Panther Commando

Chapter 3955: tired panther head

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In the dark cave, Wan Lin and Feng Dao followed Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai along the rugged cave for about three or four kilometers. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛ At this time, Wan Lin suddenly stopped at the corner of the cave in front of him.

He raised his flashlight and lowered his head to look at a twisted crack under the side wall. He took a deep breath and shook his head slightly. He turned to the wind knife that followed and said anxiously: "It's strange, there is still something in the air. That faint smell of the mountains, but why didn't you find any holes or cracks leading to the outside world? Where did this fresh smell in the air come from?"

Feng Dao heard Wan Lin's irritable voice, and immediately raised his flashlight to observe the dark cave walls around him. He moved the flashlight to the dark cave in front of him, while concentrating on the endless cave, he replied Said: "There are no cracks on the two sides of the nearby cave walls leading to the outside. This breath must have come from the depths of the cave."

As he said, he turned his face to look at Wan Lin and comforted: "Leopard head, we are not in a hurry, we are looking for it as we walk. Now, Xiaohua and Xiaobai, who were scouting in front, have not sent a signal, which means that this cave is very deep. Nothing of value has been found." He took a deep breath as he said, and continued: "The air in this cave is very fresh, and this cave must have an exit to the outside world, as long as we firmly believe in following this path If you go down the cave, you will definitely find an exit!"

At this time, he has noticed that Wan Lin's face is pale, his breath has become a little disordered, and his expression is restless. He immediately understood that Wan Lin's physical strength had not recovered, which is why this irritability occurred.

The wind knife moved the flashlight to carefully observe the dark wall of the cave in front, and then said: "Leopard head, there are several branch holes on the front wall leading to other directions, and it is easy for the players in the back to enter here by mistake. Among them, do we inform the team behind to follow up quickly?" Feng Dao knew Wan Lin's personality was very strong, and advised him to rest at this time, he would definitely not stop, so it was based on the existence of a branch hole in the hole in front of him. , making Wan Lin stop.

Wan Lin nodded when he heard Feng Dao's suggestion, he turned around and raised his true energy and shouted to the cave behind: "Chengru, Xiaoya, please follow." After speaking, he turned off the flashlight and said, "We also Take a break and wait for Lao Cheng and the others to come up before we go, if they stray into the support cave, it is really dangerous." He then supported the cave wall and sat on a rock, then stretched his legs and leaned his back against the cave wall. up, looking very tired.

Seeing Wan Lin's exhausted appearance, Feng Dao quickly turned off the flashlight to save power. He sat on the rock beside Wan Lin and asked worriedly, "Leopard head, are you not feeling well?" Wan Lin suddenly fell into a coma in the water. This rarely happened in the past, so Feng Dao was really worried about Wan Lin's physical condition.

Wan Lin shook his head and replied, "No, I'm just a little tired. Thinking about the scene in the river just now, I'm still a little scared. At that time, thanks to Zisheng risking his life to pull a safety rope before the flood filled the cave, Otherwise, everyone is in danger!"

Feng Dao stretched out his right hand and grabbed Wan Lin's left hand and sighed, "Alas, the flesh of Zisheng's left hand was ground off by the rope to expose the bones. Our brothers did not back down at the critical moment, they are all good brothers! Come on! , I'll help you adjust your breath."

Wan Lin hurriedly pumped his left hand and said, "No, you're tired enough. Xiaoya gave me a fragrant magic pill just now, and the infuriating qi in my body has recovered. I'll just adjust my breath for a while. Has the child's hand injury been dealt with?"

Fengdao immediately replied: "At that time, Wen Meng and Yingying had already given their son incense magic pills and snake treasure pills, and Xiaoya had also treated and sutured his wounds, so there must be no problem."

Wan Lin heard that Xiaoya had dealt with Zisheng's wound, and rested his head on the back wall of the cave. Take your breath away.

In the darkness, Wan Lin's somewhat messy breathing gradually became soothing and steady, and his tense body muscles also relaxed. Feng Dao saw that Wan Lin had completely entered a state of relaxation and natural practice, and then he turned his head to look at the cave in front of him.

There is no light and shadow in the dark cave in front, and no sound can be heard in the darkness, but fresh air is coming from the cave in front. feel.

Fifteen or sixteen minutes later, there was a sudden sound of light footsteps in the back hole. Wan Lin, who was adjusting his breath, slowly opened his eyes, let out a light breath, and then turned his face to the cave behind.

Several beams of shaking flashlights have appeared in the dark cave behind, and the sound of "rustling" footsteps is coming from the cave. Feng Dao felt Wan Lin wake up in the dark. He was about to persuade Wan Lin to take a break when Wan Lin suddenly turned his head to look at the dark cave in front of him and asked, "Old Feng, did you hear any movement ahead?"

Fengdao looked at the dark cave in front of him and replied, "No, the two leopards are so agile that they move in such a dark cave without making any sound." He thought Wan Lin was asking about the two leopards. There was no movement, so I took it for granted that the focus of the answer was on the two leopards who were scouting in front.

Wan Lin turned on the flashlight and raised it, and shook it to the group of Chengru who came to the cave behind to inform them of where they were. He moved the flashlight to the cave in front and said, "No, just now I During pranayama, I seem to hear the sound of running water, the sound is intermittent and intermittent."

Feng Dao's eyes lit up when he heard Wan Lin's reminder, and he hurriedly turned his ears to the cave in front of him and listened intently. He followed with some doubts and said, "No, there is no sound of running water!"

He suddenly understood that Wan Lin had profound skills, and his body and mind had entered an ethereal state during the breath adjustment just now, and his eyes and ears had become very sensitive, so he could hear faint voices from a distance in the silence. His skill was not up to the level of a leopard's head, so he didn't hear any sound.

At this time, Cheng Ru raised his flashlight and walked over with Zhang Wa in large strides, followed by a group of Yu Jing and Xiaoya one after another. Professor Wang and Professor Xiao, who had exhausted their physical strength, had also been forced a few times. People came from behind with support.

Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa walked quickly to Wan Lin and Feng Cheng Ru looked at Wan Lin who were standing up and asked, "Leopard head, Lao Feng, did you find anything?" Zhang The baby also asked impatiently: "Where are Xiaohua and Xiaobai? Didn't they find an exit?"

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