Panther Commando

Chapter 3758: dying thanks

David shook his head lightly and continued: "This is a sky-high deal, and it's a good deal for us. Once it's successful, those of us will get a huge remuneration. We entered this place five days ago. In this area, I didn’t expect that many people like us have appeared here, all frantically looking for those meteorites.”

He turned his head and looked at the mountains behind him, gasping violently, and his voice suddenly became weak: "I'm just a team leader of a battle group, and the details are not clear. I didn't know until I got here, the previous stage. Falling meteorites will be so valuable. As far as we know, the people who come here are basically people who came here to **** meteorites just like us. That's why I entered this mountainous area with a weapon."

"Some of these people belong to the mercenary group, and some are armed forces supported by some big companies. They are all very strong in combat and well-equipped. Up to now, we have killed several groups. The guy who picked up the treasure here also grabbed a few small meteorites."

When David said this, he watched Wan Lin blink his eyes slightly, and the bright eyes suddenly dimmed. He turned his head to look at the mountains on the side, and said to himself in a voice that was almost inaudible: "This is The place is amazing, there are many giant beasts I have never seen in it, it is almost in the Jurassic period. Alas, I didn't expect it to be a back and forth operation."

He said to himself, suddenly looked at Wan Lin and Xiaoya and said in a low voice, "I've already told you everything I know, thank you for letting me leave so quietly..."

Before he could finish speaking, his head suddenly tilted sideways weakly, and his two pale blue eyes suddenly became blank, staring motionlessly at a white cloud in the blue sky.

Yu Jing squatted beside and listened to the mercenary quietly. At this moment, she looked at David's very young face, she shook her head gently and sighed: "A man is about to die, and his words are also good. He can tell us so much useful information before he dies, and he can be considered a conscience. Alas, it is a pity that he lost his life for money at such a young age."

In fact, she already knew in her heart that this David was able to tell so much valuable information before he died, all because of the kindness and righteousness of Xiaoya and Wan Lin, otherwise this David would have known that he was helpless. Next, it will not say this information at all.

Xiaoya also released her left hand on David's chest, stretched out her right hand to touch David's neck artery, and then gently closed David's round eyes, she looked up at the white cloud in the sky. Sheng said: "Let's go, may this white cloud in the sky send your soul back to your hometown."

Wan Lin stood up, turned to Zhang Wa and the others who were squatting beside him and ordered, "Bury him and the others around here. Also, bring all available weapons and ammunition with you." He stretched out his hand to pull up Yu Jing, who was squatting on the ground, and turned to walk to the side of the boulder next to him.

Xiaoya and Lingling also quickly wiped off the blood on their hands with disinfectant cotton wool, stood up, and walked towards Wan Lin and Yu Jing with guns in hand. At this time, Zhang Wa and the others had already bent over to move the surrounding rocks, placed the bodies of David and the others in the rock pit, and buried them with rocks to prevent them from being eaten by the wild beasts in the mountains. Then several people quickly checked the several assault rifles still beside the rock, and then carried the guns and ammunition on their backs.

Zhang Wa took a few people to dispose of the other's body, and then pointed to Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng at the mountain in front of him and whispered: "You two arrive to scout, I will follow, pay attention to safety, these people on the other side have Rich mountain combat experience." He then ran towards Wan Lin with a gun in hand.

At this time, Wan Lin, Yu Jing, Xiaoya, and Lingling were already crouching under the boulder. Lingling was taking out a map and laying it on the rock in front of Wan Lin. Zhang Wa walked over and squatted beside her and stared at the map.

Yu Jing pointed to the map and said: "This picture is a map drawn before the collision of the celestial body. From the analysis of the situation, we should be here, and we are already within the range of the collision point of unknown celestial bodies. The one we found at the high point in the morning A lake, it should be at this location." Then, she reached out and clicked on the map.

Wan Lin nodded, looked up at Zhang Wa and said, "Have you heard what David explained just now?" Zhang Wa replied immediately, "I heard it, I didn't expect there would be so many special operators here. It seems that our ammunition supply can only be obtained from these boys." He already understood the purpose of Wan Lin asking them to collect each other's weapons and ammunition just now.

Wan Lin followed up: "Now that we have lost contact with our superiors, it is even more impossible to get ammunition, so we can only borrow weapons and ammunition from our opponents."

He turned his head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling and continued: "Now the situation has become more complicated and the situation is very serious. We only thought that there were only some armed elements protecting those unscrupulous researchers, but we didn't expect such a situation to appear here. Multiple special operators."

At this time, Yu Jing said solemnly: "From the current situation, this meteorite that suddenly landed from space has indeed aroused great interest from relevant countries and some large companies, and these countries and companies are very eager to get these peculiar things. It is not necessary to conduct research on body fragments, but they dare not rashly send people directly into our China, so they released information on the acquisition of meteorites at high prices on those secret international black markets, attracting many lawless elements to enter this area. "

When Zhang Wa heard Yu Jing's analysis, she asked in a puzzled way: "Since they have already hired the powerful mercenaries like the Red Fox Mercenary Group, why do they still publish this information?" He looked at Yu Jing suspiciously.

Yu Jing immediately looked at several people and replied: "Meteorites will generate extremely high temperatures when they land on the earth, and most meteorites will melt and vaporize during the landing process. Even the meteorites that have not disappeared will also fall to the ground. With a violent explosion, the remaining meteorites will be very rare. If too few people enter the area, it will be difficult for them to find these very rare fragments in such a large area."

Saying that, she raised her finger and pointed to the rolling mountains around her, and continued: "Look, looking for those rare fragments in this endless mountain area is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

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