Panther Commando

Chapter 3802: closed borders

Wan Lin stared affectionately at Yu Jing's big beautiful eyes, and said in a low voice, "Thank you, Mr. Yu! The ceremony is complete." After speaking, he suddenly turned around to look at the steep mountains in front of him, and ordered in a deep voice: "Battle formation, let's go!" After speaking, he strode towards the mountains ahead with his sniper rifle.

The surrounding team members immediately scattered among the mountains when they heard Wan Lin's order, and strode forward with their guns in hand. When Zhang Wa and Bao Ya ran across several enemy corpses in the mountains, they all bent down and quickly picked up the enemy weapons and ammunition scattered among the rocks, and then quickly formed a battle group in the mountains, speeding up to the foot of the mountain in front of them. run away.

At this time, their faces had become solemn, and the joy they had just obtained after obtaining those precious meteorite gems had been deeply pressed into their hearts. They know that this is just a victory in the first battle, and there are more arduous combat tasks waiting for them. Up to now, they have fought several battles with the enemy in the mountains, and the ammunition has been consumed, so they have all picked up the enemy's weapons and ammunition according to their own conditions, in order to ensure sufficient ammunition supply in the following battles. .

Just as Wan Lin and the others were walking towards the mountains in front of the morning light, there were six or seven staff officers with solemn expressions sitting in front of the monitors in the Operation Department of the A Military Region. Graphics jumping on the front instrument. There is a huge display screen hanging on the side wall, which is clearly displaying a satellite image. The huge war room is silent and the atmosphere is very tense.

At this moment, Gao Li, the head of the military region's operations department, and Li Dongsheng, the vice-minister, were standing quietly in front of the screen wearing camouflage uniforms. Since they lost contact with the Leopard Commando, the hearts of the two generals have been weighed down by a heavy stone. These days they have been carefully studying the information from all quarters during the battle, judging that Wan Lin and the others will encounter each other. to various situations.

At this time, a staff officer suddenly stood up in front of a communication device and reported in a low voice: "Report, Director Qi Zhijun of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department requested a video call." Li Dongsheng immediately turned his head and ordered, "Take it!" He followed with Gao Li again. Turning to look at the screen.

The satellite image on the screen was immediately replaced by the image of Qi Zhijun, director of the Southwest Military Region Operations Department. The three looked at each other and raised their hands in salute. Li Dongsheng took the microphone handed over by the communications staff and said, "Minister Qi, Minister Gao Li is by my side!"

The powerful voice of Qi Zhijun immediately came from the loudspeakers on both sides of the screen: "Minister Gao, Deputy Minister Li, the border guards just reported that they have dispatched a regiment into the plateau area according to the order of our military region. At present, they have completed Blockade of border lines close to targeted areas."

Li Dongsheng immediately said: "Okay, please strictly order them, never let any outlaw cross the border and enter the target area! At the same time, never let any outlaw escape the border!"

Qi Zhijun's firm voice followed: "Our military region has ordered the border guards to kill the armed criminals who illegally entered our Chinese territory! They must not be allowed to take away every grass, tree, brick and stone from our territory! "Okay!" Li Dongsheng said into the microphone in a loud voice.

Qi Zhijun looked at Li Dongsheng on the screen and said, "In addition, I have ordered Zou Tao, the commander of the special brigade of the military region, to personally bring a ten-person capable team to the target area. Now, they have arrived at the leopard and lost with you. In the contact area, I ordered them to stand by and not enter the lost contact area easily. Have you got in touch with Leopard Head?"

When Gao Li heard Qi Zhijun's question, he stretched out his hand to take the microphone from Li Dongsheng and said in a low voice, "Minister Qi, I am Gao Li. So far, Hua Leopard is still in a state of disconnection, and the specific circumstances are unknown. We judge. , the electromagnetic environment in that area is the same as that of the dry rice bowl, so the leopards lost contact with us after entering that area. At present, they must have entered the area where the meteorite exploded and are fighting fiercely with various enemies. It should be very difficult."

He paused for a while, then raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "However, we firmly believe in the ability of the Panther Commandos, in front of this brave and tenacious special operations team, no enemy can beg from their men yet. Cheap!"

Hearing Gao Li's firm voice, Qi Zhijun immediately said: "Okay! We can rest assured that you have this confidence. By the way, I heard Vice Minister Li tell me that Yu Jing also followed Wan Lin and the others into the area, Judging from the current situation, they should be under a lot of pressure. Now that Zou Tao and the others are close to the target area, should I immediately order to rush over to help the leopard?"

When Gao Li heard Qi Zhijun's, he immediately turned his head and looked at Li Dongsheng. Li Dongsheng was originally the captain of the Leopard Commando. He was more familiar with this commando than anyone else. He was familiar with the abilities of each team member and the comprehensive combat capability of this special forces unit, so he had to seek Li Dongsheng's opinion.

Li Dongsheng hesitated for a moment, then he took the microphone from Gao Li and said decisively, "No, from the analysis of the current situation, the area is very large, and there may be many unknown dangers hidden in it. Now, Wan Lin and the others are following Yu Jing. This scientist with a wealth of astrophysical knowledge, I believe they are fully capable of dealing with all kinds of emergencies."

Gao Li, who was standing on the side, heard Li Dongsheng's answer, and he also said loudly: "Deputy Minister Li is right! Now we can't judge the direction Wan Lin and the others are heading, and the area where they are now. Zou Tao and the others are entering this area. In the lost contact area, it is difficult for them to find Wan Lin and the others in a short period of time, and they are likely to encounter many unknown dangers. Unless it is absolutely necessary, do not let Zou Tao and the others enter that area. Back then, Deputy Minister Li and Wan Lin were cooking dinner. When I was in the basin, I had encountered an attack by a strange beast, and the situation was very dangerous."

At this moment, the guards at the door suddenly pushed open the door and reported, "Report, Deputy Director Wang Molin of the State Security Administration is here." "Please come in!" Gao Li and Li Dongsheng ordered at the same time. Following the voice, Wang Molin strode into the war room with a secretary.

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng quickly turned around and straightened up, and raised their hands to salute Wang Molin who was approaching. Gao Li saw Wang Molin returning the salute, then he put down his arms and turned to look at Qi Zhijun on the screen and said, "Deputy Director Wang is here, there may be new situations on his side, wait a moment."

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