Panther Commando

Chapter 3912: little flower paws

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In the damp and dark cave, when Zhang Wa heard Wan Lin's voice, she suddenly realized that she really can't be in a hurry. He quickly turned off the flashlight he was holding, and quietly lay down on the damp rock. with his own anxiety.

Wan Lin also extinguished the flashlight beam and closed his eyes. Lying on the rock, he picked up his infuriating energy and quickly circulated through the meridians in his body for a few weeks, then slowly crawled towards the three holes in front of him.

He climbed forward four or five meters in the dark, suddenly turned his head and plunged his head into the dark support hole on the left, holding his breath and listening to the sound inside quietly. After a while, he retracted his head from the dark cave, and then extended his head into the cave under the cave wall on the right. After a while, he retracted his head and stuck his head into the low cave in front of him.

It was pitch black in the cave, and I couldn't see my fingers. In the cave, there are only water droplets occasionally dripping from the top of the cave, and a dripping sound of "da-da, da-da" is heard on the rocks at the bottom of the cave. Zhang Wa also held her breath and listened to the sound from the cave quietly with her ears sideways.

After a while, Wan Lin suddenly retracted his head from the hole in front of him. He then turned on the flashlight in his left hand, and a strong white beam of light shot straight into the dark cave in front of him.

He turned around and saw Zhang Wa behind him and said with certainty: "In this cave in front, Xiaohua is deep in the cave!" After that, he got up and drilled into the cave in front.

Zhang Wa looked a little surprised at the cave where Wan Lin had drilled into. He only heard the sound of water droplets falling on the rocks, but he didn't hear any abnormal sound. He really didn't know how Wan Lin judged Xiao Hua. Right in this cave? But he didn't hesitate, and followed the flashlight and climbed into the cave in front.

At this time, the two of them had already accelerated their crawling speed in anxiety. They turned a few turns in the low cave in front of them, and Zhang Wa's ears suddenly heard a faint sound of "click". , the sound is like a sharp machete slashing something hard.

Zhang Wa suddenly understood that the leopard head must have used the power behind him to hear this faint sound from this hole. An overjoyed look appeared on his face immediately. He climbed to a raised rock in front of him, panted and stopped. While listening intently to the sound coming from the front, he looked at Wan Lin in admiration.

He knew in his heart that although his skills had improved greatly during this period, he couldn't compare with Wan Lin, the direct descendant of Wan's Kung Fu. Leopard Head heard this low voice at the entrance of the cave a few kilometers away. , and he has only heard this voice faintly now, his skill is indeed too far behind!

He raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his face, raised his flashlight, grabbed the wet rock in front of him, and chased after Wan Lin at a faster speed.

The narrow cave suddenly became wider in the front hole, and the top of the cave that had been pressed against their backs just now gradually rose up, and the suffocating humid air in the cave seemed to suddenly become refreshing. After a while, the "click" sound from the front became clearer.

At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes had a bright light. He bent down and stood up from the hole, and whispered in his mouth, "Xiaohua, Xiaohua!" He then bent over and ran forward. At this moment, the light column of the flashlight he held swayed left and right with his running figure, giving a dazzling feeling in the dark.

Following Wan Lin's cry and the "rustling" sound from under his feet, a low "Ow" roar followed from the cave in front. Wan Lin and Zhang Wa were overjoyed, Xiao Hua was indeed in this cave, and it was not far ahead!

Zhang Wa also bent down and stood up from the hole. He exclaimed excitedly, "Xiaohua, Xiaohua, here we come!" He followed Wan Lin and ran forward. At this time, they were indeed very excited. Xiaohua had been in this narrow and dark cave for so long, which meant that it must have discovered or sensed Xiaobai, otherwise it would not have penetrated into such a dangerous cave. The appearance of Xiaohua not only means that Xiaohua is safe and sound, but also means that they are close to Xiaoya and Chengru!

With the calls of Wan Lin and Zhang Wa, two blue light spots suddenly appeared in a dark hole on the side of the cave in front of you, followed by Xiao Hua jumping out of the hole. Wan Lin squatted down overjoyed and raised his flashlight to swipe at Xiao Hua who was running over.

Xiaohua's fur was covered with a layer of dark gray dust, and she ran towards Wan Lin like a little mud monkey. A blue light flashed from her two round eyes, and she stared at Wan Lin with a wide mouth. Lin and Zhang Wa looked very excited.

Wan Lin hurriedly squatted down and stretched out his hand to hold down the running flower, and then he took off the water bottle and poured out a stream of clear water on a sunken rock in front of him. At this time, he could already see that Xiaohua was breathing heavily and looked very tired.

Xiaohua immediately lowered her head, and it greedily stretched out her little tongue and licked it in the puddle, filling the little puddle completely in a blink of an eye. Wan Lin quickly poured out another half pot of water into the groove, with a distressed look in his eyes.

Xiao Hua finished drinking the water in the groove, then raised her head and watched Wan Lin wagging her tail. At this moment, Wan Lin's eyes suddenly turned to Xiaohua's two front paws, and he followed her nervously to pick up grabbed her two front paws and looked intently. In the flashlight beam held by Zhang Wa, there was a faint red bloodstain on Xiaohua's claws, and the nails curled up in the palm were covered with stone chips.

Wan Lin was startled, and he asked in a low voice, "Xiaohua, why are you injured?" At this time, he could already see that there were a few tiny cracks looming on the center of Xiaohua's two front claws, which had oozing out. A red bloodstain, apparently torn through the epidermis.

At this time, Zhang Wa had also seen the blood on Xiaohua's paws. He quickly clamped the flashlight on the rock next to him, took out the first aid kit and took out the powder. He was really surprised. Xiaohua's skin was so hard that it wouldn't hurt even if it was cut with a knife, but now there were obvious scratches, which really made him feel a little worried.

At this time, Wan Lin raised the water bottle nervously and carefully cleaned Xiao Hua's four claws. He followed the medicine powder handed over by Zhang Wa and carefully sprinkled the medicine powder on the claws of Xiao Hua's two front paws.

He followed the gauze that Zhang Wa handed over to bandage Xiaohua's two front paws. At this moment, Xiaohua broke free from his hands and jumped onto the rock. It stood up and grinned at Wan Lin and shook its head. Then he raised his right paw and patted the rock beside him lightly, as if to say, "What is this injury? No need to bandage!"

(= one second to remember)

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