Panther Commando

Chapter 3778: black snake reaction

In the dark jungle, Ikeda sat on the thick raised roots and stared at the picture on the screen. At this moment, a light suddenly appeared in his slender eyes.

He stared at the steep peaks in the picture and said: "Our people all have mountain combat experience. In this terrain, Haneda and the others must have a high probability of completing their tasks. It is Huaxia's leopard troop who appeared in this mountain. In this complex mountainous terrain, I am afraid they will not be able to take advantage of it!"

Staring at the steep hills on the map, Kuroda shook his head and said, "You have only had brief contact with this leopard force, and you don't really know their strength. So far, I have been with this flower. The Leopards have fought many times, and based on my experience of fighting for many years, in mountain and jungle warfare, there is no other special operations unit in the world that can compare to this small-scale special operations unit.”

He raised his head and stared at the black snake and continued: "It's not that I underestimate ourselves, but this leopard force is the best field special force I have ever seen! Don't think that the special force you used to be in can recruit You are good at fighting, if you really meet them, you will still be vulnerable!"

When he said this, two small eyes suddenly flashed a cold light in the darkness. He raised his head and stared in the direction of Huaxia, gritted his teeth and roared viciously: "We must kill them at all costs, otherwise our Yamaguchi security guards will never have peace!" In his gloomy voice, his whole body suddenly disappeared in the dark. There was a fierce murderous aura.

In the darkness, Ikeda suddenly felt a murderous aura coming towards him, and he unconsciously grabbed the sniper rifle leaning between his legs. But he immediately realized that the murderous aura came from the head of the regiment, Kuroda, and the murderous aura was not aimed at him!

He secretly released the sniper rifle that he was holding tightly, and suddenly thought in his heart: "It seems that not only is he looking for revenge on the leopard, but the boss, Kuroda, hates the Huaxia troop to the bottom of his heart. The phone call just now was extremely Maybe he discussed with outsiders how to deal with this leopard?"

In the darkness, Ikeda, the black snake, took a few deep breaths quietly. He narrowed his eyes, and his two eyeballs moved quickly in his eyelids. At this time, his anger has calmed down, and he is analyzing the thoughts of the head of Kuroda in his heart.

Although he is eccentric, his mind is not rigid. He has realized the grievance between Kuroda and that Chinese leopard. At this time, he quietly felt the fierce murderous aura from Kuroda, and he suddenly understood the purpose of Kuroda's high price to recruit him as a security guard in Yamaguchi.

His black snake was a very good sniper in the original special operations force, and he has made a name for himself in several missions, so after he retired, he immediately attracted the favor of major employment organizations, large and small. Hiring organizations secretly sent people to approach him, hoping that he would join their organization.

At that time, he had been in secret contact with these employment organizations, and gradually he had a clear understanding of the characteristics of the major employment organizations, and he knew his own worth well, and those employment groups also gave him excellent treatment.

But when Kuroda came to look for him in person, the price he offered was far higher than the price offered by other mercenaries. There must be a purpose.

After he had contact with Kuroda several times, he suddenly discovered that the boss of Yamaguchi security guard not only has the same R country blood as him, but also has the character of ruthlessness and unscrupulousness, and Yamaguchi security guard is unscrupulous in order to make money. , and indeed in line with his character as a black snake. Moreover, Kuroda, the head of the regiment, valued him as an R-sniper, which made him feel very comfortable, so he finally chose Yamaguchi Security.

After he entered Yamaguchi Security, he immediately carried out several assassination missions according to Kuroda's orders. He knew at the time that this was Kuroda's inspection of his ability, so he showed his ability and completed these missions with great success. This made Kuroda look at it with admiration. Now the head of Kuroda protects him so much, and it is precisely because Kuroda values ​​his ability very much.

After he completed several arduous tasks, Kuroda gave him the information about Huaxia's leopard special force, and asked him to carefully study the combat characteristics of this force and the leopard head. At that time, he always thought that Kuroda had received a big deal in China, and he might encounter this special forces in China during the operation, so let him study the characteristics of this unit in advance, and prepare for him to meet in the future. When this team knows each other, they are well prepared.

Knowing now, he suddenly understood Kuroda's intention to recruit him. It turned out that Yamaguchi security guards and Huaxia's leopard force had long forged a **** feud! He was recruited by Kuroda to use his excellent skills to deal with the leopards, and the leopard head, who was also a sniper, was his main target. Some time ago, the ambush of Leopard was just to let him try his sword.

In the darkness, the eyes of this black snake, Ikeda, were rapidly rolling in their sockets. At this moment, he secretly said in his heart, "No wonder this Kuroda takes him so seriously. It seems that the information he gave him is all about them and that one. After the failure of the Huabao troops, it seems that they have suffered a big loss under the Huabao."

He thought of this, and then cursed in his heart: "Grandma, this kid Kuroda really has a plan, and he didn't reveal the truth to himself for so long. It seems that this Huaxia special force has become a stumbling block for Yamaguchi Security to do business. Hey, Kuroda, if you want Lao Tzu to deal with such a formidable opponent for you, then you have to come up with something real. Lao Tzu came to be a mercenary just to make money. If you don’t give enough chips, Lao Tzu will not. I will die for you!"

Just when Ikeda, the black snake, was moving his mind, the fierce murderous aura around him suddenly disappeared, and the blades of grass bent with the murderous aura suddenly stood up on the forest floor.

Kuroda withdrew his fierce murderous aura in the dark, turned his head to look at Ikeda beside him, he saw the thoughtful look on Ikeda's face, and suddenly realized that he had lost his way. This black snake must have realized the reason why he recruited him!

He pondered for a moment and was about to speak, when Ikeda suddenly turned his head to look at him and asked with some yin and yang: "Boss, Hua Xia is really powerful, do you think how to deal with them?"

Heotian was stunned when he heard his question, and then he understood the meaning of his words, he cursed in his heart: "This **** reacts really fast, he has already understood the purpose of recruiting him, it seems that this The boy is going to bargain with Laozi!"

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