Panther Commando

Chapter 4001: lots of cash

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Wan Lin saw where Lin Zisheng and Wen Meng were guarding, and immediately ordered Bao Ya in a low voice, "You take Xiao Hua to the front two kilometers to be alert." "Yes!" Bao Ya replied in a low voice, and ran to the front with a gun. Beside Zhang Wa and a few others, he lowered his head and called to Xiaohua who was walking around a few corpses, "Xiaohua, come with me."

Xiaohua raised her head and glanced at Wan Lin who was following behind, then turned around and followed Bao Ya to the mountains in front of her. Xiaobai also raised his head and glanced at Xiaoya and the others who were running behind, and it immediately ran towards Xiaoya with its big white tail shaking.

Wan Lin and Feng Dao strode to the foot of the mountain ahead, and the two looked down at the five figures lying among the rocks. The three boys who were hit by the snipers fell on their backs among the rocks, their heads had turned into blood gourds, and the soft-brimmed hats on the heads of the three had already flown to the rocks next to them.

The other two boys who were hit by Dali and Kong Dazhuang's machine guns were lying on the rocks behind. The back of their heads and backs were dripping with blood, and the dark gray rocks had been dyed red. The bloodstains filled in the surrounding rock crevices were reflecting a dark red light in the sunlight.

Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xiaoya and the others who were running, and he followed the order: "Lingling, Wu Xueying, take Professor Wang and the others to rest, stay away, don't come over."

"Yes!" Lingling and Wu Xueying looked up at the **** scene in front of them and replied, and they followed Professor Wang and turned around and walked towards the side of the mountain. They understood that Wan Lin was worried that Professor Wang and the three would not be able to accept the **** scene in front of them, so they quickly let Professor Wang and the three escape from here to prevent them from being frightened.

At this time, Xiaoya had already reached out and hugged Xiaobai who was rushing towards him. She hugged Xiaobai and walked to Wanlin's side together with Yu Jing. Yu Jing stared at Zhang Wa and Cheng Ru who were squatting in front of them to examine the corpses. She asked in a hurried voice, "Have you found any meteorite fragments on them?"

Zhang Wa and the others raised their heads and looked at Yu Jing and shook their heads. They followed and stood up with a backpack. Zhang Wa walked to Wan Lin, reached out and took out a few passports from the backpack and reported, "Leopard. Head, these five people were shot dead on the spot. They were all wearing bulletproof vests under their coats. They were deliberately disguised as travelers or hunters. They all had Asian faces and were carrying m16 automatic rifles. We have searched them carefully. There are no meteorite fragments found on them. This is the passport in their backpack, I can't read the text inside, it should be a foreign passport. Mr. Yu, take a look." He handed the passport to Yu Jing. past.

Yu Jing stretched out her hand and took a few passports handed over by Zhang Wa and looked at it. Then she raised her passport and looked at the sunlight carefully. She handed the passport to Xiaoya next to her and said, "This is a fake travel passport from a neighboring country. With this inability to determine their identities and nationalities, you should also take a look."

She followed Wan Lin and said in surprise: "They are using the m16 automatic rifle, which is a weapon used a lot by the M army. Did they also send someone here?"

Wan Lin glanced down at the several automatic rifles scattered next to the corpses, shook his head and replied: "The M army is involved in wars everywhere, and it is also a big arms sales country, so this standard weapon has spread all over the turmoil area around the world. Now we can't With the weapons used by these boys, we can determine the origin of these people."

At this time, Cheng Ru, who was squatting beside a corpse on the side, stood up and said, "Judging from the actions of these people just now, these people have received military training, and they have always maintained a fighting formation while running, and they are very vigilant. high."

He then raised his hand and pointed at the blue sheep lying on the hillside in front of him, and continued: "Just now the opponent was 400 meters away, and a single shot killed the moving blue sheep, which shows that these people have The marksmanship is very accurate, and the general skirmishers do not have such accurate marksmanship. Moreover, after our three snipers killed three enemies, the last two boys shot back quickly, which shows that they have a wealth of actual combat experience. "

As he said that, he pointed to the two corpses lying on the ground and said, "I looked at the faces of several people carefully just now. They are all between thirty and forty, and they should be veterans who have retired from the turbulent area. , or specially trained agents, who are also well equipped with weapons and equipment, carrying expensive satellite communication equipment and night vision equipment in their backpacks.”

Wan Lin looked at Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa and nodded, and then asked, "Do they consume a lot of ammo?" Zhang Wa immediately replied: "We have carefully checked their ammunition reserves, and they have consumed about a third of them. , which shows that they have had several small-scale battles close to the impact point of the meteorite."

Zhang Wa said, took out a waterproof bag from the backpack he was carrying and continued: "In addition, this kid's backpack contains a lot of dollars, euros and our Chinese coins, some of which have coagulated blood and bullet holes. This should have been taken from the other people who were killed, and they would not come out with so much operational money."

When Yu Jing heard Zhang Wa's report, she stared angrily at the corpses and scolded in a low voice: "A group of gangsters who do all kinds of evil for the sake of money, they really deserve to die!"

Wan Lin heard Yu Jing's angry He glanced at the corpses coldly, and then ordered: "Dispose of these corpses, gather their weapons and equipment, and then Find a safe place to put it. By the way, make a clear mark, and then we will have the border guards send someone to deal with it, and we will take all the cash."

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and Zhang Wa replied in a low voice, then turned their heads and waved at Wang Dali who was standing beside them. They immediately carried a few automatic rifles scattered among the rocks and dragged the corpses to the side of the mountain. of low-lying places.

Wan Lin looked up at the steep mountain in front of him, then turned to look at Yu Jing and Xiaoya and said, "Judging from the situation of these boys, they should be armed personnel sent by some overseas institutions, otherwise they would not have any weapons on them. Such excellent equipment. However, it seems that they did not enter the core area of ​​the meteorite impact, and only ambushed some armed men who appeared in the mountains behind, plundering some of their money, but they did not get those precious meteorites Fragments."

Yu Jing nodded lightly when she heard Wan Lin's analysis, and then she stared at the automatic rifles that Cheng Ru and the others were carrying, and said, "Leopard head, those m16s are good, don't we take them away?" Looking at her greedy eyes, Ya smiled and said, "Sister Yu, aren't you tired? You still want to carry such a heavy guy on your back."

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