Panther Commando

Chapter 3870: shadows among the rocks

The night sky of the plateau looked unusually high and distant. Several white clouds seemed to have solidified on the dark night sky. A crescent crescent hung high on the top of the mountain in the distance. The blinking starlight in the sky looked extremely dim.

Xiaoya and Yu Jing stood at the entrance of the pitch-black hole. They looked at the undulating backs of Wan Lin and the others, and nervous expressions flashed in their eyes. At this time, Yu Jing raised her eyes and looked at the dimly lit mountains in the distance. She followed in a low voice and said to Xiaoya beside her, "Xiaoya, Xiaobai, why haven't they come back all night, did you summon them? Katayama is too dangerous, let them follow the leopard head, and the leopard head will be safer."

Xiaoya looked at the pitch-black mountains around the lake shore, shook her head and replied in a low voice, "At this time, we must not reveal the target loudly, otherwise, even the leopard heads who covertly reconnaissance will be very dangerous."

Yu Jing was stunned when she heard Xiaoya's answer, and then she understood what she meant. It is already close to the lake shore, and among the jagged rocks on the shore, it is very likely that there are those coveted militants hidden. These people not only greedily searched for those precious meteorite fragments on the lakeshore, but also stared at other people's pockets.

If Xiaoya called out two leopards at this time, she would definitely reveal the location of these people, then this place would soon become the target of various militants' attacks, and at the same time, it would also expose the leopards who were concealing their reconnaissance. people.

Yu Jing understood what Xiaoya meant. She glanced worriedly at Wan Lin and the few people who were flickering on the hillside, and then sat on both sides of the cave with Xiaoya, and automatically assumed the task of guarding.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had already run to the side hillside in the dark, and Wan Lin ran to Cheng Ru and Kong Dazhuang, who were hiding on the side hillside for alert. Wan Lin squatted beside Cheng Ru's invisible rock and whispered a few words to him, then ran down the hill with Zhang Wa and the three of them.

In the darkness, the four of them were ups and downs on the steep hillside, moving very fast. After a short time, they had appeared in a dark rock at the bottom of the mountain. The four of them squatted under the rock and raised their guns to aim at the surrounding mountains. go.

The lake water reflecting the dim starlight had appeared in front of them, and the lakeshore was less than a kilometer away from where they were. The lake water rippled in the breeze, waves of lake water gently slapped the rocks on the shore, and there were bursts of rhythmic "snacks" echoing in the dimly lit mountains.

Wan Lin's eyes swept across the lakeshore in front of him, and then moved his gun to the foot of the mountain in front of him. At night, there was a fierce battle there. At that time, the muzzle of the gun and the fire of the explosion illuminated the foot of the mountain and the lake on the bank. And the steep hillside is hazy, and there is no one figure around.

Wan Lin carefully observed the pitch-black mountains. He followed from the sniper rifle's cheek support and looked up to the side of the mountains. He thought to himself, "Why haven't Xiaohua and Xiaobai shown their faces?" The mountains in the distance It was pitch black, and Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai could not be seen in the dimness.

At this time, the wind knife lying under the rock on the right side of Wan Lin raised his hand and made a gesture to Wan Lin, then extended his arm and pointed to the foot of the mountain in front of him, asking, "Would you like to go over and scout?"

Wan Lin immediately made an "ok" gesture, the right hand of the wind knife lightly touched the hidden weapon pouch around his waist, and a cold light flashed from the tips of his fingers. The foot of the mountain ahead crawled over.

Wan Lin, Zhang Wa, and Bao Ya immediately lied behind the gun and aimed at the mountains around the wind knife, and then gently pulled the bolt with their right hand. There had just been a fierce battle at the dark foot of the mountain ahead, and now the figure of the enemy could emerge from the darkness at any time, so Wan Lin and several others put their fingers on the trigger, ready to provide fire cover for the wind knife at any time.

In the darkness, the figure of Feng Dao scrambled forward between the rocks in a hurry and slow. From time to time, he would lie under the rocks and raise his gun to look around. At this time, the sound of the waves crashing from the shore had already covered up the "rustling" sound of his crawling, and the rocks in front of them with different shapes were like figures lying in the dark, giving people a sense of tension a feeling of.

It didn't take long, the wind knife was already creeping close to the rocks at the foot of the mountain. He was lying between two rocks more than half a meter high, and then he held his breath and quietly raised his head from the gap between the two rocks to look forward. go.

At this time, a mountain wind suddenly blew from the side, and he immediately smelled a strong **** smell, and at the same time, he saw a black shadow lying beside the rock more than ten meters away from the side.

The wind knife was shocked! He shoved the rock in front of him violently, his body immediately leaned back, and his right hand was thrown to the side at the same time! "Whoosh", a cold light whistled towards the black shadow on the side.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others in the back were shocked when they saw the action of the wind knife, and the muzzles of the few people immediately aimed in the direction where the cold light flew. The side was densely covered with rocks, and they could not see the situation under the rock in front of them among the standing rocks. Wan Lin followed and stood up with his gun from behind the rock, and slammed into the back of a rock more than one meter high in front of him. I want to jump up on the rock and look down at the situation in front of me.

Just as he saved, he suddenly saw Feng Dao raise his hand and make a "safe" gesture. Wan Lin immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He jumped behind the rock in front of him in the dark, and then raised his gun from the side of the rock to aim At this moment, he vaguely saw that the side of the wind knife There was a black shadow lying under the rock in front, the shadow was motionless, and a faint smell of blood was blowing in the wind.

Wan Lin suddenly understood that this must be the corpse killed in the fierce battle between the two groups of militants at night. He moved the muzzle of the gun and looked around, and sure enough, he saw seven or eight corpses lying on the side of the surrounding rocks. Several assault rifles were tossed next to the corpse. He quickly stretched out his hand and made a gesture to Zhang Wa and Bao Ya behind him, then raised his gun and looked at the pitch-black hillside in front. At this moment, he secretly said in his heart: "What a tough opponent! It seems that the side that fought just now has already killed the other side. The fighting power of this group is really strong."

At this moment, two shrill screams suddenly sounded from the mountains behind Wan Lin's side near the lake shore. The screams that suddenly sounded in the darkness and silence were very abrupt. Wan Lin and the others quickly turned around and raised their guns. go.

Two light spots, one red and one blue, flashed through the darkness like lightning, followed by a panicked shout that sounded from the rocks behind the light spots, "Da Da Da", followed by a burst of assault rifle shots from the darkness. .


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