Panther Commando

Chapter 3760: gunshots by the lake

Wan Lin immediately looked towards the mountains on both sides. The Chengru team and the Fengdao team were now moving forward slowly between the two wings of the mountain in front of them, and their movements were very concealed. Now, the three groups of Zhang Wa, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao are like an arrow inserted into the side of the mountain in the mountains, just protecting him and Yu Jing in the center.

Wan Lin put down the binoculars, looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were walking in front and ordered, "Come on, let's go and rest under the waterfall." Then he turned his head to look at Xiaoya and Lingling who were standing by the side with guns and instructed. Said: "There are very few water sources in this area, and there are very likely to be beasts or outlaws there. You should be vigilant." After that, he bent over with a sniper rifle and ran under a rock in front of the left.

When Xiaoya and the others heard Wan Lin's order, they immediately carried their guns and ran under a towering rock in front of the right. In the current crisis-ridden mountains, each of them has been alerted in their actions. During the actions, they all used the cover of the rocks in front of them to run forward suddenly from left to right to prevent the sudden appearance of the enemy. The personnel's guns are locked.

When Wan Lin and the others ran to the foot of the mountain on the side, the sun had already set on the top of the mountain in the west. At this time, the vision between the mountains has become a little blurry, and the blue sky has also turned into a deep blue in the dim light. Wan Lin ran to the side of a boulder at the foot of the mountain, and looked up at the surrounding mountains.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Wang Dali were moving forward on the steep hillside in front of them, searching for Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng who were advancing at the front, and they had also approached the waterfall splashing with white spray. Feng Dao and the others were running ups and downs between the mountains on the right, almost forming a state of head-to-head with Bao Ya and the others.

Obviously, the leaders of the three groups, Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, and Feng Dao, have realized that there may be unknown dangers in the water source in front of them, so they have entered a state of war.

Wan Lin and the others continued to run for another two kilometers. At this time, Cheng Ru, who was on the steep hillside in front of the side, suddenly stopped. He hid behind a block, turned around and made a "hidden" gesture to Wan Lin and the others behind him. Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu around him were lying behind the two rocks, raising their guns and aiming forward.

Seeing Cheng Ru's gesture, Wan Lin raised his hand and ordered Xiaoya and the others who were following behind him to hide, while raising his gun and rushing towards a towering rock on the side of the hill, he stopped behind the rock and raised his gun from the rock Look forward to the side.

At this time, the members of the two groups, Zhang Wa and Fengdao in the mountains in front, were already lying behind a few rocks, and the muzzles of several people were aimed at the foot of the mountain two kilometers ahead. The rushing waterfall in front was coming from the mountains in front of the sound of "rumbling" water.

Wan Lin looked intently at the waterfall through the scope. Clouds of white water mist were rising from the foot of the waterfall below the waterfall. Pieces of splashing water were flying from the steep rock wall, and the crystal water was refracted in the setting sun. A touch of colorful brilliance. In this dark mountain, this piece of white waterfall and gorgeous water droplets is very spectacular.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly saw that the white water mist under the waterfall suddenly fluctuated, and the sound of "rumbling" water was followed by a faint "whoosh" wolf howl. He quickly moved the muzzle to look at the foggy foot of the mountain. In the white mist, six or seven vague figures were rushing out from the foot of the mountain.

A few shadows turned around and sprayed a few firelights into the water mist behind the wolf howling, followed by explosions of "Boom", "Boom", and "Boom". A surf roared up from the mist. The mist that was still shrouded in white mist at the foot of the mountain just rolled over and dispersed to the surroundings with the sound of a sudden explosion. The foot of the mountain shrouded in white mist suddenly appeared clearly in Wan Lin's sniper scope.

Wan Lin immediately looked down at the foot of the mountain, and only then did he see clearly: the foot of the mountain turned out to be a lake washed out by the powerful current of the waterfall. The area of ​​the lake is not large, and several waves of water blown up by * are whistling and falling on the dark rocks on the shore.

Two gigantic wild wolves on the shore were falling back to the rocks on the shore, and a few red blood lights were flying in the air. On the steep hillside above, six or seven wild wolves were swiftly fleeing to the distant mountains amid the waves splashing in the lake. Those figures swept out a few strings of bullets at the giant wolf fleeing on the hillside, then turned around and ran to the side of the mountain, with a very embarrassed action.

At this time, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the mountains in front of Zhang Wa and the others, followed by two light shadows, one yellow and one white, rushing out from the mountain in front, and two small light shadows rushed towards lightning. The shadow that had just jumped up immediately disappeared under a towering rock along with the huge shadow.

The corners of Wan Lin's mouth rose slightly, revealing a He already knew in his heart that the big leopard must have been furious when he heard the sound of the gunfire, so he rushed out of the mountain regardless, and wanted to rush to the mountain in front of him. Kill the guys who shoot the guns. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have been in battle for a long time and know that it is very dangerous to rush up at this time, so they hurried back and stopped the fierce new partner.

At the sound of the gunshots, the shadows quickly ran to the side of the mountain, and the panicked wild wolves on the hillside quickly turned around the foot of the mountain in front of them and disappeared. In the blink of an eye, the small lake that had just appeared below the waterfall was shrouded in a white mist again.

Wan Lin raised his gun and stared coldly at the boys fleeing to the side of the mountain, scolding in his heart: "Bunny, it seems that they must have suffered from the great losses of those giant wolves, otherwise they would not be well-armed. So embarrassed."

He was about to move the muzzle to aim at the rock wall around the waterfall, but he suddenly saw a figure running in the mountains in the distance suddenly fell backwards. Several figures around him quickly fell to the ground, and a fire roared towards the mountains ahead.

"Sniper!" Wan Lin's pupils shrank abruptly, raising his gun motionless to aim at the distant mountains. At this moment, a cluster of dark red flames spewed from the muzzle of the guns appeared in the mountains in front of the boys.

In the breeze, the gunshots of "da da da" followed faintly from the mountains not far away. Immediately after that, two flames suddenly erupted from the mountains in front, and the two round objects drew an arc in the air and flew towards the side of the boys who had just escaped from the small lake. Two dazzling flames erupted in the mountains.

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