Panther Commando

Chapter 3859: out of the canyon

In the fierce gunfire, Feng Dao and Kong Dazhuang couldn't care to observe the situation behind them. The two of them leaned out of the rock with fire in their eyes. Roaring furiously, two strings of bullets roared and flew out of the valley.

At this time, Wu Xueying's exclamation came from behind: "Mengmeng!" Her figure rushed out from under another rock on the side, and hugged Wen Meng, who rolled down from the rock, and the two immediately disappeared behind dark rocks.

As the sound of the machine guns disappeared, the cliffs behind the two of the wind knives also spewed a few flames, and Xiaoya's sharp cry followed: "Go! Yuwen, you protect President Yu and Wen Meng!" A crisp cry In the middle, Xiaoya, Lingling and Wu Xueying rushed past the rock where the wind knife and Kong Dazhuang were located, and several strings of whistling flames shot out from the front of the three at the same time.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Bao Ya, who were under the rocks on both sides of the Taniguchi, had also protruded their muzzles from under the rocks, and the gunshots of "da da da" sounded. The dense gunshots whistling in the valley immediately weakened the dense gunshots outside the valley, and the sparks splashing on the rocks and cliffs at the mouth of the valley also dimmed. The bullets whizzing out of the valley immediately hit a piece of dazzling sparks from the dark rocks outside the valley.

The gunshots of "da-da-da", "da-da-da" and "bang-bang-bang" shook the cliffs in the canyon with a "humming" sound, and the fire from the muzzles of the air knives reflected the dark canyon. A bright red. The figures of Xiaoya and the others roared among the rocks in the valley and rushed towards the mouth of the valley. The muzzles of the guns they held in front of them continued to shoot out clusters of rapid firelight outside the valley.

At this point, Taniguchi is already a must! Once the militants outside the valley occupy the mouth of the valley, it will directly cut off the only passage for Wanlin and the others to the lakeside area. This may be directly related to whether they can rescue the expedition team members; it is also directly related to whether they can recapture The meteorite fragments were snatched by those foreign militants, so now they can only rush to Taniguchi desperately to ensure the only passage to the lake shore!

At the moment when the enemy's firepower outside the valley was temporarily suppressed, a black shadow suddenly appeared on the left cliff where Zhang Wa was, and with a deafening whistle, two slender shadows suddenly whistled from the cliff. He went out and flew straight to the mountain in front of and on the right of Taniguchi.

When everyone in the valley heard the whistle that suddenly sounded on the cliff, they all quickly retracted their guns and shrank under the rock. Xiao Yaji, who was rushing forward along the cliff, also stopped immediately and squatted under the rocks.

At this time, everyone is clear that the "hidden" password issued by the leopard's head at the same time reminds the two leopards to immediately leave the battlefield in front of him. He is about to use a powerful bow and arrow*!

"Boom", "Boom", two deafening explosions followed, and the dazzling fire light illuminated the dim mountains outside the valley. The whole mountain vibrated violently with the loud noise. The water surface that reflected the starlight was also dark red by the protruding huge flame.

The cliffs on both sides of the canyon shook violently with the violent explosion, and pieces of debris rolled down in the dazzling firelight. Outside the valley, the gravel flew horizontally, and six or seven black shadows rolled and fell towards the surrounding mountains in the rising firelight.

"Rush out!" Before the flames were extinguished, Wan Lin let out a roar. He slammed on the rock at the bottom of the cave. The figure jumped out of the raised rock in front of him, and shot from the high cliff like a meteor. Jump out of the canyon.

At this time, Zhang Wa and Bao Ya on both sides of the Taniguchi had already speared out from the side of the rock, and the two rushed out of the Taniguchi and ran straight to the mountains on both sides outside the valley. At this time, Fengdao and Xiaoya had also drilled out from under the rock with their spears, and ran to Taniguchi quickly.

At the moment when the fire went out, Feng Dao and Xiaoya had already rushed out of the canyon, and a few of them quickly pounced under the surrounding rocks and raised their guns to aim at the surroundings amid the "crackling" falling rubble. At this time, the fire of two assault rifles had been sprayed from the mountains on both sides of Taniguchi. Zhang Wa and Bao Ya were lying under the rocks on both sides of Taniguchi, and they were raising their guns at the swaying mountains in front and on the right. Shadow strafing.

"Da da da", "bang bang bang", the gunshots of the wind knives followed, covering Yu Jing and the others in the valley to rush out. At this time, Wan Lin had already rushed under the towering rocks on both sides of the canyon. He kicked the gravel between the mountains with his feet, and his figure jumped straight to the top of the rock with a "swoosh". He was lying on the top of the dark rock more than two meters high. He raised his gun and aimed at the distant mountains.

In front of Taniguchi and between the mountains on the right, there were six or seven black shadows running, each of them rising and falling in the dim starlight, and soon disappeared behind the towering rocks.

Wan Lin moved his gun and quickly swept the surrounding mountains. There were two dark pits in the mountains in front and to the right. Three or four motionless rocks were lying between the rocks around the two pits. Black smoke. He immediately understood in his heart that the two powerful bows and arrows* he shot down from a height just now had already shocked the **** in the surrounding So the remaining enemies around them turned around and fled towards the dark foothills around them. go.

Wan Lin immediately turned his head to face Zhang Wa and Feng Dao scattered around and ordered: "Zhang Wa, Feng Dao, be alert for one kilometer around!" He followed and took a deep breath, turned his head to face the dark canyon behind him and suddenly issued With a loud leopard roar, Cheng Ru and Wang Dali on the other side of the Taniguchi were ordered to enter the canyon immediately.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly saw that the Yuwen brothers rushed out of the valley with their guns in one hand, followed by Yu Jing, who staggered out with a black shadow in both hands, and Xiaoya was already carrying first aid. Box bent over and ran towards Taniguchi.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng and Yu Wenyu had already rushed out of the Taniguchi, blocking the two of them side by side in front of Yu Jing, they rushed behind a towering rock in front, and then placed the assault rifle held in their right hand on the rock, twisting He grabbed Yu Jing who was carrying Wen Meng and then ran out.

Xiaoya carried the first aid kit and ran to Yu Jing's side like a gust of wind. She stretched out her hands and took Wen Meng, who was holding Yu Jing's arms, and hurriedly ordered to the twisted Yuwen brothers in a low voice: " cover!"

She bent down and put the motionless Wen Meng under the rock, then grabbed Yu Jing, who was panting violently, and called out, "Hurry down!" In her voice, she reached out and pressed Wen Meng's neck artery, He looked nervously at Wen Meng with his eyes closed.

In the dim starlight, Wen Meng was lying on her back on the rock, her face was pale, her eyes were closed, and she was motionless. At this time, Yu Jing was already crouching beside Xiaoya nervously. She gasped violently and asked hurriedly, "Xiaoya, what's wrong with Mengmeng? Why didn't I see the wound!"

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