Panther Commando

Chapter 3924: life in despair

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The cave that has just been opened is about two meters high and three meters wide. The walls of the cave are uneven, and crystal water droplets are condensed on it. Pieces of angular stones protrude from the black lacquered walls. The whole cave extends diagonally down the mountain, and the bottom of the cave is full of jagged boulders, which will bump into the rocks in front of you if you are not careful.

The three of Wan Lin raised their flashlights and walked out of the winding cave for two or three kilometers. The cave in front suddenly turned diagonally to the right. Bao Ya came to the corner and stopped suddenly. He raised the flashlight and glanced quickly. In the cave on the side, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Zhang Wa who were following and reported, "There is a fork in here, I wonder if Xiaohua and the others got into that cave?"

Wan Lin stepped forward and looked forward with the flashlight of Bao Ya. The cave extended diagonally downward. The **** of the bottom of the cave also suddenly increased here, and three to four meters in front of the cave suddenly appeared. The almost juxtaposed openings point in three different directions.

Wan Lin took out his flashlight and shone it back. A few beams of weak flashlights were shaking in the back hole. Cheng Ru and a group of people had already followed. Wan Lin turned to Zhang Wa and said, "Zhang Wa, you are here waiting for the team behind you to come up. Bao Ya, go ahead with me and have a look, Xiaohua should have left traces at the entrance of the cave."

Saying that, he took his flashlight and strode forward. Bao Ya saw that Wan Lin had turned on the flashlight, so he quickly turned off the flashlight in his hand, and followed Wan Lin with his assault rifle.

Wan Lin walked to the three holes in front of him, and suddenly he felt a cool breath gushing out from the hole on the left. Wan Lin quickly raised his flashlight and pointed it towards the hole on the left. On the dark rock at the entrance of the cave, an obvious claw mark is showing on the side wall of the cave entrance.

Bao Ya stepped to the entrance of the cave in one step. He stared at the traces on the rock in the flashlight beam, and then whispered in surprise: "Leopard head, the traces are very fresh, this must be the traces Xiaohua scratched with his sharp fingernails." He raised his hand again and tested the cool air gushing out of the cave at the entrance of the cave, and then said, "The air is very cool, and there is a steam of water, so the dark river must be in this cave."

Wan Lin also went to the entrance of the cave and listened carefully, he followed with surprise and said: "Yes, the sound of running water is faintly coming from inside." Bao Ya also hurriedly turned his ear to listen, and said in surprise: "No, what am I doing? Didn't you hear it?" Wan Lin said with a smile: "Your ears are not as good as mine, there must be the sound of running water below, but the sound is too weak, you can't hear it."

At this time, Cheng Ru and a group of people had come over, and everyone gathered at the entrance of the cave and looked into the cave excitedly. Yu Jing walked to the entrance of the cave and glanced at the claw marks left on the cave wall, then took a few breaths and said, "What a cool air, that dark river must be down there!" She turned to look at Wan. Lin said: "Leopard head, Xiaohua and Xiaobai must be inside, let's go in quickly?"

Wan Lin raised his flashlight to look deep inside the cave, then frowned and said, "The **** of this cave is very steep, there seems to be moss on the rocks, it's very slippery, everyone should be careful. Lao Cheng, you guys take care of it. Let's go to Professor Xiao and the three of them. Let's go!" After speaking, he took his flashlight and strode into the cave.

The inside of the cave is exactly as Wan Lin said. The bottom of the cave is not only very steep, but also very slippery on the rocks. A layer of dark blue moss spreads over the rocks. Bao Ya, Zhang Wa, and Wan Lin who were walking in front of them all grabbed the rocks around them with their right hands from time to time, and carefully stepped forward with their legs.

At this time, the team members in the back also turned on their flashlights one after another. Everyone held the wall of the cave or the rock in front of them, and walked very carefully into the dark cave in front of them. It is very dangerous to walk on such steep and slippery rocks. If you are not careful, you will roll down the steep rocks and cause serious injuries, so everyone is very careful.

Wan Lin's group of people turned a few sharp turns in the cave, and suddenly there was a clear "whoosh" sound in his ears. At this time, Bao Ya, who was walking twenty or so meters in front, stopped and exclaimed in surprise: "Leopard head, turn the front corner and you will reach the bottom of the cave. There is indeed a dark river below, and Xiaohua and Xiaobai are in the river. side!"

"Haha, I finally see hope!" Zhang Wa shouted with a laugh when she heard Bao Ya's report, and he followed Wan Lin and speeded up and ran forward. The two ran to the front corner, turned off their flashlights, and looked forward through Bao Ya's held flashlight.

In the bright flashlight beam, the cave extends straight for hundreds of meters below. A wide river flows quietly outside the cave entrance. The calm river surface reflects a crystal clear water light in the flashlight beam. Xiaohua and Xiaobai, with red and blue beams in their eyes, were running back and forth between the rocks on the shore, looking very excited.

At this time, the team members at the back had already followed, and Professor Xiao, who was already exhausted, walked to Wan Lin with the help of Lingling and the others. He looked at the river flowing below, panting violently, and exclaimed: "The river has really calmed down. , no wonder you can't hear the sound of running water from above." Associate Researcher Hao also said excitedly: "The caves here are twisted and twisted, and the sound of the flowing river can't really be transmitted. Come on, let's go to the river and have a look!"

At this moment, the little flower below suddenly looked up and let out a low A blue beam of light appeared in her eyes, and the dark cave was covered with a layer of blue Yingying. of luster.

At this time, Wan Lin hurriedly shouted at the bottom: "Xiaohua, wait a while, don't act on your own!" After speaking, he ordered everyone around him: "Go!" After speaking, he turned on his flashlight and walked along the steep bottom of the cave. He ran down quickly, his figure rose up at the touch of a piece of undulating rocks, and in a blink of an eye, he had already run several dozen meters away.

He had already understood from Xiaohua's roar that Xiaohua wanted to follow the river to the depths of the cave to scout. Now the situation around the dark river is unknown, so he quickly stopped Xiaohua and prevented them from being dangerous below.

When Zhang Wa saw Wan Lin rushing down, he hurriedly said to Cheng Ru and the others around him: "You protect Professor Xiao and the others. Lao Bao, let's go!" After speaking, the two also mentioned Qinggong and ran down. . Cheng Ru and the others quickly supported Professor Xiao, who was breathing heavily, and then carefully walked to the cave below.

At this moment, there was a look of excitement in everyone's eyes, as if they finally saw a glimmer of life in despair. Wan Lin and the other leopard team members are experts in mountain combat. They have long understood in their hearts that they have fallen into a maze-like desperate situation, and they may be lost forever in this dark cave if they are not careful.

(= one second to remember)

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