Panther Commando

Chapter 3844: kill them

Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle and carefully observed the mountain on the side. He followed and retracted his gaze, and a gleam suddenly burst out in his eyes. He scanned the surrounding Chengru people and whispered, "The situation of Bao Ya's reconnaissance is the same as that reported by the two leopards. The two sides fighting fiercely behind the mountain in front of the left are six or seven people, a total of more than a dozen people. Now, their positions are located at the foot of the mountain behind the mountain and between the opposite mountains. Lao Bao judged from the firelight distributed by the guns on both sides that the six or seven people at the foot of the mountain are being besieged by opponents in the surrounding mountains"

When Wan Lin said this, a strong murderous aura suddenly burst out from his body, and his tone suddenly became cold: "Since they came to seek death themselves, then kill them without any leakage!"

He stared at Cheng Ru and said, "Cheng Ru, you bring Zisheng, Wen Meng and Kong Dazhuang to the top of the hillside to establish a sniper and machine gun position! After the battle begins, you will be responsible for suppressing the enemy with firepower, preventing fish from slipping through the net, and monitoring the surrounding mountains at the same time. the trend." "Yes!" Cheng Ru immediately stood up and replied in a low voice.

Wan Lin then turned to look at Zhang Wa and Feng Dao and ordered: "Zhang Wa, Feng Dao, you and I will take Bao Ya and Wang Dali from the side mountain to the side mountain, cut off the retreat of these **** from the back, and take all the The enemy rushed to the foot of the mountain and wiped them out in one fell swoop!" "Yes!" Zhang Wa and Feng Dao immediately stopped and stood up and answered.

Wan Lin looked at Xiaoya and Yu Jing and said, "President Yu, Xiaoya, you two took Lingling, Wu Xueying and Yuwen to hide at the foot of the mountain, cut off the enemy's retreat to the side of the mountain, and cooperate with Chengru and the others on the hillside. Prevent the enemy from escaping from the side of the mountain! During the operation, you must be optimistic about Wu Xueying, to prevent her from blindly attacking when she is emotional. In addition, Yuwen brothers have serious arm injuries, you should pay attention to protect their safety. Action!"

After speaking, Wan Lin turned around with his gun and ran towards the mountains in front of him. Cheng Ru and the others immediately greeted their respective team members, and while explaining their tasks to them, they bent down and ran towards the dimly lit mountains in front of them.

The mountains were dark, and a group of fast-moving figures flickered between the rocks. When approaching the foot of the mountain in front, a blue light suddenly flashed from the top of the mountain in front, and the blue light flashed away in the darkness. The undulating black shadow in the mountains suddenly divided into three parts with the flash of blue light, and ran to the side mountains, the front foot and the front hill respectively.

At this time, Wan Lin's group had faintly heard the intermittent gunshots coming from behind the mountain. At this moment, several explosions of firelight suddenly flashed from the night sky behind the mountain, followed by a few dull explosions.

Wan Lin and the others immediately lay on the mountain at the foot of the mountain, raised their guns and glanced forward. Then, at the moment when the fire was extinguished, they sprang from the rocks. Under the cover of the boulders in the mountains in front of them, they flew quickly in the dark. The ground rushed over the front foot of the mountain and ran forward.

At this time, Xiaoya and Yu Jing had already rushed to the foot of the mountain in front, and the fire from the gun muzzle behind the mountain was illuminating the mountains in front of them. Xiaoya and the others followed and lay on the rocks, crawling forward, and they stopped behind the rock at the foot of the mountain. Xiaoya followed with her gun and aimed at the side slope.

Cheng Ru and the others had already rushed up the side hillside quickly. At this time, they were hiding and approaching the hillside behind the mountain, flickering and disappearing among the dark rocks, and their movements were very concealed. Between the rocks on the top of the mountain, a faint red and blue light is flashing. Xiaohua and Xiaobai have long been hidden on the top of the mountain, monitoring the enemy behind the mountain.

Xiaoya raised her gun through the night vision scope on her gun, and quickly observed the positions of her comrades around her. She then turned around and looked around, Yu Jing was already lying on the rock on her left, Lingling was lying on the other side of Yu Jing with her gun raised. Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu, whose left arm was seriously injured, were already lying on two rocks near the foot of the mountain. Wu Xueying was holding a gun in her right hand in the dark, and crawling behind a rock in front of her with fire in her eyes,

Xiaoya frowned, and immediately reached out and grabbed Wu Xueying's left foot. She looked sternly at Wu Xueying who was turning her head. She immediately released Wu Xueying's left foot, raised her hand and waved it lightly.

Seeing Xiaoya's gaze, Wu Xueying quickly nodded her head lightly, and then pointed to the rock in front of her, indicating that she was behind the rock in front of her to monitor the enemy on the side and would not act rashly. Xiaoya then raised her hand again and made a "no action without permission" gesture, and then waved her hand forward again, ordering her to enter the battle position in front.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots from the side suddenly became violent. "Puff puff." A piece of spark shot by bullets suddenly appeared on the rock in front of Xiao Ya and the others, and a piece of rubble flew up from the rock. On the helmets of Xiaoya and the others, a "crackling" sound was immediately struck by the flying rubble.

"Hidden!" Xiaoya shouted to Yu Jing on the side in a hurried voice, and then leaned behind the gun and aimed at the side of the In the dim starlight, several shadows were walking along the side of the mountain to the side. Xiaoya ran over to the mountain where they were. Two or three hundred meters from the mountain in front of the black shadow, fire was sprayed, and a string of bullets whistled and hit the side hillside and the foot of the mountain where Xiaoya and the others were. The clear gunshots were clearly audible, and a string of bullets hit The rising sparks are splashing around from several running shadows.

Xiaoya immediately understood that the few boys who ran over clearly wanted to flee along the foot of the mountain to the back of the mountain, so as to avoid being surrounded by the opponents in the mountains in front of the narrow foot of the mountain. Xiaoya immediately ordered in a low voice to the surrounding comrades: "Prepare to fight, don't shoot without an order!" After speaking, she gently pulled the bolt of the gun, lying behind the gun and aiming towards the side of the mountain.

On the side of the mountain, six or seven black shadows were pulsing up and down, and clusters of firelight were intermittently spurting out from the rushing shadows. Obviously, the group of boys in the mountains in front of them had already seen that their opponents at the foot of the mountain were about to escape, so they shot and fired, while taking the cover of the dark and undulating mountains, they charged up and down to the side of the mountain, while sending out a burst of fire. A burst of shouts, obviously wanting to wipe out the opponent before the opponent turns over the foot of the mountain.

Xiaoya glanced coldly at the group of arrogant boys, followed by moving the muzzle to the mountains behind the group of boys. The mountains behind were pitch black, and the figures of Wan Lin and the others could not be seen at all.

At this moment, the boy who had been rushing along the foot of the mountain suddenly shouted, and a few shadows rushed behind the surrounding rocks. A burst of violent gunfire followed from the foot of the mountain, and the dim foot of the mountain immediately flashed a piece of fire from the muzzle, and a gun* also flew out of the darkness and flew straight to the mountains ahead.

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