Panther Commando

Chapter 3820: 1 drum

On the hillside covered with jagged rocks, Lin Zisheng's sniper rifle also shot out a faint flame. Bao Ya, Kong Dazhuang, Lin Zisheng, and the wounded Yu Wenfeng had all leaned out on the rock, and a string of bullets flew towards the Taniguchi in front of them, trying their best to cover Zhang Wa and Fengdao who were running towards Taniguchi.

Wan Lin saw that Kong Dazhuang and the others had already shot to suppress the enemy's firepower at Taniguchi. He immediately moved the muzzle and carefully searched for the shadow that had rushed behind the rock just now. At this time, Feng Dao and Zhang Wa, who were flickering from under the cliff, suddenly stopped, and two flames suddenly spewed from their guns, and two black guns flew towards Taniguchi. .

"Boom", "Boom", two explosions followed from the rocks where Taniguchi was spewing firelight. The two groups of firelights lifted a piece of gravel into the air with a "swoosh", and two black shadows flew out from behind the rock in the firelight.

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed under the cliff dozens of meters in front of Zhang Wa and the two of them. Wan Lin's muzzle quickly aimed at the shadow. Black Shadow rushed out from behind the rock, and the assault rifle in his hand had been raised towards Zhang Wa and the wind knife not far away.

Wan Lin quickly aimed at the kid's head and was about to pull the trigger. At this moment, a white light flew out from under the cliff like lightning, and then saw the black shadow in front fall backwards on its back, and the assault rifle raised by this kid also raised into the air, "Da da da", A string of bullets from the gun slid across the heads of Feng Dao and Zhang Wa, and then shot on the steep rock wall behind them, and a piece of gravel rolled down behind them.

Wan Lin's eyes flickered with a gleam of light, and he quickly moved his gun to aim at Taniguchi in front of him. He knew that the wind knife had thrown the flying knife at the critical moment, so he immediately moved the muzzle to aim at Taniguchi. At this time, the snipers and machine gunners who were the most threatening opponents had already been killed, and he really felt a lot more at ease.

Just as he moved the muzzle, he suddenly found that behind the machine gun that was leaning on the side of the rock, a dark shadow suddenly appeared. trigger.

At this critical moment, Wan Lin's muzzle suddenly spewed out a burst of fire, and a bullet flew out of his gun barrel with a whistling, and the bullet flew straight to the dark shadow in the distance with a wave of fiery air. . Almost as soon as Wan Lin pulled the trigger, the bullet had already hit the opponent's head accurately, the opponent's figure fell backwards, a blood mist immediately rose above his head, and the machine gun he just picked up was heavy again. fell on the rock.

At this moment, the wind knife was already rushing towards the front cliff like a fly, and the assault rifle in his hand "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" swept a string of bullets towards Taniguchi diagonally below. At this time, Zhang Wa rushed down the hillside obliquely, followed by raising his right arm and threw a dagger towards Taniguchi under the hillside.

"Boom", Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and jumped up from the top of the rock with the fire from the explosion. He followed with his feet and kicked the rock, and his body jumped out directly from the top of the ten-meter-high rock.

He was in the air when he suddenly opened his mouth and let out a loud whistle. He landed on a rock that was three or four meters high in front of him, and jumped up again. He jumped onto the hillside and rushed towards the Taniguchi like a cloud of smoke. Wan Lin's whistle was sharp and piercing, resounding over the canyon. The sound of his majestic infuriating sound made the eardrums of everyone in the canyon "buzz".

With the whistle echoing in the valley, the two leopards rushed out from under a rock on the hillside in front of them. On the undulating hillside in front of Wanlin, they flickered and rushed towards the mouth of the valley. When Wan Lin killed the opponent's sniper just now, the two leopards were already under the cover of the rocks and bushes on the hillside and quietly ran towards the hillside in front of them. At this moment, they heard the sound and jumped out from under a rock on the hillside.

At this time, the opponent's troops far surpassed Wan Lin and the others. If they adopted conventional operations, it would be difficult for Wan Lin and the others to get close to Taniguchi in front of the enemy's intensive firepower. Now that Zhang Wa and the wind knife have suddenly appeared on the hillside above Taniguchi, the enemy at the bottom of Taniguchi has been suppressed by the bullets and bullets thrown from the top, once the enemy swayed from panic, their superior firepower will definitely To repress the firepower of Kong Dazhuang and the others, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who were already close to Taniguchi, would face great danger.

Therefore, Wan Lin seized the moment when the enemy panicked in the explosion, and immediately issued an order to charge. At this time, he has to work hard and take advantage of the situation to win the important place in front of Taniguchi!

At this time, Kong Dazhuang, Bao Ya, and Yu Wenfeng on the opposite side of the hill had already stood up from under the rock, and several of them rushed forward, while the muzzle in front of them spewed a string of bullets towards Taniguchi.

Yu Wenfeng was already running towards the **** above with his sniper rifle, he immediately jumped on a rock four or five meters high, raised his gun and pulled the trigger at the fire from a cluster of muzzles in Taniguchi~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is covering a few comrades who are rushing in front.

The ferocious big leopard saw several people rushing out. It also stood up from under the rock, and then jumped directly over the rock that was more than one meter high. It rushed down the hillside with a strong wind. .

In the blink of an eye, gunshots and explosions made loud noises in the pocket-shaped canyon. The gunshots of "dadada", "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" explosions were one after another, deafening!

At this time, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who had already rushed to the right **** of the Taniguchi in front, kept raising their right hands and smashed them behind the Taniguchi rocks below. In the explosion sound of "Boom", the rocks in Taniguchi were filled with fire and dust, and the dark red fire light carried pieces of blown up gravel, whistling and flying into the air. black silhouette.

Bao Ya and several people also rushed to the center of the canyon at this time. They ran forward and disappeared between the rocks. The weapons they held in their hands continued to shoot forward with clusters of dazzling firelight. The narrow mouth of the valley in front of them was at this moment. Has fallen into a sea of ​​fire.

At this time, Wan Lin had quickly approached the Taniguchi in front of him from the left hillside. He rushed to the side of a rock and stared at the flaming Taniguchi in the distance. When he raised his true energy, he let out a loud whistle, followed by a loud roar: "Kill!" In the deafening roar, he was already flying like a fly. rushed out from the side of the rock.

With his roar, the deafening gunshots suddenly stopped! The two leopards jumped up from the hill in front of them. Two dazzling rays of light, one red and one blue, shot out of their eyes, and they rushed straight towards the back of the rock at the mouth of the valley like shooting stars.

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