Panther Commando

Chapter 3962: 1 pair of foodies

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Sitting under the dark cave wall, Professor Wang heard Zhang Wa's question, and replied with a smile: "Yes, it tastes beautiful. Collect this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛" He followed Wu Xueying next to him and smiled: "Miss Yingying , Why is Lieutenant Colonel Zhang the same as you, thinking about eating anytime."

"Giggle," Xiaoya and the others on the shore all laughed, Yu Jing smiled and said to Professor Wang, "How else would they come together."

Associate Researcher Hao looked at Zhang Wa and Wu Xueying, and joked: "No wonder, Yingying and Lieutenant Colonel Zhang are a pair of foodies, they are a perfect match!" At this time, they were already familiar with the special forces around them, so they didn't care about it. He joked with everyone without hesitation.

Wan Lin and the others also burst into laughter. The wind knife bent down and grabbed two small fish from the rock. He turned around and threw it at Wu Xueying behind him: "Snack, hurry up and eat!"

"Oh! I don't dare to eat them, they are too scary!" Wu Xueying screamed and raised her assault rifle to shoot down the two flying fish. Kick aside. The little fish exposed the two rows of white teeth, which is really scary.

At this time, Yu Wenfeng, who was sitting on the side, stretched out his hand to pick up the two small fish between the rocks. Yu Wenyu pulled out his saber and said, "Yingying, give me a picture." Wu Xueying quickly raised her flashlight to take a picture.

Yuwenfeng and Yuwenyu's left arms were seriously injured, and they had difficulty moving. Yuwenfeng grabbed the fish's body with his right hand, and Yuwenyu raised his saber in his right hand. net.

Yu Wenfeng followed and picked up another small fish on the rock, and cooperated with his younger brother to quickly clean up the small fish. The two of them cooperated with one hand, but they handled the little fish as skillfully as one's left and right hands.

The two quickly cleaned up the two small fish, then picked up a small fish with bloodstains, and washed it with the water that stretched into the crevice of the rock. The two followed by stuffing the small fish in their hands into Professor Wang and Xiao. In the hands of the professor, he said in unison, "Hurry up and eat, it's absolutely fresh!"

Professor Wang and the two took Xiaoyu, and Professor Wang carefully looked at Yuwen and the two wearing helmets and asked, "The two of you are too skilled to work together. Are you twins?" Before the Yuwen brothers could answer, Wu Xueying Already staring at the little fish in Professor Wang's hand, he replied, "Yes, they are twins. When they kill the enemy, they cooperate like one person. They are amazing. Professor Wang, can such an ugly little fish really be eaten?"

Professor Wang pulled out the dagger and said, "Of course, it's very delicious. Some places abroad also raise this kind of small fish artificially, and its economic value is very high." He cut off a piece of fish with the dagger and handed it to Wu Xueying, saying with a smile: "Snack food, hurry up and try it, it's definitely better than those big fish!" Professor Xiao also smiled and cut off a piece of fish and handed it to Wen Meng: "This girl also tastes it."

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng took the small fish hesitantly, and then hesitantly brought the fish to their mouths and took a bite. Wu Xueying exclaimed, "Oh, this fish is too delicate, it's delicious!" , she shoved the fish fillet into her mouth.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others also cleaned up the small fish that were automatically hooked, and then took the small fish and walked to the cave wall and sat down. They immediately pulled out the military blades and tasted the fish. The fish is really delicious, and the tender fish gives everyone a unique feeling of melting in your mouth.

Wan Lin leaned his back on the rock behind him, and while slowly chewing the fish in his mouth, he picked up a small fish and handed it to Xiaoya, he followed in a low voice and asked, "Xiaoya, Professor Xiao and Yuwen are all right. Bar?"

Xiaoya took Xiaoyu and handed it to Yu Jing next to her in the dark, and then replied, "Professor Xiao and the others are fine, but they are just too physically exhausted. Yuwen and the others are basically stable, and they all ate fragrant devils after they were injured. Pill, now I have added Shebao Pill powder to the wound powder, and I have completely controlled their injuries."

She then looked at Wan Lin and sighed, "There are too many wounded in this operation. Thanks to grandpa who used the incense magic ball that the old patriarch gave us to make a lot of incense magic pills, otherwise the seriously wounded would be really dangerous." Wan Lin said with emotion: "Yes Ah, speaking of the old patriarch's life-saving grace for us, we must visit them when we have time! The combination of Xiangmowan and Shebaowan really has a miraculous effect on injuries."

At this moment, Bao Ya's surprise shout suddenly came from the dark cave in front: "Leopard head, Xiaohua and Xiaobai are in front, they are hanging on the cave wall and digging the cave wall!"

Wan Lin threw the small fish in his hand and stood up abruptly. He turned on the flashlight and exclaimed in surprise, "Go, go and have a look!" Everyone around who was eating delicious food also stood up happily, and ran ahead after Wan Lin. go. Everyone knew in their hearts that the two leopards must have discovered the cave or crack leading to the mountain outside on the wall of the cave in front!

Wan Lin and Feng Dao took the lead to run under the cave wall in front, and the two raised their flashlights to look into the side hole. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao had already stood under the cave wall several hundred meters in front. Bao Ya was holding his flashlight to the side of the dark cave wall. The figures of two leopards were hanging on the cave wall more than two meters high. up, pieces of rubble were falling from them.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao ran to Cheng Ru and Bao Ya and looked up, only then did they see clearly that Xiao Hua and Xiao Bai were clawing at a narrow crack in the cave wall with their left paws, while their right paws were digging hard at the crack in front of them. , pieces of gravel fell down the cave wall "crashing".

Wan Lin saw the movements of the two leopards, and he quickly shouted: "Xiaohua, Xiaobai, stop!" The rock on the cave wall was very hard, and he was really worried that the hard rock would hurt the sharp nails of the two leopards . When the two leopards heard Wan Lin's cry, they both clawed at the crack and turned their heads to look down, with excited expressions in their big eyes.

Wan Lin raised his flashlight and carefully observed the uneven cave wall. He took off the sniper rifle behind him and handed it to the wind knife. He said, "I'll go up and take a look!" After saying that, he bit the flashlight in his mouth, and suddenly raised his foot towards the air knife. He took two steps under the cave wall. He followed with his feet and kicked a rock more than half a meter high in front of him, and his body jumped up with a "swoosh". He quickly stretched out his right hand in the air and grabbed the crack beside the two leopards.

"Be careful!" Xiaoya and Yu Jing, who had just followed the crowd, looked at Wan Lin who jumped up and shouted at the same Following their exhortation, Wan Lin's right hand had already grabbed the crack in the rock, but At this moment, there was a sudden "crash" sound of rock breaking in the crack, and his jumped body paused in the flashlight beam held by the wind knife, and then fell down.

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