Panther Commando

Chapter 3816: steep rock face

Just as Wan Lin stared at the opponent's sniper's muzzle, the opponent's figure had already dashed to the side of the rock below like lightning. A look of disappointment flashed in Wan Lin's eyes, and the right hand that was pulling the trigger suddenly stopped. He knew that the other party's movements were too open, and it was too late to lock the other party's figure.

But at this moment, he suddenly saw that the figure of the other party who was about to jump behind the rock paused in the air, and a cluster of red blood flowers flew up from his side, and the boy immediately fell to the bottom of the hillside. next to the rock, and then tumbled behind the rock below.

A look of joy flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. He immediately raised his gun and stood up from behind the rock. He twisted his body and rushed out from under the dark rock, heading straight for the back of the rock above the hillside.

He already understood that when Zhang Wa and the others turned their muzzles to suppress the enemy's firepower at Taniguchi, Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle kept aiming at the opponent's sniper. A bullet was fired immediately, and one shot wounded the fast-moving opponent's sniper.

Wan Lin seized the opportunity, and after a cloud of smoke rushed to the rock on the hillside, he suddenly stopped behind the rock. Just then, two strings of assault rifle bullets flew over the side of the rock in front of him like a shadow.

At the moment when the enemy's bullet flew past, Wan Lin slammed the rock with his left foot and rushed out from behind the rock. At this time, all the muscles in his body were tensed, and the speed of his movement was as fast as lightning, and he rushed straight up the hillside. . His dashing figure followed like a bolt of lightning across the hillside, quickly disappearing into a pile of rocks.

He already knew that there were indeed mercenaries with rich combat experience among these people. When he rushed up the hill just now, the other party immediately judged that he would definitely rush out from behind the rock, and the goal was to rush into the pile of rocks and bushes above the hill that were easy to hide.

Therefore, the opponent did not shoot at his fast-moving figure, but lifted the gun and swept a shuttle of bullets towards the hillside above the rock. If he hadn't paused behind the rock just now, he might have fallen under the enemy's bullets.

Wan Lin rushed into the rubble on the hillside above, immediately lay down under the standing rocks, and crawled to a bush on the top of the hillside. At this time, he had already carried his sniper rifle, his legs and arms supported his body and moved quickly among the rocks, like a huge gecko, crawling upwards nimbly between the cracks of the rocks.

It didn't take long, he had already got into the thick bushes halfway up the mountainside, and he was lying in the thick bushes, raising his gun through the branches and leaves of the bushes to aim at the Taniguchi in front. At this time, the sound of gunfire in the valley has become intermittent. Both sides are combatants with rich actual combat experience. Everyone is considering the problem of ammunition consumption. Now no one dares to waste bullets without supplies.

Wan Lin glanced coldly at the entrance of the valley and the hillside where the enemy was located through the scope. He saw that the enemy was all hidden behind the rocks, and he turned his head to look at the opposite hillside through the gap in the bushes. At this time, he suddenly discovered that under the steep rock wall on the opposite hillside, two shadows were crawling between the rocks and slowly approaching the front valley, and their movements were very concealed.

From the movement of the two shadows, he could see at a glance that the two shadows under the opposite cliff and approaching the front Taniguchi must be Feng Dao and Zhang Wa. They must have taken the opportunity to attract the enemy's attention, and quietly climbed to the bottom of the cliff on the opposite hillside, and then, under the cover of a rock under the cliff, quietly approached the valley where the enemy was.

Obviously, they were preparing to take the opportunity to attack the enemy Taniguchi when they killed the opponent's sniper. As for Yu Wenfeng, the sniper Lin Zisheng, and the machine gunner Kong Dazhuang, who had an arm injury, they must still be covering themselves and Feng Dao in their original positions. He followed quickly and looked down the opposite hillside, and sure enough, he saw Lin Zisheng and Kong Dazhuang lying behind the sniper rifle and machine gun respectively. Yu Wenfeng had moved to Zhang Wa's position, and the back was still lying under the rock beside him. Bloodstained Great Snow Leopard.

At this time, the violent gunfire caused by Wan Lin's sudden appearance in the valley suddenly stopped, and the canyon became quiet again. At this time, both sides had already hidden behind the rock, and they had lost their target of shooting. All the two sides were silently observing each other's movements in the dark, and no one dared to shoot easily to reveal their position.

Wan Lin immediately lay on his stomach and raised his gun, and glanced at the hillside and Taniguchi in front of him. He followed and turned his head to look up the hillside. On both sides of this pocket-shaped canyon stand steep rock walls hundreds of meters high, and near the bottom of the valley there are gentle slopes of about 100 meters. The slopes are scattered with dark gray rocks that collapsed from the cliffs~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Scattered patches of bushes and grass grow among the rocks.

Wan Lin quickly observed the hillside in front of him, then lay down on the hillside and slowly climbed behind a rock above the hillside from the bushes. He climbed behind the rock above, immediately stopped and listened quietly for a while, and after making sure that he was not found by the enemy, he slowly climbed up the hill again.

Just now, he suddenly rushed towards this hillside from the bottom of the valley, and his actions had already attracted the attention of the enemy at Taniguchi, so he was extremely careful at this time. Climb down a steep cliff.

After a while, Wan Lin quietly climbed behind a boulder below the cliff. He then stood up with the gun from under the rock, leaned against the side cliff, slowly extended the sniper rifle from the gap between the boulder and the rock wall, and then put the * tightly on the shoulder socket and aimed forward .

At this time, he was already under a 100-meter-high cliff, and in the clear sunlight, the valley mouth and hillside hundreds of meters away were unobstructed in his scope. He slowly moved the muzzle to aim at the Taniguchi hillside in front of him. Pieces of jagged rocks were scattered all over the hillside, and the rocks were covered with white spots shot out by bullets. Green bushes and grass among the rocks were swaying slightly in the breeze from outside the valley.

Wan Lin moved his sniper rifle gently and carefully observed the grass and rocks on the distant hillside. He followed and found that there was a small red mark on the ground between the two rocks near the cliff, and there was still a small piece of red on the rock below. There is a little bloodstain! Wan Lin's eyes shrank suddenly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

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