Panther Commando

Chapter 3873: whoever he is

At this time, Bao Ya looked at Feng Dao and said in a low voice: "I wasted a good knife of yours, have you brought it back?" Feng Dao replied with a smile: "I got it back, my flying knife has a special shape and is too built. It's hard, I brought this out of my house, how can I just waste it."

He then looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Just now, I carefully observed the surrounding mountains and the hillside in front of me. Except for the five black shadows poking out from behind the rocks on the half-mountain, there were no other militants within 1000 meters of the surrounding area. ."

When Fengdao said this, he looked down at Xiaohua and Xiaobai and continued: "Just now Xiaohua and the others attacked too timely, just in time for those hidden enemies to get out. It seems that these boys have become startled, and they heard gunshots. Be sure to look around to prevent someone from sneaking in in the dark. I just observed it carefully, and there are several corpses lying on the lake shore in the distance, which should be the corpses left when they killed each other two days ago. "

He followed with his arms sticking out from the side of the rock, pointed to the dark hillside in front of him, and said in a low voice, "The five boys who just emerged from the hillside are all wearing bulletproof helmets. Among them is a sniper and a machine gunner, who seem to be quite equipped. Excellent." After speaking, he retracted back to the rock and looked at Wan Lin and the others and said in a low voice, "I think they are most likely the people of the red fox, otherwise in such a short period of time, they will not have the ability to destroy the mountain. Seven or eight well-armed boys under your feet will be wiped out!"

Wan Lin nodded gloomily and said in a low voice, "Yes, we also analyzed that it was a red fox, the security guards of Yamaguchi should have been killed by us in Taniguchi, and now these well-equipped armed men have emerged here. , can only be the people of the Red Fox. These are a few strong enemies, everyone should be careful in the following actions."

Hearing Wan Lin's advice, Bao Ya stared at Wan Lin's big eyes, looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, whoever he is, as long as he threatens us, then Lao Tzu will meet God and kill God, If you encounter ghosts and kill ghosts, kill them first!" Feng Dao and Zhang Wa looked at Wan Lin with murderous aura when they heard Bao Ya's suggestion.

Wan Lin stuck his head out from the side of the rock and looked at the steep hillside several hundred meters in front of him for a moment. It may threaten us at any time. Well, then kill them first, and then find a way to continue to find our expedition team members!"

He followed in a low voice and ordered: "Fengdao, Zhang Wa, you two are a group, and Bao Ya and I are a group. We quietly approach the rock from both sides of the hillside, and if we seize the opportunity, we will quickly kill the two guards at the entrance of the cave. A kid, and throw* to kill the other enemies in the hole."

He said he grabbed Xiaohua and Xiaobai and put them on the side of the rock, then raised his finger and pointed to the faintly exposed boulder on the hillside, Xiaobai said in a low voice: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, there is a cave behind, you will quietly approach the cave and follow Let's act together. Remember, don't rush into the cave!" As he spoke, he watched the two leopards raise their hands for a few quick gestures, and then slashed down.

In the darkness, light flashed in the eyes of the two leopards, and then they raised their tails and shook them vigorously, and then jumped out from under the dark rock. Wan Lin followed with a gesture of "act now" to Zhang Wa and the three of them, and then he and Bao Ya lay under the rock and climbed diagonally to the foot of the mountain ahead to the right. Feng Dao and Zhang Wa glanced at each other, and then crawled under the rock to the foot of the mountain on the other side.

In the dimly lit mountains, Xiaohua and Xiaobai ran towards the foot of the mountain in front of the mountain in the rolling hills and rocks, and disappeared in a blink of an eye among the dark rocks at the foot of the mountain.

Not long after, the figures of Wan Lin and the four of them also appeared among the rocks at the foot of the mountain. Wan Lin crawls behind a rock, and he quietly raised his gun and aimed upwards. At this moment, two leopards suddenly appeared from under the boulder halfway up the mountain. The weak blue light in Xiaohua's eyes flashed down the mountain. Obviously, it was reporting to Wanlin that they had reached the target area. .

Wan Lin raised his right hand and swayed slightly towards the hillside, followed by raising his spear and focused on the hillsides on both sides of the boulder above. By the dim starlight from the sky, he could already see that there were many rocks on the mountainside, and two raised rocks towered under the huge rock. Obviously, the boulder rolled down from above, and then was stopped halfway up the mountain by the two solid rocks below, and just blocked the opening behind.

Wan Lin stared at the pitch-black boulder and cursed inwardly, "You bastard, you can even find such a hidden place. It seems that they must have regarded this place as their base camp."

At this time, it has been seen that these boys in the cave do have rich experience in mountain combat. This hillside is rocky and rocky, which is convenient for concealed actions in the mountains, and there is a cave hidden behind the boulder above, which can be used as a A base camp for rest.

It seems that they are indeed in this lakeshore area, looking for meteorite fragments by themselves, while waiting for the opportunity to kill other militants to **** the treasures they obtained. If it wasn't for Xiaohua attacking the enemy just now and attracting the vigilant boy behind the rock above, Wan Lin and the others would have thought that the other party had already evacuated this hillside after the fierce battle.

Wan Lin followed and turned to look at the two corpses lying at the foot of the side of the Sure enough, the clothes on the two people had been torn apart, and items thrown from the backpacks were scattered on the nearby mountain. It means that the other party has carefully searched these corpses. They will not only take away the meteorite fragments, but also the ammunition and food supplies.

At this time, Wan Lin's face looked a little dignified. The enemies in the cave above were indeed ruthless, and all of them had rich experience in mountain combat, and even the hidden locations were beyond people's expectations.

He raised his sniper rifle and stared at both sides of the rock. At this time, he saw that the enemy did not stick his head out from behind the rock to observe, and knew that the actions of his few and the two leopards did not alert the enemy. He then carried the sniper rifle behind him, pointed upwards at Zhang Wa and the wind knife lying on the side of the mountain, and a few people followed and climbed up the pitch-black steep hillside.

At this time, the dim mountain breeze was slowly, and the cool mountain wind was blowing slowly from the lake. The thick night and the sound of "rushing" water just concealed the people from Wanlin who climbed to the hillside. The figure and the "rustling" sound from the feet of several people.


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