Panther Commando

Chapter 3841: anger in the heart

The night is getting darker and darker, the rocks in the canyon are already dark, and the mountains are unusually silent. At this time, except for Kong Dazhuang and Bao Ya, who were on guard outside the valley, the rest of the Leopard team members had already sat on the rocks around the valley and closed their eyes to rest. In the silent canyon, only the small stream that passed through the valley was still making the sound of "rushing" running water.

At this time, Lingling's eyes lit up when she heard Yu Jing's analysis, and she whispered: "Yes, they must have thought that we were looking for the people who evacuated the meteorite fragments from the vicinity of the impact point, so they suddenly joined forces to launch an attack on us. The attack! Since those Gurkha mercenaries still have a little conscience, they must be unaccustomed to the virtues of those Yamaguchi mercenaries in their actions, so they suddenly gave up joining forces with these Yamaguchi security guards and quietly withdrew."

Zhang Wa, who was sitting on the side, glanced at Wu Xueying, who was sleeping on Wen Meng's lap, and then lowered her voice and said coldly: "Think these Gurkha mercenaries know each other, if they leave a little later, we will clean them up together. Now! Since they dare to enter our China with guns, then don't think about leaving our China land safely!

As he said that, a strong murderous aura burst out from his eyes. The sacrifice of the big leopard has made all of them feel anger in their hearts! Wan Lin said coldly, "Yes, no matter who they are." , Since they dare to enter my China's territory without authorization, then they don't want to go out again! Cheng Ru, who was sitting beside him, glared at him and said in a low voice with murderous intent: "Yes, if I see these **** again, I can't let them run away!" "

At that time, if these Gurkha mercenaries had not joined forces with the Yamaguchi security guards, they would not have been able to let Chengru and the others be so passive in the battle. In the eyes of these Huaxia special forces, it doesn't matter that those mercenaries make money, but if they dare to do evil in China's territory, these Huaxia team members will definitely make them pay a heavy price. The big leopard sacrificed this debt, and these leopard team members must get it back from those mercenaries!

In the excitement of the crowd, Yu Jing lowered her head and pondered for a moment, then she looked up at the crowd and said slowly, "Judging from the groups of militants we have met now, these people come from different countries and regions, and I think they are mainly from different countries and regions. Divided into two categories, one is mercenaries such as Yamaguchi Security, Red Fox and Gurkha, these people are well-equipped and have rich field combat capabilities, they are our formidable enemies."

She looked at Wan Lin and continued: "The second category is those stragglers who flocked to this area for high bonuses. They roam the mountains in groups of three or five like lone ghosts. Strong, but they're greedy and ready to shoot anyone they see, so annoying."

When everyone heard Yu Jing's analysis, their faces showed surprise. Yu Jing's analysis was thorough and clear, quickly classifying the outlaws in the mountains, and it was very accurate, which is indeed very rare for a scientist who is not a combatant.

Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing and said, "Yes, your analysis is very accurate. Now there are these two groups of people in the mountains. The ones that threaten us the most are the mercenaries of the mercenary groups. However, we can't despise those wandering soldiers. These people are like toads jumping on the instep, they are very uncomfortable. As long as we are not careful, we may be attacked by them, so we can't be careless."

He paused for a moment when he said this, and then continued: "In addition, from the battle that took place in the two Taniguchi today, some of these stragglers have already shown signs of joining forces with the mercenaries like Yamaguchi, otherwise there will be no appearance in the mountains. There are so many mercenaries. In the close combat with the enemy just now, I have found that some of the gangsters are not very capable of individual combat, not at the level of mercenaries at all, and these people are not equipped with body armor and helmets, they should It's the stragglers."

He followed a sniper rifle that was leaning between his legs, looked at the Chengru people sitting around and said sharply: "So, as long as you encounter a gangster with a weapon in this mountain, you will kill it without mercy. Otherwise, those stragglers will join forces with the mercenary group, and they will cause great trouble for our follow-up operations." "Yes!" Several people around immediately replied in a low voice, and a look was already on their faces. Strong murderous aura!

In the battle that took place between the two Taniguchi today, the number of each other has far exceeded the size of the mercenary squad, which is not in line with the habit of mercenary groups to perform tasks. The only explanation is that they have absorbed some encountered in the mountains. The other militants then joined forces to launch an attack on Taniguchi.

At this time, Yu Jing followed up and said: "Leopard head is right! Now the enemy has shown signs of joining forces. Once they join forces, their forces will far exceed It is bound to cause great harm to us. It is a big threat. From the current situation analysis, it is very difficult for them to survive in this barren mountain.

She raised her finger and pointed to the blurred mountain shadow outside the valley and continued: "Not only will this mountainous area cause people to lose their way, but the closer to the meteorite impact point, the more complicated the terrain, and there are very few edible animals and plants in the mountains. Therefore, if these militants want to survive in small groups, they can only rely on mercenaries with rich experience in mountain survival and combat."

When everyone heard Yu Jing's analysis, they all raised their heads and looked at her solemnly. Yu Jing's analysis is very logical. She has extracted the dilemmas faced by these gangsters in the mountains, which is of great reference value for her special forces team to formulate their next action plan.

Wan Lin heard Yu Jingfang's analysis and thought for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Yu's analysis is very reasonable. When those greedy gangsters first stepped into this mountainous area, driven by their interests, they must have seen people like crazy. They shot and tried to **** the meteorite fragments found in other people's pockets. But after so long, they will definitely find that no matter how many meteorite fragments they have seized in this mountain, I am afraid that they will not be able to safely get out of this place. Confused Mountains!"

He turned his head to look at the quiet and hazy mountains outside the valley, and his tone suddenly became cold: "Therefore, if they want to survive in this mountainous area, they can only find those mercenaries who have rich field survival experience and combat experience. Rely on them to act together. The price for them is probably to obey the command of those mercenaries as cannon fodder, or to use some of the meteorite fragments they have grabbed as a greeting."

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