Panther Commando

Chapter 3771: brief contact

In the pitch-black mountains, the sound of gunshots, accompanied by Xiao Hua's sudden roar, rang out one after another from the corner of the hill in front of the right. Wan Lin's expression changed, he turned his head and whispered to Xiaoya and the others behind him, "Protect President Yu, rush over from the side of the mountain, and leave it to us here." He followed with the gun and ran to the left side of the mountain. , went straight to a ten-meter-high, dark rock and rushed.

At this moment, two dazzling beams of light, one red and one blue, suddenly shot out from the dark foot of the mountain in front. rushed to the foot of the mountain.

In the darkness, Wan Lin's figure rushed towards the mountains in front of the left like lightning, and then jumped up suddenly. Like a monkey, he jumped up to the side of the rock more than ten meters high. He lay on the top of the dim rock and raised his gun. Look to the foot of the mountain ahead. Xiaoya and the others also protected Yu Jing and rushed from behind, and then ran to the position of the flanking Chengru and others.

At this moment, a string of dazzling flames suddenly appeared on the hillside near the foot of the mountain, followed by the sound of "bang bang bang" machine guns. The air knife team that had been marching in front of Wanlin and the others to their right had already rushed up the dimly lit hillside at the sound of gunfire. They rushed along the steep hillside to the corner of the hill, Kong Dazhuang's machine gun sounded, and a string of fire snakes whistled and swept away the foot of the hill.

In the firelight from the muzzle, Xiaohua, and the flashing beam of light in Xiaobai's eyes, Wan Lin could already see clearly on the rock seven or eight hundred meters away from the foot of the mountain in front, Xiaohua and Xiaobai were rushing towards the two people in front of them like lightning. The big leopard was also rushing fiercely towards a black shadow that was turning and fleeing backwards.

At this moment, the mountain in front of the side flashed a faint fire. Apparently, Cheng Ru had already occupied a high position and was raising his sniper rifle to provide fire support for the three leopards in front, while his team members Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu were worried about accidentally injuring the three leopards in front, so they did not open it. The gun is just hidden in the mountains and raises the gun to monitor the foot of the mountain on the side.

Wan Lin followed the hillside where Xiang Fengdao and the others were located. Amidst the fire of Kong Dazhuang's machine gun, a faint fire was also flashing from a rock on the side. The sniper Lin Zisheng was also raising his gun and pulling at the enemy on the side of the mountain. The trigger, and the wind knife did not fire, apparently hiding his strength and secretly monitoring the opponent's movements behind the mountain.

At this moment, the sound of the machine gun fired by Kong Dazhuang stopped abruptly, and the fire from the pistol port at the foot of the mountain had also been extinguished. The gunshots echoing from the back of the mountain became more violent, and the flickering explosions illuminated the top of the mountain.

Wan Lin was lying on the top of the dim rock. He quickly observed the situation at the foot of the mountain in front of him, and suddenly a faint smile appeared on his face. He had already judged that when the three leopards, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, had just approached the foot of the mountain, several figures suddenly emerged from the side of the mountain. The violent gunfire behind the mountain and the towering hillside on the side have affected the three leopards with sensitive senses, so they did not notice a few figures fleeing from the corner in front of them.

Judging from the situation just now, the opponent must be a group of boys who had withdrawn from the fierce battle. They turned around the foot of the mountain and found the huge target of the big leopard, so the boy running in front immediately swept out a string of bullets in panic. At this time, the gunshots at the foot of the mountain had stopped, and the beams of light in Xiaohua and Xiaobai's eyes had also been withdrawn, which means that the group of boys running from the side had left a few points in the attack of the three leopards and the gunshots of Kong Dazhuang and the others. With a corpse, he retreated to the back of the mountain in panic.

These boys must have realized in this brief contact that compared with the militants who fought with them, the opponents who killed several of them with their first shots were more terrifying, so they turned around and bit the bullet and fought with the people behind the mountain. The boys fought fiercely.

Wan Lin raised his head to the mountain in front and let out a leopard roar, then turned around and jumped off the high rock, he quickly chased after Xiaoya and the others in the dark and whispered: "Xiaoya, Order Xiaobai and the others to come back, you protect President Yu and go first, leave this mountain as soon as possible, and the Chengru group will be broken!" He said, he quickly ran to Chengru's side with his spear, ordering their group to break up, while raising the The gun looked to the side of the mountain.

When Xiaoya heard Wan Lin's order, she immediately raised her head and made a whistle at the foot of the mountain. Following her whistle, three black shadows, one big, two small and three small, came out from the dark foot of the mountain in front of the side, and the "pop" sound from the foot of the big leopard also sounded from the mountain, and the three black shadows moved towards Xiaoya ran here. The three leopards rushed in front of Xiaoya and the others, and immediately followed Xiaoya and the others to the mountains in front of them.

Wan Lin followed with his spear and ran to Zhang Wa and the others in the mountains in front of him. At the same time, he gave a whistle to the air knives on the side of the hillside. Following his whistle, the three shadows stood up from the pitch-black hillside and ran up and down towards the foot of the hill at the corner of the hill.

A few people from Feng Dao ran to the foot of the mountain in front of and then squatted down among the rocks. After a while, the three men stood up from the darkness again, and with the help of the dim light and the cover of rocks in the mountains, they ran to where Zhang Wa and the others were.

Wan Lin ran to Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng. He raised his gun and looked to the side of the mountain. The dark side of the mountain was flickering with clusters of fire from the muzzle. In the flickering firelight, he vaguely saw five or six black shadows fleeing quickly to the distant mountains under the cover of night.

It didn't take long, the three of Feng Dao ran to the hidden position of Zhang Wa and the others one after another, and they immediately squatted down on a few rocks. Feng Dao turned his head to see Wan Lin squatting beside Zhang Wa, and quickly bent over and ran over.

He squatted beside Wan Lin and reported in a low voice: "Leopard head, a total of five boys were killed. We just checked the corpses at the foot of the mountain, and found no celestial debris on them, only some activity funds, about a few Thousands of dollars."

Wan Lin immediately said: "Okay, let's go! The Chengru group is broken." After speaking, he raised his gun and stood up from behind the dark rock, took the two groups of Zhang Wa and Fengdao, and quickly chased after Xiaoya and the others. go.

In the darkness, Wan Lin and the others quickly caught up with Xiaoya and the others, and Zhang Wa, who served as the scout team, immediately ran forward with Bao Ya and Yu Wenfeng. Wan Lin and Feng Dao were scattered on Yu Jing's flanks, protecting Yu Jing and running towards the dark mountains ahead. ...


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