Panther Commando

Chapter 3810: faint gunshots

Just as the two groups of Cheng Ru and Xiaoya were running towards the mountains on both sides of the valley, Wan Lin had already rushed into the dark and narrow valley with Feng Dao, Lin Zisheng, and Kong Dazhuang. Cheng Ru and Xiaoya moved quickly in the mountains on both sides of Taniguchi, and then they hid behind the rock and raised their guns to aim at both sides.

In the blink of an eye, the mountains that were still crowded with people suddenly became quiet. Except for the dark gray rocks and towering cliffs scattered all over the mountains, there was no one person in the mountains. The dark gray mountains seemed to suddenly become deadly silent.

Wan Lin, Feng Dao, Kong Dazhuang, and Lin Zisheng rushed into the canyon. The four of them were immediately divided into two groups. Feng Dao took Kong Dazhuang with a gun and rushed forward at a faster speed. Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng, who were carrying sniper rifles, were lined up under the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, and they all rushed forward ups and downs among the rocks.

Wan Lin ran forward with a sniper rifle, carefully observing the rugged canyon ahead and the steep cliffs on both sides. It was noon at this time, but the light in the narrow passage was dim, the black lacquered rock walls were covered with water stains, and the air was filled with a damp smell.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others were running very fast, and now the three leopards and Zhang Wa were in the canyon in front of them, which means that the place they just passed was not dangerous, so they had nothing to do with their actions. scruples.

They turned several sharp turns along the narrow passage, and ran forward for about two or three kilometers along the passage. At this time, Wan Lin suddenly discovered that the originally narrow passage suddenly became much wider in front, but the passage in front was still standing with steep rock walls, and he could not observe the scene in the distance at all.

Wan Lin and the others stepped on the wet rocks, jumped back and forth between the slowly flowing stream, and rushed forward with agile movements towards a towering rock wall. At this time, Feng Dao and Kong Dazhuang, who were running in front, rushed under the rock wall. They were about to turn to the side when they suddenly stopped, and then raised their guns and aimed forward.

Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng who followed behind saw Feng Dao's vigilant look, and they quickly accelerated their pace and rushed over. As soon as the two rushed to the front of the cliff, they heard a faint sound of gunfire coming from the depths of the winding canyon in front of them, mixed with the faint roar of a leopard.

Feng Dao felt Wan Lin rushing to his side, and he immediately whispered: "Leopard head, Zhang Wa and the others must be fighting the enemy in front! This canyon is winding and winding, and it is impossible to judge the distance now!"

Wan Lin listened intently for a moment, and then a gleam of light appeared in his eyes. He ordered in a low voice, "Quicken your speed, go up!" After he finished speaking, he slammed his feet on the rock and carried the gun to the dark passage to the side. Jumped out. The three of Fengdao didn't say a word, and followed up with their guns.

At this time, they all knew that this canyon was covered with steep rock walls, and the canyon circled left and right between the cliffs. The faint gunfire must have been refracted back and forth between the cliffs, and they couldn't. Judging the distance of the gunshots, it is impossible to guess what happened in front of them? Therefore, now they can only get close to the accident site as soon as possible, and then take action to support the three leopards and Zhang Wa depending on the situation.

Wan Lin and the others dashed forward in the dark canyon, the sound of gunshots and the roar of the leopard becoming more and more clear. They turned over the cliffs in front of them one after another. Wan Lin, who had already made a quick effort to rush to the front, suddenly stopped under the cliff in front of him. He followed him from the end of the cliff and raised his gun to aim forward. Afterwards, the air knives who followed also all pulled their gun bolts nervously, and then pressed their bodies tightly against the wall behind Wan Lin.

The sound of gunshots is being fired from the side channel like fried beans! On the black cliff diagonally opposite Wan Lin and the others, pieces of debris that were hit by stray bullets were splashing. On the black cliff, mottled patches of blue-gray marks struck by bullets appeared.

Wanlin moved his gun to the end of the rock wall, and then quietly extended his muzzle from under the rock wall to look sideways and forward. At this time, he suddenly discovered that the canyon in front of him was like a big pocket that suddenly opened, and the narrow space suddenly became clear.

The big pocket-like canyon is full of jagged boulders. The sides should have been steep rock walls like a knife and axe, but suddenly turned into a gentle **** in front.

The hillside is densely covered with rocks, and clusters of green weeds and shrubs are stubbornly drilling out of the cracks in the rocks. In the blue sky, the round sun is hanging high above the canyon, and the clear sunlight illuminates the dark canyon in every detail, forming a sharp contrast with the dark passage behind.

In the dazzling sunlight, the pupils in Wan Lin's eyes shrank suddenly. Through the scope on his gun, he quickly swept across the hillsides in front of him and followed the hillside in front of him to the right.

Zhang Wa, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng were lying on the side of the hillside near The rocks around the three were splashing with clusters of rubble shot by opponents' bullets. From time to time, the three of them were sticking out their guns from the side of the rock, sweeping away a few rapid bursts of light towards the canyon in front and the hillside opposite, and then quickly retracted the guns in the rain of flying bullets.

"The three of Zhang Wa have been suppressed by enemy fire!" Wan Lin's expression suddenly became tense. He then saw that the huge snow leopard was lying under a huge rock next to Zhang Wa. At this time, there were bloodstains on the black and white fur on its back.

Wan Lin's heart sank immediately. At this time, he had already judged the process of this encounter: when the three leopards rushed here, they must have suddenly encountered the enemy in the valley. The huge body and fierce appearance of the snow leopard immediately become the target of the opponent's attack.

The ferocious leopard was already injured in the dense rain of bullets that the opponent suddenly shot. Zhang Wa and the three who followed, must have heard the gunshots and leopard roars in front, and rushed out of the rugged passage behind, then rushed to the side hillside and pulled the trigger against the enemy in the distance. It attracted the enemy's firepower at once.

Now, the injured snow leopard must have been ordered by Xiaohua to lie beside Zhang Wa, but Wan Lin did not see Xiaohua and Xiaobai beside Zhang Wa and the others.

An anxious look appeared on Wan Lin's face immediately. At this time, he had already seen the hidden figures of Zhang Wa and the others, but he did not find Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai, which made him feel a sense of unease. He immediately moved the muzzle to aim at the Taniguchi and the side hillside where the enemy was located, and there was an anxious look in his two bright eyes.

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