Panther Commando

Chapter 3767: ferocious leopard

In the claws of Xiaohua's series of strikes, the heavy body of the giant wolf slammed into the steep rock wall behind him, and its mournful howl stopped abruptly! The huge body then bounced off the hard cliff, and it pulled its head silently and fell to the rock below like a puddle of mud, and then rolled down the steep **** to the foot of the mountain.

With the screams of the big wolf, the body like a small fireworks cannonball has roared up, and like lightning, it rushed to the steep rock wall in front. Its four powerful long legs kicked the black rock wall like a spring, and its petite body swooped down to the foot of the mountain like a projectile.

At this moment, Xiaobai's pure white figure was suddenly jumping up from a dark rock, and it rushed towards the front of a two-meter-long big wolf that rushed first. The big wolf, who was rushing towards him with a green light in his eyes, saw the civet cat-sized animal in front of him suddenly and fiercely rushed towards him. The sound of the wind rushed towards Xiaobai, and his open mouth went straight to the whistling light and shadow and bit him hard.

In the blink of an eye, these two ferocious animals, one big and one small, had already met in the air. At this moment, Xiaobai's two round eyes suddenly shot a bright red beam of light! The bright red beam of light carried a fiery wave, piercing through the green eyes of the giant wolf like lightning.

The big wolf that came ferociously lashed out with a mournful howl, and two blood mists burst out from the two originally green eyes.

At this moment, Xiaobai's figure had passed by the side of its neck, and its sharp-knife-like left claw nails "stabbed" across the hard fur on the opponent's neck, and the white figure fell on a black rock two meters away. He jumped up, then jumped forward and rushed forward, heading straight for the head of another big wolf six or seven meters away!

"Woo", a red column of blood rushed out from behind the small white meteor-like figure, and a surging column of blood shot out diagonally with a sharp whistle on the side of the neck of the big wolf behind it. Four or five meters away, they all fell to the big wolves who were following behind.

The four big wolves that were rushing after suddenly saw the scene in front of them. They abruptly stopped the huge body that was rushing forward, staring at the three leopards rushing in front of them with the sound of the wind with fierce eyes. There was a look of fear in Lu Yingying's eyes, and the big wolf who was facing Xiao Bai suddenly let out a terrified howl, turned around and ran away.

The other three giant wolves also turned around in panic and fled back when they heard the roar from their companions. At this moment, a burst of heavy footsteps had come, "woo" a huge black figure volleyed from behind them and went straight to the back of the last big wolf.

"Ow!" With a scream, the huge figure had already swooped on the back of the giant wolf. The big snow leopard's two fan-sized front claws were firmly pressed on the back of the giant wolf, and the big **** mouth opened and bit the giant wolf's neck with a "click".

The giant wolf's head drooped down, and the wolf body that was leaping forward was fiercely pressed by the giant leopard on the rock below, and a stream of blood instantly dyed the **** and white head of the snow leopard red.

The ferocious big snow leopard raised its big round head, it shook the big blood-stained head violently, opened its big blood-stained mouth, and gave a shock to the other three giant wolves fleeing in front of it. The roar of the ear seems to be venting the depression in its heart that was once humiliated by the wolves!

At this time, Xiaohua and Xiaobai had already rushed from the cliffs on the side and from the back, respectively. The two leopards had two dazzling rays of light, one red and one blue, and they got up when they landed, and fled forward like a fly. The three giant wolves chased after him.

At this moment, amidst the "rumble" of the waterfall behind, a leopard roar from Wan Lin suddenly came, and the two leopards that had just saved hurriedly landed on a rock more than two meters high in front of them, turning their heads to Looking at the waterfall behind.

The roar was indeed from Wan Lin. On the shore of the lake, he saw Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai ferociously kill two giant wolves. The big snow leopard that rushed up then also bit off a giant wolf's neck, while the rest Several big wolves had fled with their tails between their tails, so he quickly roared and ordered Xiaohua to stop chasing, so as to avoid them being in danger of encountering those armed men with guns in this dangerous mountain.

Xiaohua and Xiaobai glanced back with light in their eyes, then turned their heads and let out a furious roar at the three giant wolves fleeing in front of them, before turning around and jumping off the rock. They ran to the giant leopard, Xiaohua glared at it with blue eyes and roared at it, and then sped up and jumped past it.

At this time, the giant leopard had already bit the giant wolf's body and stood up. It heard Xiaohua's low roar, let go of its big mouth in surprise, then raised its right paw and pointed to the giant wolf in front of it, two light bulb-like lights. Round eyes looked at Xiao Bai who ran after him, as if to say, "Am I going back with this delicious food?"

Xiaobai gave the big leopard a vicious look, followed by a low roar from his mouth, and immediately jumped up from the big leopard and went straight to chase behind Xiaohua.

The big leopard put down its big raised paws in and then turned its head and glanced greedily at the two big wolves killed by Xiaohua and Xiaobai on the side. It opened its big mouth and bit down. Big wolf's large piece of meat, while chewing hard, swaying his huge body "pop, pop" and chased behind Xiaobai.

Wan Lin was leaning against a dark gray rock. He saw the wolves on the other side of the lake. They had been scared away by Xiao Hua's fierce appearance. The three leopards had also withdrawn according to his order. Look at the mountains in the distance.

The top of the mountain in the west is fiery red, and the snow-white top of the mountain in the distance has been illuminated in pink by the fiery sunset. On the top of the mountain, the layers of white clouds like cotton wool are like a raging flame, showing red and yellow colors.

At this moment, the setting sun that was just hanging over the top of the mountain had already fallen below the towering peak, and the view between the mountains suddenly became dim, and the dark gray rocks turned pitch black in the dim light.

The mountains are ups and downs, and the dark mountains seem very quiet. Wan Lin slowly moved the barrel of the gun and swept the entire mountain, with a vigilant look in his eyes.

He grew up in the mountains since he was a child, and he knew clearly in his heart: the evening when the sun sets is the time for various animals to replenish water in the streams and lakes. These animals, who have been busy all day for survival, can take advantage of the Dim cover comes here for hydration. ...


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