Panther Commando

Chapter 3785: Warning in the dark

The mountains before dawn looked very dark. Wan Lin was lying on the rocks on the steep hillside and carefully observed the dark mountains in front of him for a while.

He immediately stood up and picked up his sniper rifle, and said to Chengru and the others with a solemn expression: "It will be dawn in two or three hours. After dawn, it will be difficult for us to hide our whereabouts in this rock-covered mountain. Now, taking advantage of the cover of the night, I will take Xiaohua to the front to scout and see if I can find the traces of the expedition team? At the same time, I will also scout the whereabouts of those militants. You can take advantage of this time to rest for a while. After dawn, you will Act again. Once there is a situation ahead, I will let Xiaohua roar to notify you."

When Cheng Ru and several others heard his arrangement, they all turned their heads and stared at him in the dark, and said in unison, "No, we can just go to reconnaissance, how can we let you go up in person."

Wan Lin waved his hand and said in a low voice with a firm attitude: "The sight in the mountains is too dark now, and none of us can observe the situation in the distance. We can only rely on Xiaohua's keen eyes and hearing. Act in this darkness and feel free to move at any time. You may encounter those giant beasts and militants, and in the event of an emergency, you can command Xiaohua."

He then turned his head to look at Xiaoya and said in a low voice: "Once there is an abnormal situation, I will let Xiaohua let out a roar to notify you. When that time comes, you will direct Xiaobai to lead the teams to follow, and Laocheng will temporarily replace me here."

Fengdao saw that Wan Lin's attitude was very firm. He grabbed the assault rifle on the rock and said, "I'll go up with you, so I can take care of it if I have something!" Zhang Wa also raised the gun and stood up and said, "Yes, Lao Feng and I will go with you!" Wan Lin glanced at Zhang Wa, shook his head and said, "You can rest for a while, just let Bao Ya follow me and Lao Feng, he did a great job."

After speaking, he did not allow the others to continue talking, and turned his head to the wind knife and ordered: "Go, let's go down the mountain and call Lao Bao!" Zhang Wa saw Wan Lin's resolute attitude and knew that Leopard Head was thinking that he had been seriously injured. So wanting to take a rest, he said, "Okay, I'll go down with you instead of Lao Bao's guard."

In Zhang Wa's voice, the three of them drilled out of the rocks with their guns in hand, and ran straight to the dim hillside below. Cheng Ru put the sniper rifle on the rock, leaned on the back of the gun and slowly turned the muzzle, monitoring the dim surrounding mountains to prevent the sudden emergence of the enemy.

Cheng Ru turned his head to look at Xiaoya, who was holding a gun and looking at the hillside below, after confirming that there were no dangerous factors around. He whispered, "It's almost dawn, you should go back and rest for a while."

Xiaoya withdrew her concerned gaze in the darkness and watched Cheng Ru wave her hand. She flashed her assault rifle from behind the rock, bent over on the steep rock wall and ran to Yu Jing and the others behind her. Cheng Ru continued to lie behind the sniper rifle, turning the muzzle to look at the dimly lit mountains below.

In the dimly lit mountains, the figures of Wan Lin, Feng Dao and Bao Ya appeared in Cheng Ru's scope. The three of them flickered between the rocks, and then they saw Xiao Hua's agile figure running from under the rocks. He came out and ran towards the mountains in front of him like black smoke.

The figures of Wan Lin and the three of them followed Xiao Hua closely, and they disappeared into the dim mountains in a short time. At this time, a group of small white shadows suddenly sprang out from the rocks in front, turning around and running towards the steep hillside where Xiaoya was located, the big leopard lying on the rocks turned his head and looked back a little uneasy. Xiaobai, the faint red light in his eyes flickered in the night.

The mountains are full of rubble, and the black giant boulders are like monsters lying in the dark, appearing one after another in front of Wan Lin and the others. In the darkness, Wan Lin and Xiao Hua had already formed a battle formation while running. Xiao Hua and Bao Ya sped up and rushed in front, Wan Lin and Feng Dao were on both sides behind them more than ten meters away.

At this moment, the dark figures of the three of them appeared and disappeared from time to time among the rocks, and in the silent mountains there was only a low "chacha" sound from their feet. Under the leadership of Xiaohua, the three of them ran for more than half an hour towards the dimly lit mountains ahead. At this time, the distant top of the mountain in the east has turned white, and the white clouds accumulated on the top of the mountain are like a huge fish maw, with a faint white light hanging high in the dim night sky.

The three Wan Lin were running extremely fast. At this time, the sky is almost bright. Once the sky is bright, they can't hide their whereabouts at all in the mountains where the mountains stand. The other party can observe their figures from the top of the mountain more than ten kilometers away. Therefore, Wan Lin decided to bring Xiaohua, a strange beast with a very sensitive sense of hearing and smell, to take advantage of the night to approach the mountains ahead for reconnaissance before dawn.

Now, with Xiaohua, this alien beast, searching ahead, there is definitely no danger within a few hundred meters. So they all speed up and run forward, trying to get close to the dangerous area ahead as soon as possible.

Just when the three of Wan Lin picked up the speed and ran forward, the little flower that had been undulating among the rocks in front of suddenly rushed behind a rock in front of him and stopped, turning its head back in the dark. Looking at it, a blue light flashed in the two round eyes.

Wan Lin, Feng Dao, and Bao Ya's faces immediately became solemn, and they rushed towards the back of the rock in front of them. Feng Dao and Bao Ya followed from the side of the rock, carefully sticking out the muzzle and aiming forward.

As soon as the two of them stretched out their guns, they found that a black shadow on the side was rising and falling, running at an extremely fast speed under a rock more than ten meters high in front of the side. The two of them were shocked, knowing that the leopard's head had rushed to the high point of the mountain at this moment, and the two of Fengdao quickly aimed the muzzle of the gun towards the mountain in front.

As soon as the two turned their heads, they found that Xiaohua's figure had drilled out from under the dark rock in front, and was scurrying towards a piece of rock in front of him like a smoke. A faint blue light flashed in his eyes, vigorous and vigorous. The figure dashed forward in the rubble. If you don't pay attention in the dark, it is difficult to find its swift figure.

In the dimly lit mountains, Wan Lin's feet touched a piece of rock, and there was only a very slight "rustle" under his feet. In a blink of an eye, he had swept the side of the rock, and appeared at the one more than ten meters in front of him. under high rocks. His figure jumped up under the dark rock, his left hand scratched a rock crevice more than three meters high on the side of the rock, and his body followed closely to the side of the rock.

At this time, Wan Lin was carrying the sniper rifle that rushed out behind him, sticking to the rock wall like a huge gecko, and his motionless figure had merged with the almost vertical rock wall.

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