Panther Commando

Chapter 3813: Howling wolf in the mountains

The two leopards streaked across the hillside like lightning with the red and blue light beams from their eyes, and then disappeared into the pile of rocks on the hillside. The two black shadows on the side that were turning their muzzles screamed with the light and shadow, the assault rifles in their hands suddenly rose up, and two bright red blood columns roared out from the sides of their necks.

In an instant, the aorta on the side of their necks had been cut open by Xiaohua and Xiaobai's sharp fingernails, two strands of blood gushed out, and the two fell backwards. In the bright noon sun, a pink blood mist immediately filled the hillside.

The blood column suddenly rising from the companion made the other two shadows on the side exclaim, and then turned around and swept out a string of bullets at the two flashing lights and shadows, and they turned around and ran down the hillside. As he ran, he turned around and pulled the trigger on the side of the hillside. Pieces of rubble splattered by their bullets splattered on the rubble on the hillside.

The two ferocious leopards had already made the two boys on the hillside tremble with fear. They didn't care to hide their figures, and fled down the hillside like crazy, as if they had forgotten that there was still a group of people hiding on the opposite hillside ready to go. The killer who sent them to hell!

At this moment, "poof", "poof", Wan Lin and Lin Zisheng, who were lying among the rocks on the opposite hillside, pulled the trigger of their sniper rifles almost simultaneously. The two panicked shadows on the opposite side fell on the hillside, and then rolled down the hillside like rags to the foot of the hill.

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he immediately threw himself under another rock on the side, and then the muzzle came out of the crack in the rock. Through the sniper scope on his gun, he aimed at the hillside near the opposite Taniguchi, with a fierce murderous look in his eyes. There was the location where the opponent's sniper and machine gunner suddenly appeared just now. At this time, a strong murderous aura had risen in his heart.

At this moment, as the four boys who were just startled by the two leopards were killed, the hillside opposite was already silent, and even the two leopards that had flashed past were nowhere to be seen. In the valley, only the sound of gunshots from Taniguchi in front of them still sounded like a scramble, but the bullets fired by their guns were obviously flying towards the outside of the valley. Wan Lin and the others did not feel the whistling rain of bullets.

Wan Lin was lying on the ground under the rock, motionlessly aiming at the hillside near the mouth of the valley through the gap in the rock. At this time, the sound of machine guns on the hillside in front of them was "bang bang bang" behind a boulder on the hillside. The sound of the assault rifles behind the rock at Taniguchi also came one after another, but the enemy sniper who shot just now was still nowhere to be seen. There were only a few clusters of weeds burrowing out of the crevices of the rocks on the hillside, following the gentle breeze blowing in from outside the valley. Shaking the green blades of grass.

At this time, two explosions, "Boom" and "Boom" were heard outside Taniguchi. Wan Lin turned his head in surprise and looked at the hillside on his side. At this moment, he suddenly found that Feng Dao was kneeling under a rock on the hillside, and was taking out his first aid kit to wrap his left arm for Yuwen, who was sitting under the rock.

Wan Lin's face immediately became tense. Just now they arrived here and joined the battle in time. He didn't notice that Yu Wenfeng was injured! He immediately raised his sniper rifle from the front, bent down and moved two steps to the side of the rock, and then suddenly rushed out of the side of the rock, rushing towards the back of a rock on the hillside.

Just as he rushed to the rock on the hillside, "Whoosh", a bullet whizzed past his head, and a hot wind made his cheeks feel a burning sensation. At this moment, Wan Lin's figure had disappeared behind the rock on the hillside, and there was the sound of Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle lying on a rock above Wan Lin's side. Zhang Wa's assault rifle also sounded "da da da", and a string of bullets flew towards the distant hillside with the direction of Lin Zisheng's muzzle.

Wan Lin threw himself behind the rock and immediately stretched out his left hand to grab the raised spot on the rock and stopped. At this time, he could already see that Lin Zisheng was quickly withdrawing his sniper rifle from the crevice of the rock, and quickly crawled to the other side. Behind a rock, the muzzle sticks out from the side of the rock and looks forward.

At this time, Zhang Wa has retracted from the rock above the side to the bottom of the rock. He immediately squatted on the hillside, and under the cover of the standing rocks around him, he quickly crawled behind a rock above Wanlin. He turned to look at Wanlin below and said hurriedly, "The hillside at ten o'clock." With that, he extended the barrel forward from the side of the rock again.

At this time, Wan Lin knew in his heart that the enemy in front of Taniguchi was doing his best to deal with the opponent outside the valley, but this sniper was hiding in the dark to monitor his side, preventing them from taking the opportunity to rush to the front of Taniguchi. This kid must have seen the figure he saved just now, so he pulled the trigger. Seeing that Lin Zisheng was monitoring the other party's position, he immediately turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and asked nervously, "How is Yuwen's injury?"

Zhang Wa lay on the back of the gun, aimed at the hillside in the direction of Taniguchi and replied: "When we rushed into this pocket just now, his injured left arm was grazed by the bullet of the opponent's was not injured. Bones. I have already bandaged him urgently just now, and now Lao Feng is reprocessing his wounds, the problem is not too big. "

Wan Lin frowned slightly when he heard Zhang Wa's answer. He already knew in his heart that Yu Wenfeng's left arm had been injured in the previous battle. Although the injury was not too serious, it would definitely affect the speed of his actions. That's why he was hit in the left arm by the opponent's sniper when he rushed out. Now that his left arm is injured again, the movement of his left arm will definitely be affected, which directly affects his combat effectiveness.

He was about to open his mouth to order Yu Wenfeng to quit the battle, but then he closed his mouth again. Now there is no way for any of them to retreat, only to move forward with the team. If they rushed out of Taniguchi in front, Yuwenfeng would retreat to Taniguchi in the back to join Chengru and the others, and then he would have to go back through this canyon again.

He pondered for a moment and said, "You will inform Yu Wenfeng later, let him pay attention to his own safety, and don't show his face easily!" He raised his gun from the side of the rock and aimed at Taniguchi, and asked, "What's the situation ahead? Why did you suddenly shoot outside the valley?"

Zhang Wa still lay behind the gun and aimed at the distant hillside and replied, "When we rushed in, the other party was shooting at three leopards from the direction of Taniguchi. Knowing that it rushed forward regardless, its back and front chest have been hit by bullets."

He stuck out half of his head from the side of the rock and glanced at the big leopard who was still lying under the boulder in front of him, and then said: "When Xiaohua was rushing to the side hillside, she roared at the big leopard with blue eyes. Then he stopped in a fit of rage."

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