Panther Commando

Chapter 3837: sad atmosphere

Wan Lin ran to Taniguchi and stopped. He glanced at Yu Jing and Zhang Wa who were full of grief, and ordered in a low voice, "Enter the valley now!" His shoulders shook violently at the sound of the command.

The two leopards jumped out of the valley without hesitation from his shoulders. They fell into the stream in the valley, and they rolled in the water. They quickly washed away the blood of the enemy on their bodies, and then jumped again. Get up and run deep into the canyon. Zhang Wa didn't say a word when she heard Wan Lin's order, and forcibly dragged Wu Xueying into the valley.

The others also turned around and ran towards the valley with solemn expressions. When they ran into the Taniguchi, they didn't look back. They strode into the valley with firm footsteps. There was a look of grief and indignation in their glowing eyes. Root veins.

They have been accustomed to life and death on the battlefield, and they all know in their hearts that the best memory for their deceased comrades is to engrave the image of these comrades fighting the enemy bravely in their hearts, that is, to raise the weapons in their hands to kill those comrades. Outlaw thugs!

The sun had set, and the narrow valley looked even more humid and darker. Pieces of dark green moss spread over the dark gray cliffs, and the creek that ran through the valley was making a "rushing" sound among the rocks.

When Xiaoya and her group entered the pocket-shaped canyon, they suddenly felt that the light in front of them suddenly became brighter, and a strong smell of blood was coming from the spacious canyon in front of them.

Lingling and Wen Meng, who were running in the front, immediately stopped at the narrow Taniguchi, raised their hands to the back and made a "stop forward" gesture, and the two followed by clinging to the cliffs on both sides and raising their guns to aim forward. go.

At this time, Wu Xueying had woken up from her grief. She rushed out from Zhang Wa's side with her gun in hand, took a few steps to Wen Meng's side, raised her gun and aimed forward, her big red eyes bursting with a fire of extreme anger. .

Wan Lin and Zhang Wa saw the gestures made by Lingling and Wen Meng, and they hurried to the front. Wan Lin raised his gun and glanced at the pocket-shaped canyon in front of him, and at a glance he saw Xiaohua and Xiaobai had appeared on the rocks at the front of the valley.

He immediately lowered his gun and explained in a low voice to Lingling and the others around him: "Just now we fought the enemy in the open field in front of us, and now they are guarding Taniguchi in front of Fengdao. Let's go." After that, he took the The sniper rifle strode forward.

Lingling and the others immediately relaxed their nervous expressions, and Zhang Wa introduced them to the fierce battle with the enemy in this canyon just now as they walked. At this time, he has deliberately avoided the plot of the big leopard rushing towards the enemy, so as not to evoke the sadness in Wu Xueying and Xiaoya's hearts again.

It wasn't long before Wan Lin appeared in the rock pile at the front of the valley. The wind knife came up from Taniguchi. As he walked, he looked intently at Yu Jing and Wu Xueying who were following behind. When he saw the bandages wrapped around Yu Jing and the others, a look appeared in his eyes. A look of astonishment.

He walked to Wan Lin and reported in a low voice: "Leopard head, everything is normal here!" After speaking, he looked behind the broken Cheng Ru and asked in a low voice, "Leopard head, then Why isn't there a big leopard..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wan Lin grabbed his arm and shook it lightly, and said in a low voice with grief and indignation: "The big leopard has gone, it will not come again!" Feng Dao's body trembled suddenly. , an angry light suddenly flashed in his two small eyes, and he tightly clenched the assault rifle in his hand and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?"

Wan Lin turned his head and glanced at Wu Xueying and Xiaoya who were walking silently with their heads lowered, and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about it later, don't mention this big leopard in front of Wu Xueying and Xiaoya!"

Feng Dao was stunned for a moment, then looked at the faces of Wu Xueying and the others, only to see that Wu Xueying's eyes were already red and swollen, and the faces of the surrounding people also showed a sad look, and then he understood Wan Lin The meaning of the words, he quickly turned his head to look at the two leopards who were already lying on the rocks in Taniguchi. At this time, he was really worried that these two leopards would also have an accident during the battle.

At this time, Wan Lin turned around to look at Xiaoya and the others who were striding over and whispered, "Rest on the spot. Xiaoya, check the injuries of the team members immediately!" Xiaoya immediately turned to look at the people around her and said: " Rest on the spot. Lingling, cooperate with me to check the wounds of the injured team members." After speaking, she quickly took off the first aid kit she was carrying and handed it to Lingling.

The sky was dark, and the rolling hills outside the valley had become hazy. In Wan Lin's command. Yu Jing, who looked tired, quickly sat under the rock at Taniguchi. They all put their weapons between their legs and silently lowered their heads to look at the dark rocks in front of them. A sad atmosphere shrouded the canyon. middle.

At this time, Xiaoya and Lingling were already squatting beside Yu Jing, Xiaoya quickly untied the gauze wrapped around Yu Jing's arm and glanced at and then whispered to Lingling: "Lingling, you give Sister Yu, apply some medicine again and bandage the wound." After speaking, she took out the gauze and powder from the first aid kit and handed it to Lingling, then stood up with the first aid kit and looked at Cheng Ru.

Cheng Ru looked at her and shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not seriously injured, you quickly show Dali and Ayu." Xiaoya hurriedly carried the first aid kit and walked towards Wang Dali who was leaning on the side rock.

At this moment, Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu had already leaned their machine guns and assault rifles against the rocks beside them, and were reaching out to take out the first aid kit they were carrying. They then reached out to untie the blood-soaked gauze. At this time, in the dim and silent canyon, there were bursts of low breathing sounds.

Wan Lin quickly scanned his comrades who were sitting under the rock. He followed Yu Jing and the others, looked at the newly wrapped gauze on Yu Jing's left arm and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu, are you seriously injured?" Yu Jing raised her pale face and shook her head gently, and replied in a low voice: "It's okay, it was just scratched by the enemy's dagger." She turned to look at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying who were sitting beside her and asked with concern, "You two. Are they both seriously injured?"

Wu Xueying lowered her head, raised her arms and shook it gently. At this time, Wen Meng was reaching out to untie the bandage on Wu Xueying's thigh. She raised her head and looked at Wan Lin and Yu Jing and replied in a low voice, "Leopard head, Sister Yu, I'm fine, Yingying's thigh was slashed by the enemy's bullet, and I was there. Just when she was suppressed by the enemy, she had already given simple treatment to her wound, and the wound was not deep."

Wan Lin nodded and said in a low voice, "Let Xiaoya show Sister Yu and Yingying to see if the wound needs stitches?" After speaking, he strode towards Wang Dali and Yu Wenfeng on the side.

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