Panther Commando

Chapter 3749: noisy mountain

The gunfire under the boulder stopped abruptly! Feng Dao, Kong Dazhuang, and Lin Zisheng, who were lying on the right side of the mountain, saw Xiaohua and Xiaobai jumped up to the boulder in front of them one after another with light in their eyes. The three immediately realized that the enemy behind the rock had been killed by Xiaohua!

They quickly climbed up from the rock pile, raised their guns and ran to the side of the rock. The air knife quickly observed the situation behind the rock, turned around and made a "safe" gesture towards Wan Lin. With Kong Dazhuang and Lin Zisheng, they ran to the left side of the boulder, lay down under the dark boulder, and stretched out their guns to aim at the mountains behind the side cliffs.

Wan Lin immediately raised his gun and stood up from the mountain when he saw Feng Dao's gesture. He ordered Xiaoya and the others, "Protect President Yu, let's go over there!" Bao Ya, took the gun and jumped out from behind the rock. Xiaoya and the others also stood up immediately, and they shook the dust on their bodies, protecting Yu Jing and running towards the mountains ahead.

The gunshots from the mountains on the side became louder and louder, and the explosions of the police came one after another. Plumes of *explosive black smoke had risen from behind the cliffs, and the air between the mountains was filled with a faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

Wan Lin and the others rushed under the rock, and immediately lay between the dark rocks and raised their guns to look to the side of the mountain. At this time, Feng Dao had already carried his gun and ran to Wan Lin's side. Cheng Ru, Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu also raised their guns under the side cliff and aimed into the distance.

Wan Lin quickly went to the back of the rock. Five corpses in yellow-green camouflage uniforms were lying on the rocks. The dark rocks were covered with bloodstains from several boys. Five AK assault rifles and a Bazooka was scattered around the body.

He stared at several corpses, four of which had **** heads, two of whom were apparently headshot by the sniper bullet he had just fired; The corpse behind was smashed to pieces by Xiaohua's claws in her fury. The other boy with a bazooka thrown by his side fell on his back on the rock, with bloodstains gushing out from his chest. He must have been hit in the chest by Wen Meng with a shot when he fired the gun.

At this time, the cracks in the rocks around the corpses were already full of blood, and the dark red blood pools reflected a faint light in the sunlight. From the exposed skin of the corpses, Wan Lin could tell that they were five white-skinned westerners, all of whom were carrying heavy backpacks, and one of them had a radioactive detector on his body.

Wan Lin quickly glanced at a few corpses, he frowned, raised his gun and aimed at the side of the mountain. At this time, he secretly thought: Judging from the corpses in front of him, these people are tall and strong, and the tactical vests they wear are full of spare ammunition and guns. At first glance, they are professional fighters who have been specially trained. It seems that when these outlaws smuggled here, they already had the idea of ​​using force to **** treasures.

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had also jumped down from the top of the high rock. They landed in front of Wanlin and Xiaoya, raised their claws and pointed to the side of the mountain, and then got up to face the side where the gunfire came from. Running in the mountains. Wan Lin and Xiaoya hurriedly stretched out their hands to hold them down, Wan Lin ordered in a low voice, "Don't go over!" He followed and lay down behind the sniper rifle again, watching the situation in the mountains on the side.

The mountains on the side of the cliff are undulating, and the dark peaks are like sharp knives, straight into the blue sky. There are dark gray rock walls on the steep hillside, and the bottom of the mountain is covered with rolling boulders. The dark gray mountains are ups and downs and endless.

At this time, the mountains two kilometers away were dusty, and clusters of *explosive flames were rising from the rocks. Between the diffuse dust mist and the towering rocks, four or five dark figures were moving rapidly, and clusters of fire from the muzzle flashed from before them from time to time. There was chaos in the mountains.

At this time, Feng Dao came to Wan Lin and Zhang Wa crawling, and he whispered: "Judging from the situation, these people are going to reinforce the companions in front." Zhang Wa raised his head from the side and looked at it. Glancing at the corpses around him, he scolded in a low voice, "Grandma, these big nosed foreigners really don't know whether to live or die. Didn't they see the wolves in front of them? Didn't they rush up at this time to seek death!"

Wan Lin said thoughtfully: "I'm also wondering, just now they sprang from behind the rock and shot directly at Cheng Ru and the big leopard who just ran over. This is indeed against common sense. It stands to reason that they are in this Under the circumstances, you should try to covertly and respond to the companions in front, why would you attack us directly? Isn’t this exposing yourself to a strong enemy directly.”

Feng Dao pondered for a while and said: "From the current situation, those who were attacked by the wolves in front must be their companions, and those people are very likely to carry very important things, otherwise they would not be able to take such a big risk. Shooting directly to expose himself, it seems that they are worried that we will **** these things in the After speaking, he raised his gun and glanced at the mountains in front of him through the scope, and continued to say with certainty: "That big The shape of the leopard is extremely ferocious, even if we see that ferocious big leopard, we all have scruples. However, these people attacked directly regardless of the fact that the companions in front of them or the things on them were very important to them. "

Zhang Wa's eyes lit up when he heard Feng Dao's analysis, and he said excitedly: "Leopard head, those people in front may have found some celestial fragments, otherwise these guys wouldn't be so desperate to rush over to meet them. We can't Let go of the boys in front of you, and you must get their belongings back! By the way, what about the big leopard?"

In Zhang Wa's excited voice, a deafening roar suddenly came from a distance, and Wan Lin and the others hurriedly lay behind the gun and looked forward through the scope. In the dust mist that filled the sky in the mountains ahead, the huge leopard suddenly burst out from behind a boulder and roared towards the two figures who had just run from the mountains in front.

At this moment, "da da da", "da da da", two clusters of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded from the dust mist in front, and the big leopard, which was leaping in the air, uttered a sudden sound of gunshots. Howling.

But at this moment, this ferocious big leopard was already like a giant cannonball. In an instant, the two figures in front fell to the ground, and two shrill screams sounded from under the big leopard's huge body.

In the sound of gunfire, two figures suddenly appeared next to a rock in front of the leopard. They quickly ran towards the mountains in front of them. Share fire.

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