Panther Commando

Chapter 3987: the disappearing rat

On the top of the steep mountain on the side, Lin Zisheng smiled and finished talking to Wan Lin, then raised his finger to the side of the mountain and continued: "The view from the mountain is very good now, and at the foot of the mountain about 30 kilometers in this direction, there is a flashing light. It is shining brightly, I feel that there should be a big river there. Now, we can't use the positioning device to determine the exact location of this place, but from the map, there is indeed a big river in this mountain, and the river should pass by the shining foot of the mountain. ."

Wan Lin immediately raised his sniper rifle and looked in the direction of Lin Zisheng's fingers. Sure enough, he saw a faint light in the distance. He stared into the distance and said, "Yes, there is indeed a river there, and it is very wide. Otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the reflection of the river at all from such a distance."

He said, looking down at the satellite map spread on the rock in front of him, and then said: "From the flow direction of the river shown on the map, this river does flow through this mountainous area."

As he said that, he turned around and pointed his gun at the side of the mountain. While watching the rolling mountains in the distance, he said: "From the location of the snow-capped mountains and volcanoes, our location should be close to the border area. Just now, Xiaoya and President Yu also judged that our current position is to the west of the impact point of the meteorite. Professor Wang judged based on the distribution and growth of surrounding vegetation, this place is already on the edge of the area affected by the meteorite impact. ."

Hearing this, Lin Zisheng said with a smile: "Hehe, it seems that we didn't take a wrong turn in the cave. The direction of the cave is to run away from the impact of the meteorite. I guess that the dark river in the cave. , it is likely to run towards the big river in the distance, if we continue to walk along the cave where the dark river is located, we will definitely be able to walk out of the mountains near the dark river!" He raised his hand to the flickering patch in the distance. Point to the bright mountain.

Wan Lin heard Lin Zisheng's judgment, put down his sniper rifle and turned his head to look into the distance, he followed: "This place is about 30 kilometers away from the big river. If we continue to walk along the dark river, we can only do it in the dark. Exploring and moving forward in the middle of the day, I am afraid that the daily distance of travel is no more than five kilometers."

Wan Lin said here and looked at the backs of Professor Wang and the others at the foot of the mountain, and continued with some fear: "Traveling in the dark cave, I'm afraid we won't be able to reach that mountain area, and there will already be heavy casualties!" Lin Zisheng Hearing Wan Lin's judgment, he nodded silently.

Lin Zisheng knew in his heart that if he really wanted to continue along the dark river, the lighting equipment in their hands must have already failed. On the edge of the dark river where the deadly crises are everywhere, all of them are very likely There is danger, and the three Professor Wang, who have been physically exhausted, are simply impossible to hold on to the end. Fortunately, they discovered the cave in the water on the side in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

After Wan Lin finished speaking, he raised his gun and carefully observed the surrounding hillsides. He then asked, "Zisheng, have you found those giant rats?" At this moment, he suddenly remembered those greedy and ferocious giants he had encountered in the mountains. Rat, there is indeed some fear in my heart.

Lin Zisheng replied immediately: "No, just now I also thought of those giant rats and huge giant wolves. I have carefully observed that there are no terrifying animals in this mountain. Strange, these giant creatures seem to be suddenly disappeared in between."

When Wan Lin heard Zisheng's answer, he lowered his gun and said thoughtfully, "It's very strange, it seems to have disappeared suddenly. By the way, I remember the moment when the volcano erupted, there were countless wild wolves running in the mountains. And the giant rat, those beasts seemed to be crazy, and they rushed straight to the boiling lake at the foot of the mountain."

Lin Zisheng also said: "Yes, we also saw it. At that time, we unconsciously ran to the lake under the mountain, as if there was a mysterious force that was strongly attracting us to the lake under the mountain. You and Xiaohua and Xiaobai suddenly roared and woke us up, I'm afraid we have already rushed into the lake below with those giant animals, the situation at that time was too scary!"

Wan Lin turned his head to look at the pitch-black volcano in the distance. He shook his head in fear and said, "It's really scary! At that time, I was also attracted by this mysterious force and ran down the hillside. If it weren't for the goshawk and Xiaohua and the others suddenly let out a deafening roar, I am afraid we will all rush into the lake and be buried by the erupting magma, the power is so amazing, I really don’t know what is going on!”

He then looked at the surrounding mountains and said: "It seems that the animals that have become extremely ferocious after mutation must have rushed into the lake with this mysterious force, and then were buried in the ground by the eruption of hot magma. Otherwise, those giant mice that are all over the mountains and fields will not suddenly disappear."

Lin Zisheng also looked up at the pitch-black volcano top in the distance, and said thoughtfully, "That's fine. If those mutant giant animals multiply in large numbers, I don't know what kind of bad effects it will have on this mountain!"

Wan Lin's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he continued: "Yes, if these giant animals continue to live in this mountain, it will definitely destroy the ecological balance here, and it would be better if they disappeared! Ha ha, if these giant animals multiply in large numbers Run I don't know how much damage they will cause to the surrounding animals and plants!"

When he said this, he suddenly put away the smile on his face and looked at the mountains in the distance, followed by a look of nostalgia in his eyes and said: "Alas, it's just a pity that there is only the big snow leopard with love and righteousness! If it still exists , Xiaohua and Xiaobai will definitely bring this good friend back!" After speaking, he lowered his head and looked affectionately at the two leopards at the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin leaned his sniper rifle against the rock beside him, looked at the blood-stained bandages on Lin Zisheng's left arm and hand, and said, "Take off the bandages, and I will re-treat the wound for you. susceptible to infection."

Lin Zisheng hurriedly looked at the bandage on Wan Lin's left hand, which had also been stained with blood, and said, "You have an injury on your hand, so I'll deal with it first." Wan Lin took out a first aid kit and a small bamboo tube and said, "You have an injury on your hand. The relationship is very serious, I'll deal with it for you first!" With that, he quickly untied the wet bandages on Lin Zisheng's hands and forearms, and then focused on the wound.

Lin Zisheng's arm showed wounds stretched out by ropes. The edges of the wounds had been soaked in water and turned white, and blood was slowly gushing out from the wounds. Wan Lin quickly cleaned the blood on it with a disinfectant cotton wool, then pulled out the stopper on the small bamboo tube, and quickly spread the medicinal powder on the wound evenly.

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