Panther Commando

Chapter 3949: Another way

When the two leopards heard Bao Ya's shout, they immediately emerged from the darkness. Xiaohua followed and came towards Bao Ya with light in his eyes. It was in the air and bit the big fish in Bao Ya's hand, and it landed hard. Dragged behind the rock with the big fish.

Xiaobai jumped up quickly behind Xiaohua, grabbed the big fish in Yu Wenyu's hand, and followed. Obviously, Xiaobai, who was already full, was worried that his husband would not be full, so he also grabbed a big fish and dragged it over.

Yu Jing loved watching the two leopards running by, she then looked at Wan Lin and said, "Leopard head, did Xiao Hua detect anything?" Wan Lin replied with a smile, "You don't need to ask it, I already know. The result. At that time, Xiaohua didn't pull Laocheng and the others back, which means that the situation in the front hole is normal, and we should pass through there without any problem! Let's let Laocheng and them eat and rest for a while before we set off.

Yu Jing nodded, then raised her left hand to look at the watch on her wrist, she followed in astonishment and said, "My god, we have been in the cave for six days before we knew it, and it's exactly five in the morning! "

Wan Lin heard her startled voice, looked up at the dark cave in front of him and smiled bitterly: "In such a dark black hole, people have no sense of time at all. In fact, many people who are lost in caves are not They died from lack of food and drinking water, but because they were unable to adapt to the harsh environment of darkness, and eventually died of a mental breakdown. Therefore, it is especially important to maintain mental health in this extreme environment!”

When the surrounding Professor Xiao heard Wan Lin's answer, they all turned their heads and glanced at the group of lively special forces around them. At this moment, they suddenly understood that the reason why these heroic Chinese soldiers have such strong vitality and combat effectiveness is not only because Because they have strong physique and superb killing skills, and most importantly, because they have firm beliefs and an optimistic outlook on life, only such people can face all kinds of dangers with a smile and overcome all kinds of difficulties. Imagine the difficulty and those fierce enemies!

Wan Lin followed and glanced down at the Chengru three who were gobbling down delicious food. Then he raised his head and looked into the dark cave behind him. He followed up and asked, "Old Bao, is the river water not rising anymore?" Bao Ya replied immediately. : "No, the river has been staying at the position just now, I am still wondering, how can the river that was suddenly rushing up just now stagnate?"

When Yu Jing heard Bao Ya's question, she looked at him and smiled: "Are you angry at Lao Cheng and the others eating fish? Wish the big water would drown them?"

Bao Ya said with a smile: "No, no, I'm just wondering, just now the river rose so fast, but why did it stop under that rock?" Yu Jing explained with a smile: "This means that this cave is ours. The river water pouring in is already level with the water level in the cave outside, and the pressure of the river water on both sides is basically the same, so the river water did not continue to rise when it poured under the rock."

She followed and looked at Wan Lin and said, "The river has not risen or fallen, which means that the river outside the cave is still filling the cave, and the flood that poured into the cave from the outside is still very fierce. In a short time, we can't follow the dark path at all. The river is looking for an exit."

At this time, Professor Xiao also looked at Wan Lin and shook his head and said, "Even if the water level in the cave drops, it is not suitable to pass through. The rocks in the cave will become extremely unstable under the impact of such a fierce current, and they will face the cave at any time. Danger of collapse."

Wan Lin heard Yu Jing and Professor Xiao's analysis, he turned his head to look at the dark cave behind, and said decisively: "Since this cave in the back has become very dangerous, then we will find another way from the cave in front, and we will definitely be able to walk. go out!"

He looked at Wang Dali and ordered: "Dali, take Da Zhuang, Lingling, and Yingying to catch more big fish. We may not have such good luck in the following operations." "Yes!" Dali and the others replied immediately, turning on their flashlights, turning around and walking towards the cave behind.

Wan Lin raised his wrist and glanced at the time, then looked at Yu Jing and Professor Xiao and said, "Hurry up and rest for a while, we will leave in half an hour!" "Okay." Yu Jing and the others immediately sat down. , quickly leaned his body against the rock behind him and closed his eyes to rest.

They all knew that in this dangerous environment, physical strength was an important guarantee for them to get out of this cave safely, so after filling their stomachs, they quickly leaned against the rock and closed their eyes to rest. Wan Lin then greeted Xiaoya and the others to sit down. Everyone stretched their legs and leaned against the rock comfortably.

Half an hour later, Wan Lin opened his eyes and stood up. He whispered to everyone sitting around him and said, "Get ready to go. I will walk in front with Xiaohua and Laobao, and the rest of you will follow Xiaobai. At the back." After speaking, he quickly put on his backpack, grabbed the sniper rifle leaning against the cave wall with his right hand, and pointed to the cave in front of the cave with his left hand on the flashlight and ordered, "Let's go!"

Following Wan Lin's command, Xiao Hua, who was lying on his shoulder, had already jumped out and ran to the front three forks like a smoke. Then he turned his head and looked back. Wan Lin and Bao Ya immediately followed with their guns. Wang Dali and the others at the back also stepped forward and supported Professor Wang and Professor Wang as they walked forward.

Wan Lin and Bao Ya followed Xiao Hua, who was familiar with the road, and quickly turned into the cave on the left at the front three Wan Lin strode forward and raised his flashlight to look deep inside the cave.

The cave is indeed very spacious, and can accommodate four or five people walking forward side by side. The bottom of the cave protruding from the rocks extends diagonally upward, and the walls on both sides and the high top of the cave protrude out. Stones, cool air is blowing slowly from the dark hole in front. Wan Lin took a deep breath of the fresh air that was blowing from the depths of the cave, a look of joy suddenly appeared on his still pale face, and he strode forward.

A few swaying flashlight beams illuminated the dark cave, and the sound of "rustling" footsteps was very clear in the silent cave. Xiaohua ran very happily in the spacious cave. From time to time, she jumped on the rock near the cave in the dark to look at Wan Lin behind, lest the group of Wan Lin behind her would lose her.

Wanlin's group of people moved very fast in the cave, and several hours passed quickly in the sound of their hasty footsteps. At this time, Wan Lin and Bao Ya, who were walking in front, followed Xiao Hua and turned over a boulder in front of them. The two suddenly discovered that the cave suddenly extended diagonally to the left, and the cave in the distance was still pitch black and no light could be seen. . <(https://) "Leopard Commando" only represents the views of the author Zhuxiang Bookstore. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position of https:// is only dedicated to providing A healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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