Panther Commando

Chapter 3774: conceited black snake

Kuroda kept his voice low and continued: "I only learned of this situation two days ago. After Haneda and the others approached the target area, Haneda only spoke to me once, and he said that the local terrain has undergone earth-shaking changes. , they also encountered some huge mountain mice in the mountains, which are very ferocious, and that area gives people a strange feeling."

Hearing this, Ikeda's pale face became like a piece of white paper. He looked at Kuroda in astonishment and asked in a low voice, "Is that area radioactive? Otherwise, why would animals suddenly change in size? Huge, it would be too dangerous to do so!"

Kuroda shook his head and said solemnly: "The person who hired us has sent a researcher to follow Haneda and the others. He checked the surrounding environment and said that there was no radioactive radiation there, it should be the explosion of the meteorite with huge energy. When the meteorite exploded, the genes of these animals were changed by some mysterious substance emitted by the meteorite, so the body shape suddenly changed dramatically. This also indirectly shows that this meteorite does contain some kind of mysterious energy, those after the explosion Fragments contain this mysterious substance."

Hearing this, the black snake had a greedy look in his eyes, and he asked hurriedly; "How are Haneda and the others now, have they found this kind of treasure?"

In the dark jungle, Kuroda lowered his head and stared at a cluster of pale silver light spots not far in front of him and was silent for a moment, then shook his head gently and replied, "I lost contact with Haneda and the others after that, and their situation is unknown now. , I can't tell what happened to them?"

Ikeda, the black snake, heard Kuroda say that he has now lost contact with the Haneda team. His slender eyes suddenly flashed a look of consternation, and he reached out and grabbed the sniper rifle leaning in front of him.

He was indeed shocked. In today's technologically advanced world, you can use a satellite phone to communicate with people anywhere in the world even if you go to the ends of the earth, so an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

Kuroda raised his hand to stop him from continuing to speak, turned his head and glanced at the pitch-black forest around him, and said in a low voice, "I am also surprised, the most dangerous time for Haneda and the others should be the moment they crossed the border. , but they are now approaching the target area, why did they suddenly lose contact? So I quickly contacted the relevant researchers to inquire about the matter."

"They said that this kind of sudden disappearance of radio signals does exist in some areas with special magnetic fields. You should have heard of Bermuda, where ships and aircraft passing there often lose contact and have accidents. The root cause is the local magnetic field. Distortion has occurred. Now that the area of ​​Huaxia has undergone drastic changes, I estimate that the earth's magnetic field there will also be abnormal, so it is reasonable for us to lose contact with Haneda and the others, and we do not need to be overly pessimistic."

In the dark forest, Ikeda's slender eyes rolled a few times, and said with a greedy expression: "Boss, the current situation has proved that those meteorites that fell into China are indeed very strange, these are all precious treasures. We must try to get these treasures. I have not been with our Yamaguchi security for a long time, and I don’t know much about the strength of our Yamaguchi security. Is Haneda’s team capable of fighting?”

He then raised his head, looked into Kuroda's eyes and continued: "I only have a skin wound on my body, and now the wound has begun to heal, why don't I go and take a look? We must never let others take away such an important thing!"

Staring at the black snake's greedy eyes, Kuroda shook his head and said, "The Haneda team is now the most powerful team in our Asian branch. Haneda himself is also a sniper, and he has been with me for five or six years. Several extremely dangerous missions, all of which have been completed well. He has a wealth of practical experience and a very flexible mind. If they can't grab those treasures from there, we will send more people in vain."

He raised his right hand and patted Ikeda's shoulder pretending to be concerned and said, "You are the best assistant by my side, and you are still injured, how could I send you to such a dangerous place! You don't have to worry about it? They, heal the wounds on their bodies first."

When Ikeda saw the regiment commander take him so seriously, a light appeared in his slender eyes, and he said, "This little skin injury is nothing to me. Now Haneda and the others are facing a melee situation. The situation is that the strong is the king, and it depends on who can take those treasures out of other people's pockets. I used to help Haneda and the others secretly, assist them to grab those mysterious things, and there will not be too much danger. "

Heotian calmly looked at the dark jungle in the distance. He already knew in his heart that the black snake beside him had already coveted those mysterious meteor fragments. He said coldly: "Do you really think the people who entered that area are just rabble? Let me tell you, the situation there is more dangerous than the battle between you and the leopard. You should have heard of the name Red Fox, right? ?"

"Red fox?" Ikeda blinked his slender eyes twice in surprise, and followed up; "You're talking about the mysterious killer organization that emerged in the last few years. Did they also send people into that area? "

Kuroda replied in a low voice: "Yes! I have obtained Their mysterious killer group did indeed send people into that area! They should be hired by a spy just like us. Organizations or large companies with strong strength. You should know the people in the Red Fox Hire Group. They are all retired personnel from famous special forces. Each of them has extremely rich actual combat experience and never stays when performing tasks. Live, it's extremely ruthless!"

In the dark jungle, the face of the black snake Ikeda has become very gloomy, he nodded gloomily and said: "I have heard of these people, but I have never fought with them! But it's nothing, so does Lao Tzu. A person who has undergone special training, as long as I hold this sniper rifle in my black snake's hand, I don't care who he is? I will still blow his head!"

Kuroda turned his head and glanced at the conceited look of the black snake, with an expression of admiration in his eyes and said: "Yes, they are all people with guns, as long as we have guns in our hands, we will not be afraid of anyone! It's just not a last resort. , we don't need to have a head-on conflict with them, they are all people who make money at gunpoint, and there is no need for us to kill each other on the bright side."


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