Panther Commando

Chapter 3752: fleeing wolves

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already heard the whistle from Wanlin, they suddenly jumped up in the rush, and jumped directly over the flying wolf in front of them. The long nails on the four claws of the two leopards are like sharp knives, and they slammed into the back of the wolf below with a "pop". They landed on the wolf's back and stretched their heads forward. The big open mouth bit on both sides of the wolf's neck from left to right.

The big wolf, who was rushing forward in panic, only felt a gust of wind in the air. Before it could turn its head, there was already a sharp pain in its thick neck. It staggered forward and rushed forward, followed by a mournful howl, and two strands of blood gushed out from both sides of its neck.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai bit off the arteries on both sides of the wolf's neck in one bite, and they sprang from the wolf like a spring, avoiding the two columns of blood whistling below.

They jumped to the two rocks on the side, immediately raised their blood-stained heads, and shot two dazzling beams of light at the green light spots on the hillside in front, and then opened their big mouths that were ticking with wolf blood. "Ow!" He let out a deafening roar towards the hillside in front of him!

At this time, the ferocious snow leopard behind also rushed over with a gust of wind, and its two bulb-like round eyes burst into this red light. It rushed under the rock where the two little mountain kings were, and stopped, raised its huge head, opened its **** mouth, and let out a deafening roar.

The roar of the three fierce leopards was earth-shattering, and the entire mountain vibrated violently with the roar. A piece of gravel was shaken off the surrounding steep hillside, and the mountains were dusty!

With the sound of "crashing" of the gravel falling, Chengru and several people lying under the cliff quickly carried their guns and flew out of the hidden rocks. They turned around the cliff and ran towards the mountains in front of them.

Wan Lin and the others also raised their guns and stood up from under the swaying boulder. A group of people carried their guns and ran towards the mountains in front of them, and then stopped in the mountains where the snow leopard and the wolves were fighting just now. . They squatted under the rocks, raised their guns and aimed at the dusty hillside not far away, their eyes fixed on the green light spots on the hillside.

In the huge roar, Wan Lin and the others suddenly found that the green light spots on the hillside had dimmed, and then they heard a wailing sound of "Ouch" on the hillside, followed by giant wolves. In the dust mist, he descended the steep hillside and turned to the side of the mountain.

In the blink of an eye, the wolves consisting of dozens of huge hungry wolves had disappeared behind the dark gray rocks.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes gleamed and stared at the fleeing wolves, until the wolves escaped their vision in panic, then they retracted the dazzling beams in their eyes and glanced down at the giant leopard standing under the rock, Xiaohua then let out a low roar at the big leopard, turned around and jumped off the rock with Xiaobai and ran towards the mountains behind.

When the big snow leopard heard the low roar from Xiaohua, he turned his head to look at the mountain where Wan Lin and the others were behind. At this moment, the ferocious red light in its eyes has disappeared, and it looks very excited, and its tail is raised high behind it, as if celebrating the victory.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai rose and fell between the rocks, and rushed in front of Wanlin and Xiaoya like a cloud of smoke. They stood up and pointed in the direction where the wolves disappeared and let out a low roar, as if they were complaining that Wanlin stopped them They kill those big wolves.

Wan Lin raised his hand and touched Xiao Hua's head lightly. He followed the gun and stood up from under the rock, his eyes fixed on the big snow leopard running from the front.

At this time, the big leopard had already run to four or five meters in front of Cheng Ru and the others. It suddenly stopped and took a few breaths, followed by the fierce red light in its eyes. It opened its mouth wide and stared viciously at the Chengru people who were standing up from under the rock, and there were bursts of low threats in its throat.

When Wan Lin saw the appearance of the big snow leopard, he immediately understood that it did not know the Chengru people, so he became hostile to them. If it wasn't for him, Xiaohua and Xiaobai here, this ferocious leopard would probably have pounced on him.

"Xiaohua!" He quickly called out Xiaohua, carrying the sniper rifle several times and rushed to the leopard's side. He took a deep breath, raised his inner strength, raised his hand and pressed it on the huge head of the snow leopard.

The big leopard, who was showing his sharp teeth and staring at Cheng Ru and others, suddenly felt a strong force coming from the top of his head. Lowering down, his body was also under the powerful force of Wan Lin, and he fell down with a "pop".

Wan Lin immediately raised his hand and stepped in front of the leopard, his eyes suddenly shot out, and stared straight at the big leopard's round eyes with a look of big leopard saw Wan Lin Lin's stern gaze suddenly revealed a look of fear in his eyes, and then he laid his head on the rock. At this time, Xiaohua also rushed in front of it, opened her mouth and made a threatening sound of "snoring" at the big leopard.

Wan Lin saw that he had suppressed the arrogance of the leopard, he turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao and said, "Come here first and let this big leopard smell it, it doesn't know you yet. Cheng Ru, Feng Dao , your two teams are responsible for the surrounding vigilance."

Cheng Ru and Fengdao quickly ran over with their guns. They all reached out and touched the huge nose bridge on the leopard's face, and then they all fondly stroked the leopard's huge head, and they followed the guns. Run to the surrounding mountains. They scattered and ran to the surrounding mountains, crouching under the dark rocks and raising their guns to aim at the surrounding mountains.

At this time, the tense look on the leopard's face had relaxed, and it took a few breaths on its nose, as if it had understood that these strangers were Wan Lin's companions. up.

Xiaoya took Yu Jing and a few others and ran over with guns. Xiaoya ran to the leopard, lowered her head and looked worriedly at the blood on it, and quickly opened the first aid box and took out the hemostatic powder.

Wu Xueying snatched a bamboo tube that Xiaoya took out, stared at the big leopard and said nervously: "Big leopard, you are seriously injured again, don't move, I...I will heal you! "The big leopard looked at her tenderly, and the tail behind him shook vigorously again. Although she was a little afraid of this ferocious behemoth, she liked this big guy who took the initiative to get close to her from the bottom of her heart.

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