Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu who had just rushed under the rock wall.

At this time, around the black pressure rock where Cheng Ru and the others were invisible, a spark of bullets had already appeared. Cheng Ru and the others had been suppressed by the dense bullets of the other party under the invisible rock, and they could not stick their heads out to fight back.

These boys not only saw the fierce big leopard rushing over, but also discovered a few Chengru people hiding under the cliff. Now they are actually indiscriminate and launched an attack directly on Chengru and their positions, which shows that these boys have become extremely vicious. In order to obtain the celestial fragments that may appear in this mountain, they have all appeared in this mountain. All the people who are there are regarded as enemies, and they will directly **** them when they see them, so as to avoid people who come and compete with them for the treasures that may appear in the mountains.

"Little bastard!" Zhang Wa scolded in a low voice, and with his finger on the trigger, he glanced at the boys, but then he released his finger angrily and turned his head to look at the mountain on the right where the Wind Knife Team was located. Now the opponent is about a kilometer away from where he is, which is already beyond the effective range of the assault rifle in his hand.

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