Panther Commando

Chapter 3921: snoring in the dark

In the dim cave, Professor Xiao sat next to the puddle and spoke his analysis without hesitation. There was a strong logic in his words. At first glance, he was a scholar who was devoted to learning.

At this time, Professor Xiao stopped talking, turned his head to look at the small cave immersed in water opposite the puddle, and pondered for a moment, then he turned back to look at Wan Lin and Yu Jing and said, "I am engaged in geological research, so I am right. The geological structure of the inspection site is very sensitive. Before I came, I have carefully studied the geological structure of this mountainous area. Although it belongs to the plateau area, the mountains are full of rugged mountains, and it is very dry from the surface. However, from the geological point of view It is said that the water dividing line here is just a seemingly intertwined appearance, which is mainly affected by the uplift of the mountain, in fact, there are still abundant groundwater sources between the ground and the mountain, and there is no shortage of water here!”

"Researcher Yu, Captain Wan, you must have studied the map of this mountain before you came. You can see from the map that there are several rivers in this mountain. When the river flows through this mountain, it can be said to be a The slopes are steep and the shoals are juxtaposed, and some rivers suddenly disappear in the endless mountains in the rapid flow. In fact, they did not dry up, but drilled into the mountains to form dark rivers flowing underground.”

Wan Lin and Yu Jing were overjoyed when they heard Professor Xiao's analysis, and Wan Lin followed up: "Great, as long as we can find the dark river, we can find the way out of the cave in the cave!" At this time, he was really excited. , he knew that Professor Xiao was an internationally renowned geological expert before he came, and now the judgment made by this expert with rich geological knowledge is definitely not wrong.

Yu Jing also looked at Professor Xiao and said happily: "Yes, there must be different water systems in the dark river entering the entrance of the cave, and at the same time, in the flow inside the mountain, there are many exits leading to the outside of the cave. As long as you can find one of them One exit, we can escape this maze-like cave!"

Zhang Wa, who was sitting on the side, also said excitedly: "Leopard head, then I will take the **** to this small cave to scout first?" Feng Dao also said: "I'll go with you!"

Wan Lin looked at the two and waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, the caves here are full of vertical and horizontal branch holes. If you lose your way in this maze-like cave, you will definitely be in a desperate situation. Now we have finally gathered together, we can't Separate again! Let's rest for a while, and then we will go there together, which also saves power in the battery."

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of water in the dim puddle, and two leopards followed and two small heads emerged from the water, and they rushed out of the water with a splash of water, and they rushed to Xiaoya and Yu. Before standing still, he opened his mouth and spit out two small fishes into the hands of the two of them.

Xiaoya and Yu Jing hurriedly opened their palms to catch the two finger-like fish. The two laughed when they looked at the fish in their hands. Xiaoya stroked Xiaobai's head and smiled, "Xiaobai , did you catch such two small fish after working so hard for a long time?"

Xiaobai shook the water droplets on his head vigorously, then lowered his eyelids and raised his front paws shyly, pointing at Wan Lin next to him, and he let out an irritated low-key in his mouth. roar.

"Hahaha..." Wan Lin and Xiaoya all laughed when they saw Xiao Bai's appearance, and Xiao Hua also stood on the rock beside Wan Lin and grinned. The three of Professor Xiao looked at Xiao Bai in astonishment, and Associate Researcher Hao asked curiously, "Captain Wan, what is Xiao Bai pointing at you?" Wan Lin replied with a smile, "It said that I put the big water in the puddle. The fish are all eaten up, and these little fish are left in the water!"

The three of Professor Xiao laughed after hearing this. They looked at these two magical leopards with love. Professor Xiao said with some surprise: "These two little leopards are really supernatural, and they can actually talk to you."

Wan Lin smiled at Professor Xiao, and reached out to pick up the little flower standing on the rock next to him and put it on his lap. He took out a towel from his backpack and wiped the water droplets on Xiao Hua's body.

While rubbing Xiaohua's body lightly, he raised his wrist and glanced at it. He stared at the watch for a while, and then said to himself, "I didn't expect that we have been in the cave for more than 30 hours. Now." They got into the flash at night, in the dark hole, they couldn't feel the sunrise and sunset, and they had been anxiously looking for Xiaoya's group, so unknowingly, three days had passed. more than ten hours.

He hurriedly raised his voice and ordered to all the staff: "It's two forty in the night now, everyone is working hard, let's rest for a while, we will leave on time at six in the morning!" Bao Ya, who was in front of him, ordered: "Bao Ya, turn off the flashlight." "Yes!" There was an immediate response from the surroundings.

As Bao Ya turned off the flashlight, the spacious cave seemed to have been suddenly splashed with thick ink and it was pitch black, and the five fingers could not be seen. All the people sitting in the cave immediately leaned against the rocks behind them in the dark, and all the assault rifles and machine guns gently leaned against the rocks beside them, and the cave was silent.

It didn't take in the dark cave, there was a sound of slight snoring one after another. From last night to now, they have stayed in the dark cave for more than 30 hours, and this is not a long time of more than 30 hours, but they have spent in the anxious and desperate dark cave, Everyone felt exhausted. Now everyone suddenly relaxes, so they soon fall asleep.

In the darkness, the water droplets condensed on the top of the cave were still falling one after another, and the falling water droplets were hitting the rocks at the bottom of the cave. The sound of "puff" water droplets echoed throughout the silent cave, and the sound of "puff puff" and "puff puff" echoed in the whole silent cave, just like music gently sounding in the dark.

Hours in the dark passed quickly. At this time, Wan Lin, who was sleeping on the rock, suddenly opened his eyes in the dark. He raised his wrist and looked at it. The luminous pointer on the watch was pointing at five minutes to six o'clock!

He looked up and looked around. The dials of the luminous watches were rising from the darkness. All the Leopard players opened their eyes at this time, and everyone's eyes were looking at the time displayed on their watches.

Strict training and intense fighting life have made every Leopard team member's internal biological clock very accurate. In fact, they already know without looking at the watch that it is time to set off!

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