Panther Commando

Chapter 3890: spooky cave

In the dark and damp cave, Wan Lin and the others squatted under the cave wall and anxiously looked at the narrow support hole in front of them. At this time, Zhang Wa couldn't bear it anymore, he turned to look at Wan Lin and asked for instructions: "Leopard head, Xiao Hua It's been a long time since I went in and I haven't come out yet, so I'll go in and take a look." After speaking, he took a deep breath and lowered his head to get into the narrow hole.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm, then turned his ear to the hole and listened. A rustling, rustling sound was coming from the cave.

Wan Lin quickly whispered into the cave: "Xiaohua, Xiaohua!" Xiaohua's low roar sounded from the cave. In the light beam of the flashlight held by Wan Lin, Xiao Hua's figure emerged from the corner of the branch hole, and then jumped between the rocks to reach Wan Lin and the others. Wan Lin quickly moved the flashlight beam to shine on Xiao Hua. go.

Xiao Hua's body was covered with dust, and a faint blue light flashed in her eyes. It ran to the entrance of the cave and immediately stood up to Wan Lin, looked anxiously at Wan Lin and shook its head, then it shook its body vigorously, and turned around in the raised dust mist and was about to run towards the other side hole. .

Wan Lin quickly stretched out his hand to hold it down and comforted in a low voice: "Xiao Hua, the cave here is too narrow, we won't go in. We will go to the cave in front of us to see if we can find some big caves." He followed and turned his head to look Zhang Wa said, "This cave is so narrow that no one can get in, and even if you go in, you can't climb out again."

At this time, Wan Lin could see that the cave that Xiaohua had just entered was indeed very narrow. Even Xiaohua's petite body was covered with dust on the walls of the cave, making it impossible for people to pass through it. Even if this cave can lead to the cave where Xiaoya and the others are located, they can't pass through it at all!

Zhang Wa looked at Xiaohua's body covered in dust, shook her head and said in frustration, "These support holes are indeed impassable, even if they barely climb in, they can't get out. It's too dangerous."

With a gloomy expression on his face, Wan Lin raised his flashlight and shone into the dark hole in front of him. He followed: "Come on, let's continue to walk along this main cave. From the current point of view, the direction of the cave is far from the impact point of the meteor behind. Xiaoya and Laocheng must also follow this direction and enter the depths of the cave, maybe we will find a branch hole to go directly through in the middle."

Hearing Wan Lin's analysis, Bao Ya hesitated and said, "Can Xiaoya and the others identify the direction in the cave? Don't wander around for a long time, but get further and further away from us."

Wan Lin immediately said: "No, Cheng Ru's internal strength is similar to that of Zhang Wa. Now Zhang Wa can also judge the general direction. I believe that Lao Cheng can also judge the direction. In addition, Xiaobai is by their side, Xiaobai There is also a mysterious connection with Xiaohua, and it will definitely bring Xiaoya closer to us."

When Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's words, she suddenly remembered that when she was in the dry rice pot, Xiao Bai, relying on this mysterious feeling, came to the dry rice pot from thousands of kilometers away by herself, and met Xiaohua there. There is indeed some kind of mysterious feeling between Xiaobai and Xiaohua, a magical leopard.

At this time, Xiao Hua anxiously jumped up from Wan Lin's side. It jumped onto a rock next to it, stretched out her left paw and tugged at Wan Lin's sleeve, then turned around and jumped off the rock to the dark cave in front of her. Run inside. Seeing Xiao Hua's anxious look, Wan Lin stood up and ran to the depths of the cave with his flashlight, while whispering to Zhang Wa and the three of them: "Follow!"

Wan Lin followed Xiao Hua with his flashlight. Zhang Wa and several people were distributed on both sides of him, and they carefully looked at the entire cave as they ran. The cave in front is getting wider and wider. The top of the high cave is one or twenty meters high, and the spacious part of the cave is also seven or eight meters wide. Pieces of dark rocks stand scattered at the bottom of the cave and the surrounding holes. on the wall.

As Wan Lin was running, strangely shaped boulders appeared from time to time in the flashlight beam held in his hand. Some boulders looked like giant tortoises, lying quietly at the bottom of the cave; The apes hanging on the ceiling and walls of the cave are hanging out in the air with their long ape arms.

On the walls of the cave on both sides are stalagmites that stand up one after another, and the sharp shoot tips are like clusters of knives inserted into the walls of the cave, giving people a gloomy feeling. The dark cave stretched forward suddenly from left to right, as if there was no end at all.

Wan Lin and the others followed Xiao Hua in the cave for about four hours. The humidity in the cave in front of them was getting higher and higher, and the damp air made them feel suffocated. They were sweating profusely. .

At this moment, Xiao Hua, who had been running up and down in front of her, suddenly stopped on a huge raised rock. It turned around in the flashlight beam from Wanlin behind, and looked at the back with a flash of blue light in its eyes. Wan Lin and the others quickly accelerated, jumping on the slippery rocks at the bottom of the cave and running forward.

Wan Lin had just raised his flashlight and ran behind Xiaohua, when he could see that Xiaohua was standing on a huge rock in front of him that was raised upwards. Wan Lin lifted his foot onto the rock and walked forward with great strides.

Just as he was about to step forward from Xiaohua, Xiaohua suddenly stood up and stretched out his front paws and grabbed his trouser legs, then roared at him, and a blue beam of light shot out from his eyes.

Wan Lin was shocked! Quickly stopped, he opened his arms to block Zhang Wa and the three who were running behind, and whispered, "The pavilion moves forward!" He then raised his flashlight to look at the edge of the turtle's back in front of him. At this moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and in front of him and Xiaohua was a pitch-black cliff!

The pupils in Wan Lin's eyes shrank If he took one more step forward just now, he would have fallen headlong into this seemingly bottomless darkness! He took a deep breath and raised his flashlight to look in front of him.

The cave in front of them suddenly became very spacious, with an area of ​​thousands of square meters, just like a large auditorium that suddenly appeared in front of them. The top of the dark cave is seventy to eighty meters high, and a drop of water that appears to be crystal clear in the flashlight beam is falling "tick tock" toward the dark cliff in front.

At this time, the three of Zhang Wa also stepped forward cautiously, and Zhang Wa took out the flashlight and looked down. In the bright flashlight beam, the cliffs nearly 100 meters deep are covered with rocks, and pieces of dark, hard rocks are erected with sharp edges and corners. The faint sound of "tick" and "tick" from the bottom of the cliff seemed to be calling them to jump down in the dark, which made them feel creepy.

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi:


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