Panther Commando

Chapter 3789: huge shadow

When Wan Lin was on the top of the rock just now, he had already observed from a height: there were a total of seven black shadows chasing after him, three were located between the mountains in front of Fengdao and Baoya, and the other four were from the mountains near the foot of the mountain. Outflanking, there is another sniper hidden on the boulder in front.

Now, the sniper in the mountain in front and the three approaching boys have been killed, and the only remaining enemies are the four **** in the mountain in front of the right. The explosive flames on the side of the boulder flickered, and Wan Lin hid behind the side of the rock and found that four dark shadows were running up and down in the dark mountain in front of the side. The other party did not rush towards this side, but after shooting a gun* at the boulder that Wan Lin had just hidden, they turned around and fled to the foot of the mountain in front of him.

Wan Lin moved the muzzle slowly. At this time, he already knew in his heart that the four boys must also realize that the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole was behind. Just when they were killing the few people just now, there was another fierce armed force hidden near the boulder. Now, several of their companions chasing from the mountains in front, and the sniper who covered them have all died. They rushed over in the dark to seek death. So after they fired a gun* at the boulder, they immediately turned around and ran to the foot of the mountain in front of them, trying to turn around the foot of the mountain and escape this dangerous area!

At this time, Wan Lin's face was already gloomy. He didn't want to do anything at first, but these boys have already started killing unscrupulously in this mountain, and they rushed straight to the place where they were invisible. Now that they have taken action, they cannot let these boys escape from this area! He followed and aimed at a dark shadow that had just emerged from under the rock, and pulled the trigger lightly with his right index finger.

Wan Lin held the gun and vibrated lightly, and the dark shadow in the distance immediately staggered forward in the darkness, and then planted on the rocks on the ground. Wan Lin moved the muzzle quickly and aimed at another black shadow on the side. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the other party's figure suddenly disappeared behind a rock more than half a meter high, followed by a cluster of firelight from the side of the rock. Spitting out, a black gun* flew straight to where he was.

Wan Lin quickly retracted his gun and hid behind the rock, "Boom", and the explosion sounded from the mountains about 100 meters in front of them. "Little brat!" Wan Lin cursed in a low voice, and at the moment when the fire went out, he suddenly rushed behind another rock more than one meter high in front of him.

At this time, he had already seen that in the dark mountain five or six hundred meters away, three other shadows were running wildly at the foot of the dark mountain. Obviously, these boys had already discovered that their companions were killed by snipers, so they did not Dare to fight back on the spot, but went straight to the foot of the dark mountain and escaped. The figures of the three boys moved extremely fast between the rocks, and Wan Lin's gun could no longer accurately lock the other party's figure.

Wan Lin rushed behind the rock on the side, raised his gun and took a look, then picked up his gun and chased forward. At this time, Feng Dao and Bao Ya had also sprung out from behind the invisible rock, and the three of them rushed straight to the dark side of the mountain under the cover of the dim vision and the rocks.

At this time, the originally dark night sky has become white. The dark shadows of the mountains have revealed the towering peaks. Wan Lin and the others were on the side of the rocks, rushing towards the foot of the side of the mountain.

At this time, neither the enemy nor the enemy fired. The three who escaped understood that there were snipers with excellent marksmanship behind them. Once they stopped, they would be locked by the opponent's sniper rifle. escaped at gunpoint. So the three of them speeded up their pace, dashing from left to right among the rocks, trying to use their speed to avoid being locked by the opponent's sniper rifle, and at the same time escape to the back of the mountain as quickly as possible with the help of complex terrain and dim cover.

Wan Lin and the others also understood that in this kind of rocky mountains and dim vision, even if they stopped and raised their guns to shoot, it would be difficult to accurately hit the three fast-moving boys in front of them, so they simply mentioned The speed caught up, in order to get close to the opponent as soon as possible to shoot.

In the dimly lit mountains, several vague figures flickered between the rocks, all rushing towards the foot of the side mountain at a very fast speed. Wan Lin took the lead in rushing to the mountain 200 meters away. He kicked his right foot vigorously, jumped up with the sound of wind, and rushed straight to a boulder more than three meters high in front of him.

The moment he pounced in front of the rock, his left hand jerked forward, grabbed a dark crack on the top of the rock, and jumped up again, and in an instant he appeared on the top of the rock. Lying on the rock, he quickly set up his sniper rifle, pulled the bolt with his right hand, and aimed at the foot of the mountain ahead.

The light at the foot of the mountain was very dim, and the three shadowy figures dashed to and fro between the rocks, almost merging with the surrounding rocks. Wan Lin moved the barrel of the gun slowly, trying his best to find an opportunity to shoot. At this time, he slowly moved the muzzle of the and secretly said in his heart: "This group of boys who have entered this mountainous area indeed have With a wealth of actual combat experience, their tactical movements in fast movement are actually very standardized."

He thought to himself, moving the muzzle to a dark shadow that was flickering between the rocks in the distance, the muzzle slowly moved in the direction the opponent was running, and his eyes were fixed on the scope. The moment the boy disappeared behind a rock in the distance, and then drilled out from the other side, Wan Lin immediately pulled the trigger, and the muzzle was already aimed at the opponent's head.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, a red light suddenly flashed out of the darkness, and a black shadow followed from under a boulder on the side. The huge figure was like the top of Mount Tai, and it rushed out from behind the rock on the side. The boy was pressed under him, and there was a shrill scream at the foot of the dim mountain.

"Da da da", "da da da", two series of gunshots followed, and the two boys who were flying between the rocks on the side had already seen a black shadow suddenly rushing out of the darkness, and they suddenly thought of this at this time. It was the behemoth that appeared and disappeared in the mountains just now.

Just now, when this behemoth rushed from the mountains behind with red eyes, these well-armed boys had already spotted it running wildly, but they did not put this ferocious beast in their eyes.

In this mountain, what these boys were afraid of were ferocious beasts in groups. No matter how fierce a solitary beast was, it could not resist the powerful weapons in their hands. Therefore, their attention was completely focused on The few boys who escaped did not continue to pay attention to this beast that suddenly disappeared.

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