Panther Commando

Chapter 3782: leave as soon as possible

In the rain of bullets whistling in the forest, Ikeda, who was lying under the tree, heard the cry of the regiment leader Kuroda, and immediately reacted quickly and understood the meaning of the other party. He knew that he was already in danger, and the surrounding mercenaries could shoot black guns behind him at any time, so he quickly replied loudly: "Yes! Boss, you withdraw first, and I will pick up the broken brother in front!"

He took advantage of the fire from the muzzle in the distance, aimed at a dark shadow rushing in the distance and pulled the trigger lightly, then he turned his head to the side of Beichuan and shouted: "Beichuan, immediately order your men to withdraw. , I cover!"

After speaking, Ikeda pulled down the night vision goggles on his helmet, jumped up from under the tree trunk with his sniper rifle in hand, and then turned around and rushed out into the forest on the side. His slender body swayed a few times in the forest, and then disappeared into the dark forest on the side.

It didn't take long, a few clusters of faint firelights had already flashed in the dark forest in front of the side, and the flickering firelight in the dense forest in the distance suddenly went out, followed by a panicked cry.

Obviously, the other party has found that the surrounding companions have fallen one after another, and they immediately understood that the other party had a sniper with excellent marksmanship, so they quickly hid behind the tree and shouted, reminding the surrounding companions to pay attention to concealment.

Amid the panicked shouts ahead, two explosions, "Boom" and "Boom" followed, and two clusters of beige smoke immediately rose from the dark forest in front. At this time, the eerie voice of the black snake rang out from the dark forest on the side: "Brothers, retreat, I am the black snake covering, retreat!"

In the shouting of the black snake, the mercenaries in front who were hidden behind the tree trunks immediately leaned out. They raised their guns and swept out a few strings of bullets in the forest behind them. Tian ran around the campsite where they were.

At this time, Kuroda was hiding behind the tree trunk. He raised his gun and looked at the two clouds of smoke rising from the forest in front of him. He knew in his heart that this kid Ikeda had understood what he meant, and he was showing his ability to cover the retreat of the people around him and win the employment of the surrounding people. Bing's favor, to prevent Beichuan and the others from secretly killing him!

Kuroda put down his sniper rifle and whispered to Beichuan beside him: "According to the plan to withdraw, let the black snake cover behind!" Beichuan immediately whispered to the microphone next to his mouth: "According to the plan to protect the regiment Long, withdraw!"

After finishing speaking, he and a few mercenaries scattered around Kuroda, protecting him and quickly ran into the dark jungle behind him, and disappeared into the dark jungle after a short time.

The gunshots at the back stopped, and a sound of shouting in the local dialect also came from the forest behind. Kuroda ran hundreds of meters away, he stopped beside a thick tree, turned around and raised his gun to the back, he ordered in a low voice: "Bei Chuan, order your people to be on the spot. Hide and wait for the black snake to follow."

"Yes!" Beichuan replied in a low voice. He followed the command to the microphone beside his mouth, then raised his gun and looked into the dim forest behind, the murderous aura in his eyes had disappeared.

At this time, he and the surrounding men saw the black snake rushing out in the rain of bullets, and then shot and killed the opponent in the dense forest. They risked their lives to cover the brothers in front of them and retreated. They already had a good impression of this kid in their hearts.

Moreover, those armed men who suddenly appeared did make them wonder, they really couldn't judge whether the companion who died in vain was shot and killed by the black snake? In the darkness at that time, no one could accurately judge whether the bullet spewed from the muzzle of the black snake was aimed at his companion.

Kuroda raised his gun and aimed at the dense forest that had been quiet for a while, then hid behind the tree and turned to look at the surrounding mercenaries. At this time, he saw that there was no murderous intent in the eyes of the people around him.

He secretly said in his heart: "Grandma, the black snake is so lucky that the border patrol team suddenly appeared. Otherwise, I am afraid that the commander of his own will not be able to be around these angry mercenaries. The violent black snake rescued this dense forest. Alas, in order to avoid long nights, let's take the black snake out of here as soon as possible, otherwise I am afraid that I may be killed by these violent men."

He thought to himself, and immediately whispered to Beichuan, who was holding his gun and aimed at the back, "How did you lead the team? You dared to shoot at me and Hei Snake just now! If it wasn't for me and Hei Snake who found out in time. The people who approached secretly, I'm afraid you **** don't even know that the pot has been served!"

Beichuan and the surrounding mercenaries heard the scolding of the regiment commander, and a look of shame flashed in their eyes. Someone in the middle was approaching quietly, so they were the first to shoot and threw the *.

When Beichuan heard Kuroda's scolding, he hurriedly raised his head from the top of his head and explained in a low voice: "Captain, this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. At that time, we saw the fire from the muzzle, so the brothers were in a hurry. Pulling the is not aimed at you, how dare we disrespect your head!"

He followed and stared at the dark jungle in front of him again, and said in a low voice: "Captain, the black snake is really annoying, the brothers can't bear it anymore. Forget it, let's see if he can rush out to cover us at a critical moment, We don't care about it anymore. Captain, his injury has almost recovered. Would you hurry up and send this ominous guy away? Otherwise, I really can't control my brother." In order to rescue the black snake, His subordinates have already lost a few capable officers, so he really doesn't like the black snake.

In the darkness, when Kuroda heard Beichuan's reply, the hanging stone in his heart was completely put down. He knew that if Beichuan didn't speak, the surrounding mercenaries would not dare to take action to kill the black snake. Now that Beichuan has put away his killing intent, the black snake will be temporarily safe.

He followed him from behind the dark tree to look into the woods behind him, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, I know that the black snake is eccentric and difficult to get along with his brothers. But this kid is just short-tempered. You have two hearts towards us, you can rest assured about that."

When Kuroda said this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Well, let's leave this jungle now. You bring someone to protect us near the city. I will immediately take him into the city and take a plane to get out of here as soon as possible. Let's go. After that, you continue your original mission. Let's go first, and the black snake will follow."

"Okay!" Beichuan replied in a low voice, relieved, and he glanced at a few men chasing after him, and asked in a low voice, "Are all the brothers back?"

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