Panther Commando

Chapter 3953: 1 piece of dawn

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In the tense war room, Wang Molin finished speaking in a low tone. He then turned around to look at the terrain sand table on the table, then leaned over and pointed to the area in the middle of the sand table showing the location of the lake, and continued: "The time to start from the mountain pass and the red fox. Judging, they are likely to meet the leopard head that entered here from this direction in the core area near the impact point of the meteorite. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛”

Hearing this, Gao Li immediately said coldly: "If they meet our leopard, they will definitely not get the slightest benefit!" Wang Molin said with certainty: "Yes, although these people are very cruel, but they are in our flower leopard. Leopard's subordinates will never take the slightest advantage! However, before these fierce thugs encounter Leopard Head and the others, they will definitely kill those gangsters who entered this area to Taobao early, and **** the meteorite fragments in their hands, so they must Will be clutching some precious meteorite fragments."

Wang Molin stood up abruptly when he said this, stared at Qi Zhijun and said loudly: "We must not let these people escape from our China alive, people and things must be left to me! Yes!" Qi Zhijun answered loudly on the screen.

At this time, Gao Li looked at the sand table and said thoughtfully: "It is inferred from the time that Leopard Head and the others should have also arrived at this target area during this period. These people cannot escape from Leopard Head and their palms!"

Wang Molin nodded and continued: "In addition, in addition to Yamaguchi, Red Fox, and those stragglers in groups of three or five, an armed group of about thirty people entered the target area. These people have been wandering around the world. The hotspots are all made up of veterans with battle experience, mainly employed by some private armed forces in the hotspots.

Qi Zhijun raised his brows when he heard this, and asked with murderousness in his voice: "Deputy Director Wang, where are these people now? If they dare to come in, they cannot be let out!"

Wang Molin immediately replied: "The information we have obtained shows that these people sneaked into our country 12 days ago. According to the itinerary, these people should not have entered the core area, and the current location is unknown. However, according to the current situation , the core area has been covered by volcanic magma, these people should have returned without success, I speculate that they should be withdrawing from the target area."

Wang Molin raised his finger and pointed to the satellite image on the screen and said: "Now Brigade Zou and the others are at the edge of the target area. This area is the closest to this border line with extremely harsh natural conditions. It is the best way for these gangsters to avoid the border guards. Fleeing location. Therefore, I think it is very likely that this group of fierce gangsters will appear around Zou Tao."

He then looked up at Qi Zhijun and said, "Minister Qi, I have already reported the situation to your commander, and he has ordered the staff to communicate the situation to Captain Zou Tao, so that they can be vigilant and be ready to kill these **** at any time! In addition, Zou Brigade and their troops are insufficient, and Commander Ouyang has ordered the border troops to move closer to them."

Wang Molin said, he raised his finger and pointed to the topographic map of the target area displayed on the side screen and said: "In addition, I have consulted the relevant geological experts, and they told me that there is indeed a volcano near the impact point of the meteorite, and this volcano has been After sleeping for hundreds of thousands of years, this eruption is most likely due to the sudden impact of meteorites on the crust, which caused dramatic changes in the geological structure of the interior of the crust, which in turn led to the sudden resurrection and violent eruption of the volcano."

He followed Qi Zhijun and Gao Li and said: "According to these geological experts, judging from the local geological structure, there should be some extremely hidden caves on these steep peaks near the impact point, and these caves must be crisscrossed inside the mountain. , extending in all directions. Moreover, there are likely to be several underground rivers hidden in the cave.”

"In the past, this mountainous area was covered with a thick layer of soil, and the location of the cave could not be seen at all, but now this meteor suddenly hits the ground violently, and the soil layer covering the mountain surface will definitely be shaken off, and the loose soil layer will also be shaken off. It will be blown away by a violent shock wave, revealing the rocks and these caves hidden inside the mountain."

Gao Li heard a ray of light in his eyes, as if he saw a dawn in the darkness. He looked at the map and said loudly, "Great! As long as there are caves, Leopard Head and the others will be able to escape in time when the volcano erupts. The leopard head and the two leopards have a peculiar sense of danger, and they will definitely be able to escape this natural disaster!"

Qi Zhijun also rejoiced and said: "Okay, as long as they can get into the cave in time to avoid the hot magma, we will definitely find them!" Wang Molin looked excited, and waved his hands solemnly and said: "This is just geological Whether the caves hidden in the mountains in the target area can really be revealed as they inferred, no one can make a conclusion now.”

Wang Molin pointed to the map and said, "Although this conclusion is only an inference, their inference has already given us a glimpse of the light! According to the analysis of these geological experts, from the perspective of the local geological structure, the caves hidden inside the mountain should be directed towards this area. The area extends, and this area is located in the mountainous area where Zou Tao and the others are."

Hearing this, Gao Li stared at the map and asked, "According to the inferences of those geological experts, how big is the area where the caves may appear?" Wang Molin pointed to the map and said, "The experts judged based on the geological structure of the local mountain, the coverage area is about More than 300 square kilometers, the area is very large, and it is difficult for us to carry out a large-scale search in such a large area."

The faces of Qi Zhijun and Gao Li immediately darkened. In such a large area, let alone Zou Tao and the others, even if thousands of troops were scattered in the mountains, it was impossible to completely search such a large area. Moreover, even if Wan Lin and the others got into these caves, no one can guess the exact location where they came out of the caves.

Gao Li looked at Qi Zhijun with a dignified expression and asked, "Minister Qi, after the eruption of the volcano, have the radio signals in this area recovered?" Qi Zhijun immediately replied, "No, our people have been monitoring the radio signals in this area continuously. , it is still impossible to send a reconnaissance plane to conduct an aerial search of this area."

Gao Li heard Qi Zhijun's He frowned and looked at the map and said, "Since there is an underground river in this mountain, after Leopard Head and the others enter the cave, they will definitely look for the exit in the direction of the dark river. From the map, the river 50 kilometers away from Zou Tao and the others should be formed by the convergence of the dark river and the surface water system."

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