Panther Commando

Chapter 3839: blood lessons

The mountains have been shrouded in darkness, and the atmosphere in the canyon is very dignified. In this Taniguchi battle, the two groups of Chengru and Xiaoya were almost wiped out. Although the three leopards, Wan Lin and Zhang Wa rushed to help in time, they broke the crisis that Chengru and the others were facing, and quickly reversed the situation and wiped out the entire army. The enemy of Taniguchi.

But this battle directly caused many team members to be injured, and even the ferocious snow leopard also died in this battle, which really made Wan Lin and all the team members feel very heavy.

As the commander of this operation, Wan Lin must understand the process of the battle and analyze the reasons for the heavy damage to prevent this very dangerous situation from happening again, so he looked at Chengru and Xiaoya with a very solemn expression.

At this moment, Cheng Ru looked down at the sniper rifle he was holding tightly with a guilty expression. The big leopard was sacrificed and his comrades were wounded. As the team leader who performed the task of guarding Taniguchi, he really had an inescapable responsibility.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, he looked up at Wan Lin with a gloomy expression and replied, "Alas, this battle caused heavy casualties, and it was indeed my command that was wrong. At that time, our two groups were distributed on both sides of the canyon. , the key is to protect Taniguchi's safety." As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoya raised her head and said, "This battle caused heavy casualties, and as the team leader, I also have an inescapable responsibility."

Wan Lin waved his hand a little irritably and said, "I already know the situation at that time, you are facing an advantageous enemy with rich mountain combat experience, and no one can avoid falling into passiveness. Now it is not a question of responsibility, but We must figure out who the opponent is, and avoid similar situations in future battles, this is the price of blood, and our blood cannot be wasted!"

At this time, Zhang Wa, who was sitting beside him, raised his head, looked at Cheng Ru and asked in a puzzled way, "Lao Cheng, didn't you set up guards on the top of the mountain in front of you? Why were you suddenly suppressed by the enemy's firepower?"

Cheng Ru immediately replied: "I was on the top of the mountain to be vigilant at that time. Although the mountain does not look high, it is parallel to the cliff in front of the mouth of the valley. Covert action. At that time, in order to protect Taniguchi's safety, I couldn't stay away from Taniguchi to be alerted at a distance, and from my position on the top of the mountain, I couldn't observe the situation on the distant hillside at all."

He shook his head in frustration and said, "The opponent's tactical moves were very covert. They approached our Taniguchi from the right hillside, and two machine guns and a sniper suddenly opened fire on both sides of me and Taniguchi. Seven or eight black shadows appeared on the right side of the hillside and the left side of the mountain, and guns roared towards our location, and we were caught off guard, and we couldn’t stop the effective counterattack at all.”

He lowered his head and picked up a few rocks and placed them among the people, and then said, "This is Taniguchi, and on both sides are the defensive positions where our two groups are located. I was on guard at the top of the mountain in front. At that time, a few boys who were hiding and approaching suddenly appeared. At the high point of the top of the side, they were condescending and used firepower to suppress our two groups and me, the sniper, under the rock, and the situation was really critical at that time."

He then looked up at Dali and Yu Wenyu, who were sitting on the side of the rock with their eyes closed, and continued: "At that time, the opponent's sniper rifle and two assault rifles locked my hidden position; two machine guns and seven or eight An assault rifle suppressed Xiaoya and Dali on both sides of Taniguchi. If it wasn't for Wang Dali, Ayu, Xiaoya and the others fighting back with all their might, it would have been difficult for me to get down from the top of the mountain. At that time, there were already four or five boys behind the mountain. The cover of firepower is approaching the top of the mountain where I am!"

He sighed when he said this, looked at Wen Meng who was holding Wu Xueying and said in a low voice, "At that time, Wen Meng was staring at the opponent's sniper with a sniper rifle, while Dali and Xiaoya used their firepower to attract the enemy's attention. , This made me withdraw from the top of the mountain, and I, Dali and Yu Wenyu were also hit by enemy bullets at that time."

"This group of boys has rich experience in mountain combat. They must have observed our location from the top of the side mountain, so they used fierce fire to cover the two sides of Taniguchi and my location. The tactics are very accurate. "

At this time, Xiaoya said in a low voice: "The first group of people who appeared on the hillside had strong firepower and accurate marksmanship. At the beginning of the operation, they used firepower to divide our two groups. At that time, they used two machine guns and snipers to suppress them. The three of them lived in Laocheng, and the other dozen people rushed from the side of the mountain to the left side of the mountain where we were, trying to divide and annihilate our two groups."

Wan Lin frowned when he heard this, looked at Cheng Ru and Xiaoya and asked, "Can you tell what kind of people they are?" Cheng Ru immediately replied: "These people are very rampant, and after suppressing us, they will Constantly shouting, the gunshots and explosions were too loud at that I couldn't hear what they were shouting, and I couldn't determine the origin of these people. However, judging from the opponent's tactics, they must be one For those who have received professional field combat training, I guess it should be the Yamaguchi security guard or the Red Fox, and there is no such skillful tactical cooperation among ordinary armed elements."

Wan Lin sat on the rock and looked at the dim mountains outside the valley. At this time, he listened to Complete Ru's analysis and raised his head to look at Xiaoya. Xiaoya said in a low voice: "Yes, Lao Cheng's analysis is very accurate. At that time, there were about a dozen people who suppressed us. These people must be a special operations force with very rich combat experience. The firepower coordination between them is very good. The bullets fired are not far from us, and ordinary militants do not have such accurate marksmanship.”

When she said this, she hesitated for a while, and then said: "However, these people don't seem to be a group." Wan Lin was stunned when he heard this, and Feng Dao and Zhang Wa on the side also looked at Xiaoya in surprise.

Ono then explained: "At that time, after they found out that we were all female soldiers, the enemies on the hillside and at the foot of the mountain immediately shot at us, shouting and rushing towards us, with a very arrogant attitude." Wan Lin immediately understood After understanding the meaning of her words, she quickly asked, "Did you hear what they said?"

Xiaoya nodded and replied: "At that time, Lingling and I were crushed by the bullets below in the pile of rocks under the cliff. We did hear some shouts and conversations between them." Cheng Ru looked at Xiaoya and asked hurriedly. Said: "What did they say?" They all know that Xiaoya is proficient in many languages, and she must have mastered some situations. At that time, bullets were flying around him, Wang Dali and Yu Wenyu, and he couldn't hear the shouts of the enemies on the side.

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