Panther Commando

Chapter 3906: sad expedition team member

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In the dark cave, Bao Ya stared at him and continued: "Just now, we entered this cave only after we killed a few bastards. In addition, those **** in the mountains on the lakeshore can't survive, they must have been in the volcano just now. It was burnt to ashes in the violent eruption!"

When Associate Researcher Hao heard Bao Ya's answer, he shouted angrily: "Okay, these **** are dead!" He took a deep breath to calm down his emotions, and then continued: "The sky was already dark at that time. As soon as we broke the rock and took out this gem, seven or eight black shadows suddenly appeared on the side of the mountain. The group of people turned around the foot of the mountain and suddenly raised their guns and swept towards us without a word. Xiao Cai, who was beside me, was on the spot. The dense rain of bullets hit the chest and fell on the hillside, and Professor Wang's arm was also hit by the bullets they shot at that time."

The expressions of Wan Lin and the others became tense, and Bao Ya asked in a hurried voice, "How did you escape at that time?" These expedition team members did not have weapons in their hands, and it was indeed difficult for them to escape in front of those militants.

Associate Researcher Hao put the green stone in his hand into the box, and then replied: "At that time, the guide Xiao Li responded quickly, he immediately turned around and raised the shotgun to the side of the mountain and pulled the trigger. Flying away, he followed and shouted to the other guide 'Little Seven, you hurry up with everyone, I'll cover', in the shouting, he lay down under the rock and raised the shotgun and pulled the trigger one after another."

Zhang Wa heard this and said loudly: "This guide is really good! What kind of gun is he holding?" Associate Researcher Hao replied immediately: "Both guides are holding shotguns, both of them are veterans, they are quite brave If it wasn't for their protection, we wouldn't be able to get to the meteorite impact point by the lake at all."

He followed and said: "At that time, another guide Xiao Qi immediately took us to the top of the hill. Fortunately, the hill was very steep and covered with undulating rocks. We saw a small cave in a panic. Several of us Immediately got in. At this time, some of the gangsters at the foot of the mountain had already split up and shot at Xiao Li who was covering below, while the rest rushed up the hillside to chase us."

At this time, the two professors who were drinking the fish soup with their heads lowered silently put down their spoons, a sad look appeared on their faces, and their thin bodies trembled slightly in excitement.

Professor Xiao, the captain of the scientific expedition team, sighed in a low voice: "Xiao Qi and Xiao Li are both good guides! It was late at that time, and the hillside was hazy. A piece of sparks was swept out of the hillside. Xiao Qi took us to a small cave above the hillside, he told us to climb into the cave quickly, he went to pick up Xiao Li below, and then he took the shotgun and climbed to the side hillside ." When he said this, tears suddenly flowed from his eyes, and his voice became choked up.

When Associate Researcher Hao saw that Professor Xiao was agitated, he continued to tell the story with his eyes down: "At that time, I pushed Professor Xiao and Professor Wang into the cave, and then looked out from under the rock at the entrance of the cave. I immediately I saw that a few fires suddenly appeared on the hillside below, and Xiao Li's figure fell out of the firelight, rolled down the hillside, and fell motionless in the darkness."

When he said this, there were tears in his eyes: "At that time, I saw that Xiao Li had sacrificed, and I quickly turned my head to summon Xiao Qi to come back. But at this moment, Xiao Qi, who had already climbed to the side of the hillside, suddenly Angrily, he shot several bursts of fire at the foot of the mountain below, 'bang bang bang'. Before I could shout, I saw out of the corner of my eyes that a cluster of faint rays suddenly appeared on the dim hillside hundreds of meters away from the side. Firelight, Xiao Qi's body flew out from the side of the hidden rock sideways, and then lay motionless in the darkness."

Wan Lin and the others listened to Associate Researcher Hao's statement with anger in their eyes. At this time, they already understood that what Professor Xiao and the others encountered at that time were not ordinary militants. They must be facing mercenaries equipped with snipers! In that case, the two guides held only limited-range shotguns, and they were simply unable to defend against those well-equipped mercenaries with rich actual combat experience. Xiao Qi must have been hit by the opponent's sniper.

Wan Lin looked at Associate Researcher Hao with a gloomy face and asked, "Did the other party not catch up after you entered that cave?" Associate Researcher Hao raised his hand to wipe the tears from his face, looked at Wan Lin and replied, "Why? Didn't catch up, after they killed Xiao Li and Xiao Qi, they chased up from the bottom of the hillside."

"Fortunately, it was very dark at the time, and there were several holes of different sizes scattered on the hillside. They didn't find which cave we entered. After searching the dim hillside for a while, they immediately judged that we must have drilled. Entering the cave. They swept a few shuttles of bullets at the surrounding small caves, and then ran to the cave behind a boulder on the side slope. After we entered the cave, we quickly climbed deep inside the cave, We reckon they thought we had climbed into the larger cave on the hill above."

"Those **** must be from the Red Fox!" Zhang Wa said angrily at the Wan Lin and the others already understood that the militants who hunted down Professor Xiao and the others were annihilated by them at night The few Red Fox mercenaries.

No wonder the people from Red Fox were guarding the cave where they came in. It turned out that they guessed that several of Professor Xiao had escaped into the cave, so they blocked the entrance to wait for Professor Xiao and the others to climb out of the cave again, and then searched them out. These precious meteorite fragments. They must have realized that Professor Xiao and several others should be the first to enter this mountainous area, and they must have precious meteorite fragments in their hands.

When Professor Xiao heard Zhang Wa's angry scolding, he raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Wa and asked hurriedly: "Have you met them?" Zhang Wa immediately replied loudly: "Yes, we met before entering this cave. Here are a few of them. Don't worry, these people have been wiped out by us, and there is not one left!"

A light suddenly flashed in the eyes of the three of Professor Xiao, and Professor Xiao grabbed Zhang Wa's arm excitedly and shouted, "Okay, you finally avenge Xiao Li, Xiao Qi and Xiao Cai! Those gangsters are vicious and cruel, and they deserve to die. Ah!"

Associate Researcher Hao also stretched out his hands excitedly, grabbed the wind knife and Zhang Wa's hands and shook them vigorously and shouted, "That's great, you finally avenged our scientific expedition team!"

(= one second to remember)

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