Panther Commando

Chapter 3966: residual infuriating

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After Professor Wang and Professor Xiao let out a surprise cry, they immediately turned their heads to look at Wu Xueying and the others behind them. At this time, the two of them looked at the special forces around them with glowing eyes, and their tired faces suddenly showed Reassuring smile. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

They knew that the words they had just made had hit the hearts of these exhausted and desperate special forces, reawakening their desire for life! Although their tired bodies dragged down these brave Chinese soldiers, they were not useless in times of crisis. They used their rich knowledge to reinvigorate these desperate people!

Professor Xiao and Professor Wang struggled to stand up while supporting the cave wall beside them. They looked at Wu Xueying who was standing in the dark and panted, "Yes, there must be! We will never fall down in this dark cave! "Although their unanimous voices are very weak, their tone is very firm, like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of every Leopard team member.

When Wu Xueying heard the answers from the two professors, blood suddenly appeared on her pale face, and she excitedly grabbed Wen Meng who was beside her and shouted, "Mengmeng, let's go, we are saved, there is an exit in front of us. La!"

She followed and looked at the front and shouted: "Doll, doll, what are you doing? Come to the front to make a way!" She shouted while holding Wen Meng's arm tightly and ran forward.

At this moment, Wu Xueying's face had turned red, and her big eyes flashed with a blurred look. She seemed to be insane, her eyes staring straight at the dark cave in front of her, as if the road leading to the mountains outside was in front of her. aisle!

At this time, Xiaoya, who was standing in front, saw Wu Xueying's excited look, her face suddenly became extremely nervous, she stood up and hugged Wu Xueying who was running, turned her head and shouted at Wan Lin: "Leopard head, Quickly give me a snake treasure pill!"

Wan Lin heard Xiaoya's hurried cry, he suddenly stood up from the side of the rock, quickly took out a small bamboo tube from his pocket, and looked at Wu Xueying's face. When his eyes swept across Wu Xueying's little red face, his face suddenly became tense. He stepped over to Xiaoya's side in the dark, poured out a snake treasure pill and stuffed it into Wu Xueying's mouth!

He took off the helmet on Wu Xueying's head and threw it at Wang Dali beside him, and when he lifted a burst of true energy with his right palm, he slapped it on top of Wu Xueying's head!

Everyone was shocked when they saw Xiaoya and Wanlin's actions! Zhang Wa rushed to Xiaoya's side in a few steps, and hugged Wu Xueying, who had become soft, in his arms. He looked at Xiaoya anxiously and asked, "Xiaoya, what's wrong with Yingying?" Xiaoya supported her. Yu Jing, who was beside her, panted and said, "Yingying's breath suddenly became disordered in her anxiety. This is a harbinger of going crazy!"

Zhang Wa was shocked! Immediately turned his head to look at Wan Lin beside him. At this time, Wan Lin had already mentioned his true qi and rushed towards Baihui Point on Wu Xueying's head. Zhang Wa immediately understood that Baihui Point is the meeting point of Baihui, where the true qi of the meridians in the body converges. The leopard head must be using himself. The majestic true qi, through this key point, suppressed the aura that was already running around in Wu Xueying's meridians!

At this time, Wan Lin looked at Zhang Wa and said hurriedly, "Sit down with her, and protect her dantian!" Zhang Wa hurriedly hugged Wu Xueying and sat on the rock, wrapping her arms around Wu Xueying's waist, her hands folded Together, they pressed **** Wu Xueying's dantian. Wan Lin's right hand pressed tightly on top of Wu Xueying's head, and he also sat on the rock on the side with his knees crossed.

The sudden appearance of Wu Xueying made the expressions of everyone around him become extremely nervous. The three of them under the cave wall supported each other and stood under the cave wall. They looked at Wan Lin and the three who had already sat down in astonishment. I don't understand what happened to this lively and lovely girl Wu Xueying, let alone what Captain Wan and Lieutenant Colonel Zhang are busy with?

Looking at the movements of Wan Lin and the others, Yu Jing also grabbed Lingling's arm in astonishment. She asked nervously in a low voice, "What's wrong with Yingying?" Lingling stared at Wu Xueying, who had closed her eyes. He replied nervously: "Yingying's inner qi is suddenly disturbed. This is a harbinger of going crazy. If you don't control the scurrying qi in her body in time, accidents are very likely to happen!"

"We are all children of the Wan family. How could this happen to Yingying? Her inner strength is deeper than mine." Yu Jing asked in astonishment. She had known for a long time that Wu Xueying's internal strength was extremely strong, on par with Xiaoya and Lingling who had already entered the Wan family. But she did not expect that a person with weak internal strength has no symptoms, but Yingying, a person with strong internal strength, would be the first to appear in such a dangerous situation.

Lingling replied in a low voice, "Yingying joined our Wan family to practice internal skills halfway through her hometown. Her internal power is very fierce. At that time, she suddenly experienced this phenomenon of losing control of her true qi in her body during training. Leopard Tou rescued her in time. Later Leopard Tou and grandfather brought her into the door, and used the profound internal strength of the Wan family to refine the domineering True Qi in her body."

She stared at Wu Xueying's pale face and paused, then said thoughtfully, "I guess Although the domineering true qi in her body has been refined by her grandfather and the leopard head, the meridians are still there. There is some residual domineering true qi hidden, and now Yingying is extremely depressed and her physical strength is seriously exhausted, so this residual true qi suddenly burst out from the suppressed, so that the phenomenon of the internal true qi out of control is caused. "

A group of Chengru people had gathered around. They were all masters of internal skills. They had already seen the reason why Wu Xueying suddenly lost control. All of them looked very nervous. The light is disabled, and the serious is a direct threat to life safety!

After a while, Wen Meng, who looked nervous, suddenly whispered to Yu Jing and Lingling beside her: "It's too dangerous, fortunately, there are Leopard Head and Sister Xiaoya around. Look, now Yingying's expression has changed. It's settled down." Lingling and Yu Jing hurriedly looked at Wu Xueying's face.

In the dim light column of the flashlight, Wu Xueying's blushing face had become puffy, and her rapidly flapping nose had stopped, and her breathing and expression were gradually returning to normal. Lingling let out a long breath and said in a low voice, "Okay, Yingying's uncontrollable true qi was finally suppressed by Leopard Tou and Zhang Wa."

When Yu Jing heard Wen Meng and Lingling's judgment, she said in shock, "I scared me to death. Fortunately, there was no danger! Lingling, Mengmeng, is Yingying about to wake up?"

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