Panther Commando

Chapter 3833: Show no mercy

The boy who was rushing towards Wan Lin and Wen Meng from behind the rocks suddenly saw a slender whip whistling. He stopped in shock and quickly squatted down to dodge the whistling whip. A vicious light flashed in his eyes, and the dagger held tightly in his right hand slammed forward vigorously, and a cold light flew to Wan Lin's face in an instant.

The pupils in Wan Lin's eyes shrank suddenly to the size of needles, and his left foot quickly stepped sideways for half a step. "Whoosh," the dagger swept past his eyes with a gust of wind. Just before the dagger flew over his face, he suddenly raised his left hand and grabbed the handle of the knife. The long whip held in the right hand suddenly became straight, and like an iron rod, it slammed towards the head of the crouching black shadow!

A loud "pop" sounded from the opponent's helmet, and the opponent only felt a strong force coming from the top of his head, his head rushed straight into the neck cavity, and the cervical vertebrae made a squeezing sound. He let out a cry of pain and slumped down on the rock. At this moment, a black shadow suddenly passed behind Wan Lin, and Zhang Wa's icy voice followed: "Leopard head, leave it to me here!"

In the voice, Zhang Wa's left hand already carried a cold light, passing by the neck of the black shadow who was sitting down, and a whistling column of blood immediately spurted out from the side of the other's neck. Zhang Wa passed by the opponent's side without stopping at all, he rushed straight ahead, Wu Xueying's side suddenly appeared in an instant.

At this time, Wan Lin's left hand suddenly raised, and the dagger he had just captured in his left hand roared out with a blast of wind. With a "woo", it flew to Wu Xueying's side and behind another boy who charged with a gun. The sharp knife light followed. It disappeared into the armpit on the other side's side! The other party screamed, and a piece of blood flowed out from the gap in the bulletproof vest under his arm. The assault rifle that had just been raised in his right hand fell to the ground, and his body fell sideways.

At this time, Wu Xueying had heard the sound from behind her. The long whip of her right hand suddenly shook in front of her, and the tip of the whip suddenly shook out a whip shadow in front of her. Taking advantage of the moment when the two opponents in front of her dodged, she suddenly took a step back under her feet, her body suddenly turned sideways, her right leg was raised with the sound of wind, and she kicked the boy who was about to fall sideways with a slap. superior. The other party's screams stopped abruptly and fell backwards!

Just as Wu Xueying turned around, Zhang Wa was already rushing from the mountain on the right. His right hand clutching the handle of the whip was swung horizontally, and the long whip in his hand whistled towards the boy in front of Wu Xueying. The whip slammed on the opponent's waist in an instant, and the soft tip of the whip was wrapped around the opponent's waist.

At this moment, another boy on Wu Xueying's side had rushed to her with a dagger in hand. The dagger in his right hand went up from the bottom and slanted towards Wu Xueying's lower abdomen. This kid has a lot of fighting experience. He flashed Wu Xueying's whip and took a step to Wu Xueying's side. At this time, he could already see that the female soldier in front of him was wearing a body armor, so the dagger in his hand avoided the lower end of the opponent's body armor and inserted it diagonally upwards!

Wu Xueying kicked the enemy behind her. She could see the dark shadow coming from the corner of her eyes. Her round face was tense, and her two big shining eyes were suddenly sealed. When the opponent's dagger stabbed her, her upper body folded. Liu General suddenly leaned back, avoiding the cold light from the opponent's stab in the middle of nowhere. Her right hand holding the whip was retracted to protect her chest, and her wrist suddenly pressed down! "Bang", a cluster of cold light suddenly shot out from her depressed wrist, and the cold light flashed on the opponent's face.

The other party screamed, released the dagger and assault rifle in his hand, and raised his hand to cover his face. At this moment, Wu Xueying's upper body stood up like a spring, her left hand stretched forward suddenly, and inserted into the opponent's chest with a "pop".

At this time, Zhang Wa's long whip had already entangled another opponent in front of Wu Xueying. He grabbed the whip's right hand and pulled it vigorously behind him. Following the figure of the other party flying off the ground, he stepped over Wu Xueying's body in one step. forward.

Zhang Wa's eyes were fixed on the flying shadow, and she shouted sharply: "Yingying, step back!" In his voice, he let the shadow rolled up by the long whip on his side, and the saber in his left hand carried the wind sound toward him. Reaching out, it inserted into the base of the opponent's thigh with a "pop". He twisted his left hand, and the dagger was pulled out with a spurt of blood. At this time, he had already seen that this kid was wrapped in a body armor, so the saber in his hand went straight to the other's thigh!

Zhang Wa's movements were fast, and he let one side of his body away from the blood column spurted by the opponent, raised his right foot and kicked the opponent's ribs fiercely. The other party's **** body immediately flew up the cliff behind, and a shrill scream resounded through the mountains. The blood column that spurted wildly from the artery at the root of this kid's thigh instantly painted the dark cliff behind with a bright red At this time, Wan Lin's right long whip had also rolled up a kid by the waist. The raised right hand then slammed to the side cliff. The boy rushed towards the hard cliff with his head and feet behind him, and his head slammed into the hard rock wall. Blood splashed all over the cliff.

"Kill!" Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw Leopard Tou and Zhang Wa suddenly rushing towards them. Wu Xueying swung the long whip towards her waist with her right hand. She let go of the whip and pulled down the assault rifle that was slung on her shoulder. A few shadows fleeing to the side of the mountain pulled the trigger, "Da Da Da", followed by a series of crisp gunshots.

Wen Meng also raised her right hand holding the whip at this time, and her wrist was pressed down fiercely. A cluster of cold light roared out from the bracelet that was tightly wrapped around her wrist. A dozen meters away, a boy was twisting and raising a gun. With a scream, he stumbled to the ground. Wen Meng rushed forward suddenly, her body was like electricity, and in a blink of an eye, she had rushed behind the other boy, and the saber clenched in her left hand went straight to the boy's back and stabbed it hard!

Just now, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying had been surrounded by these boys. They tried their best to dodge the other's whistling fists and daggers, but they couldn't use the killer counterattack at all, and they fought very uselessly. Now the situation of the battle has suddenly turned around, and the two of them immediately vented their anger and acted mercilessly!

In a blink of an eye, the gangsters who were originally surrounded by a few female soldiers had fallen to the mountains with blood splashing all over the place. The other gangsters turned around in panic and fled to the distance. While pulling the bolt, he wanted to shoot behind him.

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