Panther Commando

Chapter 3800: tough metal ball

Yu Jing suddenly raised her hand and stretched out to the rock on the side. She picked up a hard shell cut off by a small white claws and held it in front of her. After carefully observing the burning marks on it, she followed up: "These The rock should be the material that flew out in the violent explosion when the meteorite landed. During the explosion and high temperature, they have produced some chemical reactions with certain elements in the surrounding environment, so this kind of very hard material appears. The crust. During an eruption, a huge amount of hot magma spews out of the crater, and the magma cools to create this dark crust."

In the voice, she suddenly pulled out the saber from her leg, tapped the back of the knife **** the skin, and then said, "It's too hard, such a strong beating doesn't leave a trace." Xiaoya took the shell in her hand. After taking a closer look, he nodded and said: "Indeed, this thing is much harder than the outer skin of those volcanic rocks we often see!"

Just as Yu Jing and Xiaoya were talking, two thumb-sized oval **** appeared in front of Xiaohua and Xiaobai. In just a moment, their sharp nails turned into magic, shaving off all the black shells on the two round stones, and everyone looked at them intently.

At this moment, a look of disappointment suddenly appeared in the eyes of everyone. The two round stones did not emit a dazzling light like the two round stones just now, but two stones that reflected the faint morning light. The small dark silver sphere has a metallic luster at first glance. The two gems that were stuffed into the mouth by the two leopards just now are completely different, giving people a feeling of being unsightly.

Lingling stared at the two small **** that were cleaned up by the two leopards in disappointment, and murmured in her mouth: "How could this be, why did those people put these two broken stones in the box? This is not Jewel!" Everyone's eyes also showed disappointment, and everyone looked at Yu Jing, who was very knowledgeable.

Indeed, these four small round stones that were put into the box by those gangsters as treasures, but their fineness is worlds apart! This really disappointed everyone, and at the same time made everyone feel a little confused. Why did the gangsters put these two small round stones in the small metal box that treasured the precious stones?

At this time, Yu Jing stretched out her hands with bright eyes and picked up the two metal **** in front of the two leopards, followed by spreading her palms and staring at them. At this moment, a mountain wind blew, and two small **** suddenly swayed in her pure white palm, as if they were about to drift away with the wind. Yu Jing quickly closed her palms and exclaimed in surprise, "Great, this is also a baby!"

When everyone heard her scream of surprise, they all looked at her in surprise. Yu Jing raised a metal ball and said, "Look, Xiaohua and Xiaobai's sharp fingernails didn't leave any scratches on them just now, which shows that these two **** are extremely hard and light in texture. Not the metal we have on Earth!"

Wan Lin's eyes lit up when he heard Yu Jing's explanation, looked at her and said, "You mean this kind of thing is very light and very hard?" Yu Jing replied excitedly: "Yes, it is so light and so hard. If metal is used in military equipment, it can really reach the level of invulnerability, which is the dream of all our scientific researchers!"

A few people around immediately understood what she meant. Lingling excitedly pointed to the bulletproof vest on her body and said, "If we really use this thing to make bulletproof vests, then it's like we're not wearing anything?" Before she finished speaking, Everyone around looked at her.

Xiaoya smiled and slapped Lingling on the shoulder and said, "Bullshit!" Lingling was stunned for a moment, and then she realized the language in her words. She raised her arms flushed and folded her arms around her chest, looking at the group of male players around her. She shouted angrily: "Stinky boy, what are you looking at? Where do you want to go!" When a group of people saw her shy look, they all grinned.

At this time, Wan Lin reached out and took the small metal ball in Yu Jing's hand. He pulled out his saber and tapped it with the back of the knife. A dull sound came from the metal ball. He then squatted beside the rock, put the ball on the rock, looked at Yu Jing and said, "Mr. Yu, I'll try cutting it with a knife to see if it's really that hard?"

"Okay, if you can cut it with a knife blade, then this piece of metal is useless, you can try harder!" Yu Jing replied immediately. "Okay, then I'll try it!" Wan Lin said and put the small ball into a crack on the rock, then picked up two more rocks and clamped the ball tightly in the crack, he immediately raised his saber vigorously Cut down!

"Bang", a dull voice sounded immediately, a cluster of sparks jumped up from the place where the saber and the ball touched at the same time, and the saber in Wan Lin's hand was bounced upwards. Everyone looked at the ball in the crevice of the rock and the saber raised by Wan At this time, they had seen it clearly, and a look of astonishment flashed in their eyes. At this moment, a soy-sized gap had already appeared on the sharp blade of the saber, and the ball had dented inwardly under the blade, and then quickly returned to its original state. trace!

Everyone's eyes widened, and Lingling whispered, "The blade is broken, but this metal ball has no trace at all!" Wan Lin also stared at the broken notch on the saber in his hand in astonishment. Mouth did not speak for a long time.

The sabers issued by these special forces players are all made of carbon steel, and many rare elements have been added to them. The blade has excellent toughness and hardness. But he didn't expect that such a sharp saber would be so vulnerable in front of this small metal ball, and there were no traces of being chopped on the metal ball.

"Great!" Yu Jing happily picked up the metal ball in the crack of the rock. She quickly took out the small metal box she had originally obtained from her backpack, and then carefully placed the two metal **** into the box. She closed the lid and carefully put the metal box into her backpack.

She then looked at everyone excitedly and said, "I must study the texture of these two metal **** when I go back. This kind of metal ball has strong toughness and metal recovery. If I can crack the mystery, we will A large amount of this new material can be produced, and at the same time, a new type of battlefield protective equipment can be developed with this material. If you wear this extremely lightweight new body armor, it will definitely protect your safety on the battlefield, and also It can enhance your fighting ability!"

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