Panther Commando

Chapter 3999: be a thief

Wan Lin saw the expressions of the two leopards and hurriedly lied behind the gun. He moved the muzzle of the gun and followed Xiao Hua's gaze. Seeing Wan Lin's actions, Bao Ya quickly stuffed the remaining piece of roast lamb into his mouth. He leaned forward to face the wind knives guarding the hillside below and the resting team members at the foot of the mountain, and quickly made a "covert" gesture.

Under a steep hillside two kilometers away, a dark shadow was sneaking out from behind a few jagged boulders. This person appeared at the foot of the mountain and immediately lay on the back of a rock. He raised his gun and glanced at the surrounding mountains, and then raised his hand and waved at the back.

Following the boy's gesture, several figures emerged from the foot of the mountain behind. A few people ran out from the back foot of the mountain and immediately crouched under the surrounding rocks and raised their guns to look at the mountains on both sides. The expressions of several people seemed to be very vigilant.

Wan Lin lowered his body and lay on the back of the sniper rifle. Through the scope on the sniper rifle, he quietly looked at the few shadows that suddenly appeared. Bao Ya, who was lying on the rock next to him, also raised his gun and stared at the other boys. He looked at each other's movements and cursed in a low voice: "Grandma, you are guilty of being a thief, and seeing these boys is not a good thing!"

At this time, Wan Lin and Bao Ya could clearly see in the clear vision in the mountains that the camouflage uniforms on the other's body were tattered, wearing soft-brimmed hats that could no longer be seen on their heads, and a Great travel backpack. Several people were looking around with assault rifles in their hands, and the movements of concealed observation were very standardized.

At this moment, "Da da da", a burst of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded from the mountains where the boys were. The boy who was the first to walk out of the foot of the mountain suddenly aimed at the steep hillside several hundred meters in front of him and shot out a rush of fire.

Wan Lin quickly moved the muzzle and looked forward. On the steep hill in front of him, several blue sheep were jumping on the jagged rocks and fleeing into the distance. One of the blue sheep was rolling down the steep hillside, and behind him A streak of bright red blood was left on the rock.

Wan Lin stared at the tumbling blue sheep, and a strong murderous aura suddenly flashed from the originally calm eyes! He quickly retracted from the rock and hid himself under the rock, raised his right hand towards the mountains below, and then slashed his right hand down!

These boys who suddenly emerged from the mountains behind, not only armed with modern weapons, but also in ragged clothes, are obviously gangsters who escaped from the mountains behind. Now, these people are openly killing with guns on Huaxia's territory, which makes Wan Lin's heart suddenly rise with anger, and he immediately ordered the two groups of Chengru and Zhangwa under the mountain to kill them all. Order!

Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru, who were turning their heads to look at the top of the mountain, immediately made an "OK" gesture at the top of the mountain. The two followed with Kong Dazhuang, Lin Zisheng, Wang Dali, and Wen Meng respectively. Covered by a rock, he split up and quickly crawled to the foot of the mountain in front of him and the mountain in front of him.

With the murderous aura emerging from Wan Lin's body, the two leopards lying on the side rocks suddenly jumped out from the high rocks, and they landed and rushed down the steep hill in front of them. The two leopards rose and fell between the jagged rocks on the hillside, rushing straight down the steep hillside like two light smoke.

Bao Ya was lying on the rock on the top of the mountain and saw that Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru had already acted. He stared at the dark shadows in the distance and said in a low voice, "Leopard head, let's go too?"

At this time, Wan Lin had turned his gun to look at the mountains behind him. He heard Bao Ya's call for battle and replied in a low voice, "A few little thieves, let Lao Zhang and Lao Cheng deal with them. We are too far away, The battle is over before we can go over!" He followed Xiaoya and the others who were lying on the rock and moved the muzzle to the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, Xiaoya, Lingling, and Wu Xueying were already lying beside Yu Jing and the three expedition team members. The guns of several of them were aimed at the mountains in front of them. After the break, the two Yuwen brothers had turned around and lay under the rock, holding one hand. Aim your assault rifle behind you to prevent enemies from coming out behind you.

Wan Lin saw that Xiaoya's team had closely guarded Yu Jing and Professor Wang, so he moved the muzzle with confidence and aimed at the mountains in front of him.

The few boys who had just emerged from the mountain were carrying their guns and running towards the blue sheep that rolled down the hillside in front of them. It can be seen from their crooked footsteps that in this desolate mountain, these boys have not eaten nutritious food for several days, and their physical strength has been seriously exhausted.

Wan Lin's muzzle slowly followed the other side's figure. At this time, he and Bao Ya had already looked down and saw that there were a total of five boys who emerged from the back of the mountain, and several of them were wearing camouflage uniforms. The vest, the body armor hidden inside has been exposed in the damaged vest, and several people are not wearing bulletproof helmets on their heads.

If you don't pay attention, outsiders really think that these people are hunters who came to hunt in the mountains. But if you look closely, you can see that although the opponent's feet are staggering, they are still scattered among the mountains to maintain a fighting formation while running forward. Several people raised their assault rifles to observe the surroundings while running, and their movements seemed skillful. , Obviously, these people must have received professional military training. In order to conceal their identities, they deliberately put bulletproof vests under their coats and threw away bulletproof helmets. Their purpose is to During the escape, outsiders mistakenly thought that they were hunters who entered the mountains, escaping the pursuit of our border guards.

At this moment, the boy who ran to the foot of the mountain in front of him suddenly turned his head and looked at the mountain behind him. He raised his gun on the rock and aimed at Wan Lin and the others. The four people behind him also immediately slumped under the surrounding rocks. Several of them raised their guns to the side and rear at the same time, and then pulled the bolts.

Wan Lin clearly saw the opponent's movements on the top of the mountain, and a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes! He has already seen that the direction the other party is aiming at is exactly the two leopards appearing and disappearing among the undulating rocks! At this moment, the pure white fur on Xiaobai's body was shimmering with a lustrous sheen in the sun, and its ups and downs rushing past have been discovered by the other party.

Just when the two leopards appeared four or five hundred meters away from each other, a faint flame suddenly flashed from the hillside behind the boys. The boy in the front raised his gun and aimed at the two leopards. Flying out from under the rock, a red blood mist followed from above his head.

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