Panther Commando

Chapter 3883: Remnant cloud of blood samples

Wan Lin and the others stood in front of the dark cave, staring motionlessly at the top of the mountain in the distance. At this moment, their eyes were all rounded, staring intently at the disk-shaped clouds on the top of the mountain in the distance that were piercing into the night sky at high speed.

At this time, the few remaining clouds around the top of the mountain were like pieces of blood thrown out from the rapid rotation of the flying saucer. Pieces of blood-like remnant clouds, rapidly spinning red flying saucers and red light ejected from the top of the mountain make people feel mysterious and shocking.

At this moment, a loud bang suddenly sounded from the mountain, and the sound came from the ground to the ears of the Wanlin group in waves. It shook, giving people the feeling of a landslide. Wan Lin's group was startled and quickly looked down.

At the foot of the mountain, the lake water, which was still reflecting the eyes of green giant rats, suddenly turned red, like a huge pool of blood. The power to **** up!

In the blink of an eye, the lake surface was turbid and turbulent, and a ** bright red lake water rose from the lake surface, whistling and smashing on the dark rocks on the shore! The churning red waves, with an invincible force, slapped **** the dark boulders on the shore. The red waves on the shore splashed, and the splashed waves looked extremely bright under the red light in the distance!

At this moment, the entire mountain has been reflected in a dark red by the red beam of light spurting from the top of the mountain in the distance. The bright red beam of light and the rapidly spinning flying saucer in front of you are dazzling. The "rumbling" sound is breathtaking!

There is a vision in the sky, and there will be great changes! Grandpa's voice suddenly resounded in Wan Lin's ears again, and his face instantly turned pale! The scene in front of me is not a vision, so what is a vision? !

Wan Lin's heart trembled violently, and a strong ominous premonition suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart, his eyes staring at the lake suddenly narrowed, and the pupils in his eyes had shrunk to the size of a needle in an instant!

The dark red lake surface was turbulent, and the monstrous waves were like columns of blood rushing towards him, causing him to suddenly feel an extremely dangerous feeling! His eyes quickly swept to the surrounding mountains.

Just at this glance, his sharp eyes have seen that the huge giant wolves and countless giant mountain mice rushed to the shore, jumping like crazy in the red waves splashing on the shore. , rushing into the red lake with surging waves, as if something mysterious in this huge blood pool is attracting them, so that these ferocious beasts are not afraid of life and death, one after another to the rolling waves Jump in!

Wan Lin looked at the beasts rushing into the lake one after another, a look of horror flashed in his eyes, and he quickly turned his head to look at the surrounding dark red hillsides.

At this time, the green light spots in the eyes of the giant rats on the hillside seemed to be suddenly strongly stimulated, and suddenly became bright. Countless giant rats rushed to the foot of the mountain like a tide, and then rushed to the lake where the waves were surging.

Several giant wolves that escaped from the giant rat group also slanted out of the surrounding rock crevices at this time, as if they were attracted by a huge energy and rushed to the lake, and they rushed up several meters. Gao, with a bright ray of light in his eyes, dashed bravely into the surging red lake water.

Wan Lin stared at the beasts rushing towards the lake in astonishment. A dazzling light flashed in his eyes. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the flying saucer that was spinning away in the distance. The moment he raised his head, he suddenly felt chaos in his mind, and he took a step down the hillside involuntarily. At this moment, his outstretched left foot suddenly stumbled on a rock below, and his body staggered towards the steep hill below.

He was startled suddenly, his body suddenly jumped up, and with a bang, he jumped onto a half-meter-high rock in front of him. He hurriedly took a deep breath, and quickly picked up the strong infuriating energy in his body and rushed straight into his dazed mind. Only then did his dizzy head suddenly wake up.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eyes, he suddenly saw that three black shadows were swiftly passing by him on the dark red hillside, heading straight for the shore of the lake surging with red waves below. Wan Lin was shocked and immediately realized that Zhang Wa, Feng Dao and Bao Ya were rushing down the mountain!

He opened his mouth and shouted violently: "Stop!" He kicked the rock vigorously under his feet, and his body rushed down the steep hillside below with the sound of the wind. In a blink of an eye, he had appeared in front of Zhang Wa, Feng Dao and Bao Ya who were rushing down, then raised his right hand and waved a palm wind in front of them.

Wan Lin's roar suddenly sounded like a thunderstorm in the dark, and the three of them, Zhang Wa, who were running down in a daze, stopped abruptly. Zhang Wa and Fengdao stopped, with a confused look in their eyes. Zhang Wa shook her head vigorously and looked at Wan Lin and exclaimed, "What's the matter? Why did I suddenly run down." And this At the same time, Bao Ya suddenly took a step to the side of the hillside. He bypassed Wan Lin who was in front of him, stared at him and continued to run towards the lake shore where the waves were splashing Lin turned around and grabbed it Bao Ya's arm, a forceful infuriating qi suddenly rushed out from the palm of Bao Ya's arm, rushing straight to Bao Ya's arm meridian. He turned around and shouted at Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who were still confused: "Hurry up and bring up your inner strength!"

At this time, he already understood that Bao Ya's internal strength was slightly weaker among the few people. Zhang Wa and Feng Dao, who had strong skills, had gradually woken up from his roar, but Bao Ya was still rushing towards the lake in a daze.

In an instant, Wan Lin's strong infuriating energy had rushed into Bao Ya's body, Bao Ya stopped in confusion, he shook his head vigorously, looked at the giant rats at the foot of the mountain and shouted: "Grandma, what's going on? Why do I feel like I'm being pulled towards the lake by something? Isn't this courting death!"

Wan Lin saw Bao Ya sober up, he didn't care to answer Bao Ya's question, let go of Bao Ya's arm and looked nervously to the side of the mountain where Xiaoya and the others were. At this time, on the steep hillside that has been reflected in dark red, six or seven black shadows are rising and falling on the dark red hillside, heading straight to the lake shore where the waves are surging below, running extremely fast in the red light !

Wan Lin's expression changed greatly! He immediately saw that Xiaoya and Chengru were just like them, rushing towards the lake where the waves were surging under the mountain in the chaos.

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