Panther Commando

Chapter 3951: Military War Room

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With Wen Meng's voice, the laughter of Yuwen and the others immediately came from the dim cave. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛ Wan Lin saw Wen Meng running forward, he knew that Wen Meng was shy by nature, he quickly waved to everyone and said, "Okay, everyone sit down and rest for a while, I brought Xiao Hua and Xiaobai go ahead and take a look."

After speaking, he raised his wrist and glanced at the time. The hands on the watch just pointed to ten o'clock in the morning. He immediately took the flashlight and strode forward.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa hurried to follow with their guns, and Feng Dao raised their hands to stop them and said, "You are all injured, I'll go with Leopard Head, and you can rest for a while." In his voice, he was already carrying an assault rifle. Chase behind Wan Lin.

a In the combat command room of the combat department of the military region, a bright sun is shining into the room from the window, and the pale yellow light is slanting towards a conference table covered with a green tablecloth in the middle of the war room. on the combat sand table.

A piece of grass-green instrument leaning against the wall in the room is showing moving curves. The red and blue indicator lights on various electronic instruments also flickered on and off. The combat and communications staff members were sitting nervously in front of the instruments, staring at the indicators displayed on the instruments in front of them. Various indicators, the atmosphere of the entire war room is very tense.

At the conference table in the center of the war room, there stood Major General Gao Li, the director of the war department, and Major General Li Dongsheng, the deputy director, in military uniforms. At this time, both of them stared at the combat sand table placed on the table with red eyes, and a huge satellite map was displayed on the curtain by the side wall.

At this time, Gao Li raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, turned his head to stare at Li Dongsheng and asked, "How many days has it been since the volcano erupted?" At this time, there was no expression on his face, but the pair of There was an anxious look in his sharp eyes.

Li Dongsheng's face was very serious. He immediately replied when he heard Gao Li's question: "Sixth day! But there is still no news at all, so anxious!" Gao Li stared at the table when he heard Li Dongsheng's answer. On the sand table on the top of the uplifted steep peaks, he continued to ask: "Where is the Zou Brigade of the Southwest Military Region now?"

At this time, a major staff officer standing behind Li Dongsheng immediately stepped over to the table. He picked up a few small flags from the sand table with his left hand, leaned over and planted a small flag under a steep mountain. The small red flag is inserted in the surrounding mountains near the small red flag.

He straightened up and reported, "Report, the red flag is where Zou Brigade is now, and the blue flag is where the border guards have arrived. The distance between them is about 100 kilometers! Zou Brigade and their current location are far from the border line. About two hundred and fifty kilometers." After reporting, he immediately took a step back.

Gao Li and Li Dongsheng put their hands on the table and leaned over to carefully observe the location of Zou Tao, the commander of the Special Forces of the Southwest Military Region. At this time, Li Dongsheng leaned over and pointed to the location of the red flag and said in a deep voice: "The Zou Brigade is where they are now. They are also in the middle of the target area and the border line. If there are gangsters who escaped from the target area, they should be able to meet them. ."

He then turned his head and ordered: "Counselor Wang, contact Minister Qi immediately." Before he finished speaking, a communications staff member with a headset on the side suddenly turned his head to look at Li Dongsheng and reported, "Report, Minister Qi of the Southwest Military Region pleaded for a video call." Li Dongsheng immediately ordered: "Take it!"

Saying that, he and Gauri stood up straight and looked at the side screen. The image of Qi Zhijun, head of the operations department of the Southwest Military Region, immediately appeared on the screen. He looked at Gao Li and Li Dongsheng and said, "Minister Gao, Deputy Minister Li, I just received a report from Zou Tao that they encountered two consecutive attacking targets in the mountains. The gangsters who escaped from the area have already wiped out the enemy and captured a wounded prisoner alive."

"According to the prisoner's account, just after they entered the target area, they found a volcano erupting in the distance. They quickly withdrew and fought with another group of militants during their escape. They wanted to kill each other to find meteorite fragments, but they didn't. Think of the sudden appearance of Zou Tao and the others."

Gao Li immediately asked, "Have these boys found a leopard head in the target area?" Minister Qi shook his head and replied, "No, this group of people is not far from entering the target area, and there is still some distance from the core area of ​​the meteorite impact point. , Zou Brigade and the others did not find meteorite fragments from these two groups of people."

"The prisoners explained that when the volcano erupted, they were on top of a mountain. At that time, they saw through the telescope that there were indeed some figures and beasts running in the mountains in the distance, but they were immediately covered by hot magma falling from the sky, and the sky in the distance was full of Blood red, some saucers are circling and flying into the blue sky with a bright red column of fire, the scene is very strange!"

He paused for a while when he said this, and then continued with a solemn face and a low voice: "According to the monitoring of our local geological department, the volcano has stopped erupting on the same day. Judging from the latest pictures sent by the reconnaissance satellite, this volcanic eruption is different from previous ones. Volcanic eruptions are completely different. The eruption is not only sudden, but also very violent, and the eruption time is very short. Now, the lake and surrounding mountains formed by the impact of the meteorite have been completely covered by hot magma, and there are no creatures in the surrounding mountains. Signs of activity!"

Qi Zhijun's voice seemed to explode suddenly in the war room. Everyone in the room trembled slightly, their eyes suddenly dimmed, and everyone felt an extremely ominous premonition in their hearts!

Li Dongsheng stood upright beside the table, and it was his face that suddenly turned red, his eyes stared at Qi Zhijun on the screen with a gleam of light, and he shouted loudly: "Impossible! It may have been buried in the ground by a volcano!" At this time, the blue veins on his neck were exposed, and the two big hands clenched into fists made a "click" sound.

Gao Li, who was standing on the side, grabbed Li Dongsheng's arm, and he shouted sharply: "Lao Li, calm down!" He then looked up at Qi Zhijun and said word by word: "Our leopard unit is different from other units. They will definitely be able to find a safe place to avoid this natural disaster before the crisis comes! We never believe that this battle-hardened leopard force will be buried in the ground by a natural disaster!"

Li Dongsheng took a deep breath to calm his He followed and took a big step forward, staring at Qi Zhijun with a gleam in his eyes, and said loudly, "Yes, our leopard will fight. It won't fall! Minister Qi, I beg you: Immediately order Captain Zou Tao and the border troops to expand the search area, the leopard must be nearby!"

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