Panther Commando

Chapter 3974: collapsed cave wall

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In the dark and narrow cave, Xiao Hua's breathing became more and more rapid, and a strong blue light suddenly shot out from its blue eyes! It suddenly jumped out of Wan Lin's shoulder, and its raised right paw slapped the wall of the cave with white light on the side. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

"Bang", a loud bang followed from the hard cave wall, and an earth-shattering leopard roar followed from Xiao Hua's open mouth!

The narrow crack suddenly shook violently with a loud noise, and large pieces of rock fell under Xiaohua's claws "crashing". It seemed like a sudden rainstorm fell in the narrow cave, and pieces of gravel were flying. .

Wan Lin instinctively raised his left hand to protect his face amid the loud noise, and with his right hand, he pushed back against the rock wall in front of him, and the bulletproof vest on his back slammed into the rock behind him.

In the white light from the cracks and the blue beam in Xiaohua's eyes, the narrow cave is dusty and rocks are flying! Wan Lin raised his head abruptly in the shaking like a mountain. At this moment, his bleak eyes suddenly gleamed in all directions! Xiaohua's roar in extreme depression and the vigorous slap of her right paw suddenly awakened him from extreme despair and depression! He roared hoarsely in his heart: "I must not lie here, as long as there is still a chance, I will be able to take my brothers out of this cave!"

Wan Lin turned on the flashlight in his left hand, knelt up on one knee, and looked at the cave wall in front of him with his bright eyes through the diffuse dust mist! The wall of the concave hole he hit with the palm of his hand just now has been shattered by Xiaohua. The blade-like white light from above has turned into a dazzling light.

There was a look of joy on Wan Lin's face. He suddenly raised the infuriating energy in his body, raised his arms like two iron rods, and smashed the gravel in front of him to both sides. He followed. Leaning over and lying on the crack in the white light.

The crack between the two thick rocks has grown larger in the violent vibration, a dazzling white light is shooting into the crack as big as a fist, and the rock on the edge of the crack has become loose. He grabbed Xiaohua's raised right paw and shouted loudly, "Xiaohua, stop!" Xiaohua slapped the rock vigorously without hesitation in her excitement, which was very likely to hurt herself, so Wan Lin quickly stopped it.

Wan Lin raised his hand and grabbed Xiao Hua on his shoulder. He grabbed the rock beside the crack with his right hand and shouted, "Hi!" Following his roar, a loud "Kala" sound came from the rock beside the crack. With a sound, a large rock next to the crack that had been cracked by Xiaohua fell, and a wedge-shaped gap about half a meter deep immediately appeared in the originally flat rock crack.

Wan Lin immediately stretched his upper body into the gap, followed by straightening his arms to touch the crack. His forward fingers carefully probed the thickness of the rock in the crack, hoping to touch the end of the rock.

At this time, the surrounding dust had already fallen in the creek that was pouring in, and the cracks that had widened were still unable to see the mountains outside. Cracks poured into the cave.

Wan Lin's eyes dimmed immediately, and he retracted from the gap, leaning on the cave wall with both hands and breathing heavily. At this time, he had already stretched his arm to probe the thickness of the rock in the crack, but his fingers did not reach the end of the rock, and the thick rock could not be touched at all!

At this time, Xiaohua, who was lying on Wan Lin's shoulder, had already seen Wan Lin's dim eyes, and a blue light suddenly shot out from her eyes, and then raised her head "Ow" and let out another loud roar, its four long legs kicked Wan Lin hard. Lin's shoulders were about to rise, and the blue beam of light in his eyes shot straight at the gap that had grown larger.

Wan Lin hurriedly put his hand on Xiao Hua's back. At this time, he knew in his heart that Xiao Hua would not be able to pierce the thick rock in front of him even if she tried her best to pat the rock at the gap. One of them, one leopard, is exhausted, and I am afraid that they will not be able to see the mountains full of vitality outside!

Just when Wan Lin held Xiao Hua's back, Xiao Hua shook her body violently, and it raised its head angrily and roared again, as if cursing this dark cave.

With the earth-shattering roar it made, there was a sudden "Kakaka" sound on the narrow cave wall, and a "thumping" sound of gravel rolling down, followed by a dark lacquer from the surrounding area. sounded on the ceiling and walls of the cave.

Wan Lin was shocked! Twisted and crawled back quickly. At this time, he already understood that the crack that had been rushing out by the stream for thousands of years had been shaken by the continuous gravity blows from him and Xiaohua. Now, the surrounding cave walls can no longer withstand the strong impact of Xiao Hua's roar, and the rocks on the cave walls are collapsing downward!

Wan Lin clenched the flashlight tightly in his left hand, and quickly crawled back into the crack in the darkness, followed by the sound of "crashing" rock collapse. Pieces of gravel fell from the surrounding cave walls and rolled down the ramp in the cave. Water splashed and dust flew in the cave behind, and the collapsed rocks went straight behind Wan Lin and Xiao Hua like a flood. come.

In the sound of the collapse the rocks around Wan Lin and Xiaohua also made a sound of "kaka" at the same time. Lin's helmet and back. At this moment, the boulders surging behind had already rushed behind Wan Lin and Xiao Hua like a shadow!

Wan Lin's face has become extremely nervous. In this narrow cave that was flushed out by the accumulation of water, he couldn't straighten up and fly forward at all. He could only move his limbs desperately to move forward on the undulating rocks. The rolling rocks behind him have rushed behind him and Xiaohua.

At the critical moment, Wan Lin moved forward quickly and shouted at Xiao Hua who was still lying on his shoulder: "Xiao Hua, run quickly!", "Quick, run, leave me alone!"

He knows that he can't stand up and rush out, but this narrow space will not affect Xiaohua's movements. Xiaohua can jump out of this crack and enter the spacious cave behind in an instant, avoiding the crisis coming from behind!

Amid Wan Lin's hoarse roar, Xiao Hua suddenly stood up from Wan Lin's back. With a blue light beam in its eyes, it twisted and raised its right paw. stones under. Immediately after, its two front claws flew up and down, and slapped the rocks rolling down from behind like lightning, and it followed with a deafening roar from its mouth.

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