Panther Commando

Chapter 3933: by millimeters

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Splashes of water and mist in the dark cave. A few dozen meters in front of Professor Wang, is the corner of the cave where Feng Dao and several people had just arrived, and a dark and hard rock stood diagonally in the middle of the dark river.

The turbulent river water was violently impacting the wall of the cave blocking the center of the river, and then turned diagonally to the side of the cave. There were turbulent waves in front of the black pressure cave wall, and a deafening roar resounded throughout the cave. At this time, Professor Wang's figure rose and fell with the turbulent water, and was rushing towards the hard rock in front of him!

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying hung on the dark cave wall at the back. They raised their flashlights and looked at the rapids and splashing waves under the cave wall in front of them. The hairs on their bodies stood up. Once Professor Wang and Wan Lin rushed to the hard cave wall in front of them with the rapids, the two of them would definitely be smashed to pieces in the violent impact!

At the critical moment when Professor Wang's figure was approaching the wall in front of the cave, Wan Lin's figure suddenly emerged from under the surging water beside Professor Wang. He reached forward with his left hand and pulled out the camera vest that Professor Wang was wearing, and pulled it vigorously. to his side. At this time, a turbulent water wave from behind had rushed behind the two, and the rising wave just hit the top and back of Wan Lin and Professor Wang, and their figures were pressed into the surging waves together. out of the water!

At this time, the wind knife on the side of the cave saw that Wan Lin was swept away by the rapids as soon as he grabbed Professor Wang. He raised his head and shouted hoarsely in front of him: "Cheng Ru, Zhang Wa, intercept the leopard's head!" In the middle, he had pulled out the strong-light flashlight plugged into the tactical vest and raised it forward, a bright flashlight beam immediately illuminated the surging river in front of him as if it were daytime, and the surging waves on the river surface clearly appeared in his. in front of you!

Cheng Ru, who was several meters away from the wind knife, had already seen the sudden emergency situation in front of him. He grabbed the safety rope with one hand and quickly pulled out the long whip around his waist with the other. He roared loudly in the deafening sound of the waves. Said: "Leopard head, grab the whip!" The long whip in the right hand swung straight into the surging waves in front of him with a "swoosh".

With the whip shadow thrown by Cheng Ru, the two shadows almost overlapped and suddenly emerged from the surging waves. Wan Lin held Professor Wang tightly with his left hand, and his right hand suddenly raised his grasp to the whip shadow waving from the wall of the cave by the shore. But at the moment when his right hand was about to touch the whip shadow, "Ugh", a huge wave more than one meter high roared from the river behind.

In the flashlight beam held by the wind knife, the figures of Wan Lin and Professor Wang accelerated and rushed forward with the huge waves that suddenly came from behind. The fingers of the right hand that stretched out from the water surface swiped by the flying whip.

In the blink of an eye, the figures of Wan Lin and the two who had just emerged from the water suddenly disappeared into the tumbling river. The figures of the two of them emerged from the water several meters in front of them. Their undulating figures in the rapids were like two galloping wild horses, and they went straight to the hard cave wall dozens of meters ahead with the waves. !

The situation became more and more critical. Once Wan Lin and Professor Wang, who were in the rapids, slammed into the hard cave wall with the turbulent water, the two of them would definitely be shattered! At that time, no matter how powerful Wan Lin was, his body could not resist the invincible force from the water.

The faces of Feng Dao and Cheng Ru had turned pale. The two of them kicked on the wall of the cave with both feet, and threw their bodies horizontally towards the wall in front of them. When the two of them used up their strength and fell into the water, Cheng Ru stretched out. His left hand grabbed a twisted crack in the wall of the cave above his head, and the whip of his right hand swung out to the water in front of him again.

The wind knife stretched out his right hand and tightly grasped the safety rope on the cave wall, and his left hand still held the flashlight tightly to shine in the surging waves ahead. He knew in his heart that once the beam of light emitted by the flashlight was lost in such a pitch-black cave, Wan Lin in the water and those who were hanging on the cave walls would be plunged into darkness where he could not see his fingers!

At that time, not only the two Wan Lin in the rapids could not see the situation in front of them, but also he and Cheng Ru were unable to observe where Wan Lin was, let alone stop Wan Lin who was rushing forward with the rapids. The two, Wan Lin and Professor Wang who were in the water at that time, had no chance of surviving.

Therefore, Feng Dao saw Wan Lin's fingers passing in front of Cheng Ru's whip, and he quickly turned on the flashlight to shine forward. At this moment, he held up his flashlight to closely follow the figures of Wan Lin and Professor Wang, and moved quickly towards the cave wall in front. While holding up the flashlight with your left hand, take a picture of the water in front of you!

At the moment when the wind knife flashlight came on, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng on the back wall of the cave had already kicked the cave wall in the water diagonally with one foot, and threw their bodies to the front cave wall. Safety rope, kicked the rock wall and dashed forward.

In the swaying flashlight beam, the figures of the two rose and fell against the uneven cave wall, and moved quickly like a monkey to the raised rock on the cave wall in front.

At this time, they saw that the figures of Wan Lin and Professor Wang were submerged by the tumbling river again. Hurry up and intercept the leopard's head in front of you!"

In the turbulent The figures of Wan Lin and Professor Wang rose and fell, getting closer and closer to the hard cave wall in front! At this moment, several bright flashlight beams suddenly appeared on the side of the cave wall where the waves were splashing. With a deafening leopard roar, a blue beam of light flew out of the surging waves like lightning, like small flower cannonballs. Following the blue light in his eyes, the figure rushed straight to the dark wall of the cave opposite Chengru and the others!

At the same time, another bright red beam of light also emerged from the side hole. Xiaobai's figure had already rushed to the side wall of the side hole where Cheng Ru and several others were in the blink of an eye. It shoots from the walls of the cave on both sides of the cave, and shoots straight into the surging river below. The bright red and blue beams of light are like two searchlights that pierce the clouds and see the sun. The figure of the professor rushing forward in the rapids was clearly shown in the eyes of everyone!

Several black shadows appeared on the side wall of the cave. They grabbed the raised rocks and cracks on the cave wall and jumped directly to the steep side wall. The roars of Zhang Wa and Bao Ya sounded at the same time: "Leopard head, quickly grab the rope in front of you!"

In the roars of Zhang Wa and Bao Ya, Cheng Ru and a few people in the cave behind had already seen in the dazzling red and blue light column that a rope was already straight above the dark river, and the thin rope was left and right in the splashing waves. shake.

(= one second to remember)

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