Panther Commando

Chapter 3897: We are Chinese soldiers

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Feng Dao and Bao Ya shook their heads when they heard Zhang Wa's question. They couldn't tell whether Xiao Hua got into the cave? The three followed and turned to look at Wan Lin who was behind.

This cave is very empty, and any sound will sway back and forth on the uneven cave wall, making waves of echoes, so it is really difficult for them to tell which branch the voice of Xiaohua came from?

Wan Lin saw Zhang Wa and the three people in front of him looking at him. He raised his flashlight and said to the three caves in front of his left: "The second cave." His body's infuriating qi had already fluctuated, and he immediately judged the source of the sound from the change in infuriating qi.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he immediately turned off the flashlight, raised his hand and inserted the flashlight into the tactical vest, and then took advantage of the light of the flashlight in Zhang Wa's hand in front of him, and strode forward among the dark rocks.

In such a pitch-black cave where they can get out of nowhere, the light from the flashlight is the light of life for them! Once the power is exhausted, it is difficult for them to get out of such a dark cave safely. So, when he saw that Zhang Wa had turned on the flashlight, he quickly turned off the electric light in his hand!

Wan Lin just took two steps in the dark, when his body protection infuriated suddenly fluctuated, his expression changed and he stopped abruptly, his right hand pulled the bolt of the assault rifle he was carrying, twisting In the darkness, he lunged behind a rock on the side. He followed and raised his assault rifle from the side of the rock, and at this moment, the muzzle was aimed at the small cave that was soaked in water behind the puddle!

Zhang Wa and several people who were holding flashlights and ran down the side of the cave wall suddenly heard the sound of pulling the gun bolt from behind. Zhang Wa reacted quickly and extinguished the flashlight beam, and then quickly rushed with Fengdao and Bao Ya. When they got behind the rocks beside them, they quickly took off the assault rifles they carried on their backs, raised the guns and aimed them at the back and the sides of the caves, and then quickly raised their right hands and pulled the bolts.

They only heard the sound of Wan Lin pulling the gun bolt from behind, but they didn't find anything unusual, so the three immediately turned off the electric light, and raised their guns in the dark to aim at the sides and the back.

As the light beam of Zhang Wa's flashlight went out, the cave was pitch black, and the five fingers could not be seen! The conversation that was echoing in the cave just now came to an abrupt end, the dark cave suddenly became silent, and the air in the cave seemed to have suddenly solidified, making people feel even more nervous!

At this moment, a bright beam of light suddenly lit up in the darkness, and the dazzling beam of light went straight to the hole* behind the puddle on the right. The bright spotlight beam illuminated the dark entrance of the cave, and the calm water below the entrance reflected the light of the flashlight, like a bright mirror that suddenly appeared in the dark, looking very strange in the dark cave.

In the darkness, Wan Lin's thunder-like roar sounded: "Who is it? Come out!" With the flashlight beam that suddenly lit up, Zhang Wa and a few people who were hiding among the rocks in front immediately moved their guns to the right and were photographed. Looking at the bright hole, several people's fingers were already on the trigger, and there was a faint murderous aura in their eyes.

At this time, they already knew in their hearts that what Leopard Head found was definitely not Xiaoyaji. Xiaoya followed Xiaobai, a strange beast. If it was Xiaoya and the others, this strange beast must have sniffed out the scent of Wan Lin and the others, and had long since emerged from the hole and ran towards them. Now Katayama is full of dangers, and none of them can predict whether the person who is about to appear is an enemy or a friend, so several people are ready for battle.

The three of Zhang Wa raised their guns and stared at the low hole revealed in the electric light. At this time, out of the corner of their eyes, Wan Lin was kneeling on one knee behind a dark rock on the side. His left hand stretched out a flashlight from the left side of the rock, and his right hand held an assault rifle and stretched out from the right side of the rock. , the muzzle is aiming at the opening dozens of meters ahead.

The echo of Wan Lin's roar echoed in the cave over and over again, but the cave behind the puddle was silent. Wan Lin immediately frowned, his right hand raised slightly, and his right index finger gently pulled the trigger.

He just picked up the gun and walked forward after hearing the roar of Xiaohua's response. At this time, he suddenly felt that the body protector beside him was pierced, and then he heard a low voice in his ear, the voice was exactly the same. It came from under the wall on the right.

He was startled when he heard the sound, and immediately realized that the abnormal noise was coming from the cave behind the puddle on the side. He immediately pulled the bolt to remind the three Zhang Wa in front of him, and at the same time, he turned around and rushed under the rock beside him, raising his gun to aim at the hole on the side. He had already observed the side wall of the cave just now, and the only place around the side wall where people could hide was the small cave behind Shuibo.

"Da da da", Wan Lin's muzzle immediately flashed a rush of fire, followed by a few sparks on the hard rock above the hole in front of him. Wan Lin fired a short burst and immediately extinguished the flashlight beam held in his left hand, preventing the person in the cave from firing back.

With the sudden extinguishment of the flashlight beam, the cave suddenly became pitch black again, and the harsh gunshots echoed over and over again in the cave, as if countless guns were ringing one after another. Wan Lin raised his inner strength and shouted: "We are Chinese soldiers, immediately put down our weapons and raise our hands!"

"We are Chinese soldiers!" These words sounded like thunder blasting in a dark cave, and the walls of the cave made a burst of "humming" A piece of gravel fell from the wall and the top of the cave.

At this time, Zhang Wa, Feng Dao and Bao Ya had already stood up from the darkness. In the darkness, the three of them touched the jagged rocks in front of them and quietly touched the puddles behind them.

At this moment, a faint cry suddenly came from under the dark cave wall on the side: "Don't shoot, don't shoot, we are the Huaxia Scientific Expedition Team, we are the scientific expedition members of the Huaxia Scientific Expedition Team!" Darkness In the middle, another voice with a weeping voice sounded: " are the Huaxia Army... Soldiers? Too... great, we finally... Finally, we are looking forward to you, we are saved!"

Wan Lin and the others were overjoyed when they heard the faint voice in the darkness! "Brush", a bright flashlight beam followed from among the rocks on the side of the puddle, and went straight to the hole*. Zhang Wa was half-squatting behind a rock on the side of the puddle, holding a flashlight in his left hand towards the cave*, and squatting behind the two surrounding rocks and raising his guns to aim at the wind knife and the cliff at the entrance of the cave.

Although they were overjoyed, they didn't dare to show up easily without fully judging the identity of the other party. There are various militants in this mountain, and any negligence may cause irreparable losses to themselves. Although several people are very excited, they still maintain a fighting state.

(= one second to remember)

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