Panther Commando

Chapter 3946: Judgments based

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In the dimly lit cave, Professor Xiao casually recounted his observations of the three previous caves. Yu Jing listened to Professor Xiao's pedantic analysis and smiled. She glanced at Wu Xueying, who looked anxious, and smiled and said to Professor Xiao, "Professor Xiao, just tell us the results of our analysis."

Professor Xiao was stunned when he heard Yu Jing's interruption of his analysis, and then suddenly understood what Yu Jing meant. He raised his hand and patted his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "Hey hey, look at my pedantic head, I take this as a class for graduate students." The surrounding Wan Lin and several others laughed, Xiao Xiao The professor followed up: "Okay, let's not talk about the causes of these caves, only the results."

He moved his flashlight to the cave on the left and continued: "We found during the exploration that the rock surface in the cave on the left has a high degree of weathering, and the air in the cave is fresher than the other two caves, and it seems to have a slight degree of weathering. Air movement phenomenon."

After speaking, Professor Xiao turned off the flashlight, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the group and continued: "From the analysis of the rock structure of the cave, the air changes in the cave, and the width and height of the cave, we can see that the cave on the left is open. The possibility of going to the outside world is the highest, this is the conclusion!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wu Xueying who was sitting next to Yu Jing and asked with a smile, "Little girl, is it alright to say that?" Everyone laughed, Wu Xueying quickly nodded her head and said, "Okay, okay, just say that. .If you explained it like you just said, I would fall asleep without hearing the result."

She then looked at Yu Jing and muttered in a low voice: "Sister Yu, I know why I can't get into graduate school. If I really fell asleep in class, Professor Xiao and the others wouldn't kick me out!"

Yu Jing laughed when she heard Wu Xueying's muttering, she put her arms around Yingying's shoulder, looked at Wan Lin and said with a smile: "Leopard head, it was the judgment of Professor Xiao and I just now, we will listen to whether we should go to this cave or not. Your decision. In this dangerous terrain, your field experience is the most reliable basis for judgment."

Wan Lin looked at Yu Jing and Professor Xiao and said decisively: "This is your analysis from a professional point of view, there is no problem." He followed Xiaoya's shoulder and stood up, and continued: "So, I am now Take Xiao Hua into the cave on the left to scout and see if you can get through the cave."

He followed Professor Xiao and explained: "From our past experience, some caves can indeed lead to the outside world, but in the caves, we often encounter some boulders blocking the caves, and sometimes we can see through the gaps in the rocks. When you get to the outside of the cave, you can't get out of it when you are inside, so you must investigate on the spot."

Professor Xiao looked at Wan Lin and nodded and said: "Yes, most of these caves are formed due to changes in the earth's crust, and the rocks inside are all kinds of strange things. Sometimes this does happen. Whether it can only be determined through on-the-spot investigation, I Go with you." He followed the rock beside him to stand up.

Wan Lin quickly put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Professor Xiao, I'll just take Xiao Hua over there, it will be faster. In addition, we don't have time to survey the entire cave, so we can only check the depths of the cave. The cave structure inside, return as soon as possible."

Yu Jing also waved her hand at Professor Xiao, and she looked at Wan Lin with some worry and said, "Leopard head, you just woke up, is your body fit?" A smile appeared on Wan Lin's pale face, he waved his hand and said: "Mr. Yu, don't worry, I have just adjusted my breath for a while, and my physical strength has basically recovered." At this time, Xiaoya and the surrounding Leopard team members all stood up, and everyone said in unison: "Leopard head, you can rest again. Let's go check it out later."

Wan Lin smiled and waved to the crowd. At this time, Zhang Wa, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao said at the same time: "Leopard head, you are too tired. We can go with Xiao Hua." Cheng Ru reached out and pressed Wan Lin to the Sitting down on the rock, he turned his head to look at Zhang Wa and Feng Dao and said, "Why do you scout so many people? I'll just go with Xiao Hua, you guys hurry up and eat something to regain your strength."

After he finished speaking, he bent down and picked up Xiaohua, who was lying on Wan Lin's shoulder, and said, "Xiaohua, come with me, I still have a piece of chocolate."

At this time, Xiaobai, who was lying on Xiaoya's shoulder, heard the three words "chocolate", and immediately stood up from Xiaoya's shoulder with glowing eyes, and then rushed towards Chengru who was in front. Lingling on the side hurriedly hugged it and smiled: "Xiaobai, Xiaobai, I have them here too."

Saying that, she quickly took out a waterproof bag from her backpack, and carefully took out a piece of chocolate. Xiaobai opened his mouth wide, raised his big tail and swayed a bit. He lowered his head and bit the chocolate before running towards the back of the rock on the side. go. Everyone laughed when they saw Xiao Bai's greedy appearance, and everyone sat down in the darkness.

As soon as everyone sat on the rock, a flashlight beam suddenly lit up in the dark cave behind, followed by Bao Ya's excited shout: "Dali, Dazhuang, Yingying, come here quickly, Here comes a group of big fish!" Wang Dali and several others stood up with light in their eyes when they heard Bao Ya's shouting and ran to the cave behind.

Wu Xueying also stood up from Yu Jing's side in a jerk, dragged Lingling and ran to the cave Lingling turned her head and shouted as she ran, "Laocheng, wait a moment, I'll give it to you. Get two fish with you." Cheng Ru turned around and shouted, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring me and Xiaohua two."

Professor Wang and the others all laughed when they heard Cheng Ru's shout. Associate Researcher Hao looked at Wan Lin with some puzzlement and asked, "Captain Wan, why are there big fish here?" Wan Lin also looked at Lingling. He didn't understand how many big fish suddenly appeared here.

At this time, Yu Jing looked at the backs of Lingling and the others and exclaimed with joy, "Great, I didn't expect us to be trapped in such a dangerous cave, and we could still have delicious food delivered to our door!"

She followed and looked at Wan Lin and Associate Researcher Hao and replied, "These big fish must have been washed here by the turbulent water of the dark river. The water flow in the branch hole where we are located is relatively gentle. Those big fish should be there to avoid Hazards poured into this branch hole. Xiao Hao, let's go catch the fish too!" After saying that, she stood up excitedly, raised her flashlight and ran behind Lingling and the others, and Associate Researcher Hao also quickly stood up followed.

At this moment, Wan Lin was still sitting quietly beside Xiaoya, he lowered his head, closed his eyes slightly and quickly lifted up his infuriating energy. The thrilling scene in the water just now really made him, a master of internal skills, feel tired like never before.

(= one second to remember)

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