Panther Commando

Chapter 3877: tidal wave of light

On the dim hillside, Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who were standing at the side entrance of the cave, had also seen the surrounding mountains. Zhang Wa followed and looked up at the hillside above, and hurriedly shouted to Wan Lin: "Leopard head, many giant wolves are coming. Jump down!" In his voice, he suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun and shot a short "shoot" upwards.

"Ow..." A miserable howl rang out from the pitch-black hillside above. He was raising his gun to watch Feng Dao and Wan Lin in the mountains on both sides in shock, and immediately moved the muzzle to aim at the hillside above. There were more than a dozen green light spots on the pitch-black hillside. The running sound of "sudden rustling" came one after another on the steep and pitch-black hillside.

Just when Wan Lin raised his sniper rifle, two huge black shadows on the upper side, with the sound of wind, suddenly jumped up from the pitch-black hillside. In the big mouth, there were big teeth shining with cold light, and in a blink of an eye, they had already jumped into the sky more than ten meters above Wan Lin's head.

"Pfft", the sniper rifle that Wan Lin raised immediately made a low sound, and a giant wolf's head immediately burst into a cloud of blood and fell towards the back hillside.

Wan Lin's body suddenly took a step forward, and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at another black shadow who was pounced. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, "da da da", the muzzle of the air knife standing in the darkness on the side had already spewed out a rush of fire. The other giant wolf, who was bowing its head down, let out a miserable howl, and its huge body flew to the side of the hill.

"Da da da, da da da", Zhang Wa's muzzle has been spewing bullets one after another, and seven or eight giant wolves on the hillside screamed and suddenly accelerated towards the hole below. With the rapid gunfire, the two giant wolves killed by bullets immediately fell sideways on the steep hillside, and then rolled down from the top of the boulders.

"Pay attention to the top!" Wan Lin reminded Zhang Wa and the wind knife beside him. He took a step under his feet, and his right foot flew in the darkness. With a "pop", he kicked a giant wolf that fell from the air to the side. , he then stretched out his left hand and grabbed the wolf leg of the other big wolf that rolled down, turned around and threw it towards the side hillside.

He quickly knocked down the two giant wolves that fell, and then quickly picked up the sniper rifle. His left heel stretched forward, and then suddenly lifted up. With his toes, he quickly evoked an assault that was thrown at the entrance of the hole. Rifle, grabbed the body of the gun with the left hand, pulled the bolt with the right hand with a "crash", then raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger to a few green light spots above the side.

At this moment, a red and a basket of two beams of light suddenly flashed in the dark cave. Xiaohua and Xiaobai rushed out of the cave with the sound of the wind, and they jumped onto the top of the boulder behind Wan Lin, and turned their heads to face it. There was a deafening roar from the hillside, and then he rushed straight from the top of the high rock to the pitch-black hillside above.

Bao Ya also rushed out of the cave with a gun in hand. He rushed out of the cave and immediately turned around. He raised his muzzle to face the two giant wolves rushing down from the side and swept out a string of bullets. .

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai jumping out, and he hurriedly shouted: "Stop shooting!" He then bent over from the two enemy corpses on the ground, pulled out a magazine and quickly replaced the empty magazine on the gun. Immediately, he took out two spare magazines from the enemy's corpse and stuffed one into the pocket of his tactical vest. He quickly took a few from the corpse and stuffed them into the pocket as well.

At this time, Bao Ya had already swept out a shuttle of bullets towards the hillside above. He quickly changed the magazine while turning his head and shouting at Wan Lin: "Leopard head, there are only two killed enemies in the cave, now in the cave Safe! How come there are so many giant wolves in the mountains?" Wan Lin looked at the green light spots flashing all over the mountains in the distance, and he replied in a low voice, "These giant wolves seem to be Attracted by something mysterious, it suddenly rushed towards the lake, the specific reason is unknown."

Indeed, he was also surprised at this time. Although he knew that there were a group of giant wolves gathered in this mountain, he did not expect such a large number. Judging from the light spots that flashed from the wolf's eyes in the dimness, there were at least hundreds of giant wolves in the surrounding mountains, which was definitely a rare large-scale wolf pack.

At this moment, Zhang Wa suddenly called out, "Leopard head, look at the surrounding mountaintops!" Wan Lin immediately raised his gun and looked up to the top of the mountain. A green spot of light suddenly appeared on the top of the surrounding black mountain. The light spots of "color" are scattered in the darkness, just like the "tidal" water, overwhelmingly pouring down the hillside facing the lake.

Wan Lin quickly looked into the distance in astonishment. On the steep mountain peaks surrounding the lake, all of a sudden, there were flashes of green light everywhere. The sudden appearance of dense green light spots made Wan Lin's sweat and hair all over his body. Standing up, a 'hairy' feeling of horror immediately rose from the bottom of his heart.

Feng Dao and Bao Ya also looked up to the top of the mountain in the distance. Feng Dao shouted in astonishment, "Isn't this a pack of wolves? There can't be so many wolves!" The scope was aimed at the top of the mountain, and he followed and exclaimed: "My mother, this is not a pack of wolves, these are the giant mountain mice we encountered in the mountains ahead!"

At this time, he had already seen that the originally ferocious giant wolves on the surrounding hillsides had already fled to the surrounding mountains in panic in the light spots rushing in like the "tide" above.

Wan Lin and the others immediately raised their right hands and pulled the gun bolt with a "crashing" sound. At this time, they had already seen clearly that the green gleaming spots that suddenly appeared on the top of the surrounding mountain were actually small animals about half a These densely packed small animals suddenly appeared on the top of the mountain. It was rushing down the hillside like crazy. And these densely packed critters are actually the mutated giant mountain mice they encountered in the mountains ahead!

At this time, these ferocious mountain rats seemed to be crazy, rushing from the mountains in the distance, and countless gigantic mountain rats were rushing out from behind the mountains, like a tide of water. They rushed down the hillside near the lake like a scramble.

In the blink of an eye, the black tops and steep hillsides around the lake shore were covered by the green light spots in the eyes of the giant mouse, and a numbing rustling sound came from the wind.

The terrifying scene in front of him made Wan Lin, the special combat team members who did not change their faces even in the hail of bullets, suddenly felt a numbness in their hearts.

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